I get a single, lonely pickle in a small jar.

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We get down to the bottom floor, and I squeeze my way out.

It's a large dark, empty musty room, with only a few dim lights, and a desk right in the middle, under the brightest light.

There's a man in a tan trench coat, sat at the desk, looking incredibly bored, and playing with a Newton's cradle.

"Hey, Maurice!" Kacey shouts, "it's your lucky day!"
"Woah! They found a half breed!?"

Kacey let's go of my arm and pats my shoulder, "see ya!"

He goes back into the elevator.

Maurice waves, "hello!!"

His Tablet thing dings, "ooh! I just received your file! Come on over!"

I begin to walk over.

"What do your wings look like??"

I roll my shoulders back as I walk.

"Ooh!! That was so awesome!!"

When I eventually reach his desk, I sit down.

"Are you a He?" I ask.

"Im gender fluid, How about you?"
"I'm also gender fluid."
"Neat! Well, I'm Maurice!"
"Damien Jean. Why's this place so... empty?"
"Each floor is a separate group of creatures! So, flying creatures in one, snake type creatures in another, etcetera etcetera."
"Night bloods are flying creatures."
"Oh, well they go in the magic department."
"Are they as low as This?"
"Oh no, they're actually quite high up! It's just you and me down here!"
"Yeah... so, this floor is actually JUST for half breeds, and... you're the only one! So.. that's why there is so much space! Now I have someone down here, we could add things to this place! Maybe like... like plant pots, a mini jungle, or forest, filled with birds or snakes... preferably snakes! And maybe frogs too!"
"Sorry, I'm just really excited, no body has talked to me in years!"
"Okay. Are you human?"
"No, I'm a Dwarf Night Blood. Understandable why you think I'm a human though, considering my height. My wings are a very pale beige, if you were wondering!"
"You're Wings Are so pretty..."
"Thank you."
"Anyway! Im supposed to help you get your threat level below fifty, and then help you sustain that level, for at least a month!"
"Now, since your a Night Blood, I've been told that people won't act very nice towards you, and... yeah... sorry."
"It's not your fault."
"Okay! So! Um... I've never actually had someone to be a case worker for before, so... you're gonna have to bear with me!"
"Eventually, someone you know should get the location to where you are, and hopefully, come and collect you!"
"Anyone you know?"
"My husband."

He taps on his tablet, "eventually, your husband should be sent a message of your location, and come to collect you! We'll notify you when the location is sent."
"It's usually takes about two to three weeks for someone to come, but for Ethan the Gorgon, he's been here a few years and that's because his boyfriend works here."
"I'm starving, let's go get a snack!"
"Sure. Can we take the stairs though?"
"Okay, but also, why?"
"I'm claustrophobic..."
"That's okay! Sure, we'll take the stairs!"

We get up and I roll my shoulders forward.

I then realise that that drawing of the half breed of the poster somehow reminded me of myself...

Maurice brings me to what's called the snack hall, and we get in line.

When we get to the servers, the person serving looks at me, and then my wrist band, "let me see?"

I hold it up.

He frowns slightly and hands me a small jar with a green thing in it, in vinegar.

When Maurice gets his food, we go back down to his large empty office.

I put my jar on the desk, "what is this?"
"A pickle!"
"Oh. I've never had one of those before, are they nice?"
"Well, I think so! I got an egg banjo."

I try to open the jar. Usually Kes opens the jars for me.

How did kes get it open??

I hit the lid against the edge of the desk and try to open it again.

I hold it towards Maurice, "could you open this for me?"
"You're a Half breed, super strong and intelligent and powerful and dangerous, and you can't open a jar?"

"No." I say, straight faced and honestly.

He opens the jar with ease and hands the jar back.

I take out the pickle and shake off the excess liquid into the jar.

I bite the pickle. It has a weird taste, but tastes okay.

When I'm finished I put the jar on the desk, "what am I supposed to do with the jar?"

Maurice shrugs, snaps his fingers and then the jar disappears, "just poof it away, I guess! Now! We need to get you to Alvin!"

We go back up several flugs of stairs and to a room.

A man frowns at me, "you the half breed?"

"Um... Yeah..."

He hold up small binding chains, "hold up your wrists?"

I hold up my wrists.

"There's already binding chains on there. Why?"
"Long Story..."
"I've got a while."
"Um... I accidentally hurt my brother now sister when we were practicing magic when I was nine and he now she was thirteen. I never wanted to use magic again..."
"Okay. And other half breeds in your family?"

"No." I lie.

I'm a really good lier. I mean, all my family believes I'm okay and don't have a fatal illness that will pester me for eternity because I can't fucking die.

Maurice smiles, "you can go back to your room, we're done for today. Be back at my office by seven am tomorrow!"

He leaves and I go all the way back up to me and Ethans room.

"Hey Damien Jean."
"Hello Ethan."
"I sssaw you in the sssnack hall, what'd you get?"
"A pickle in a jar."
"That it?"
"Wow. I know thessse people don't like your kind, but I didn't know they hated them that much."
"Why do they hate Half breeds?"
"Caussse they're over powered and have the potential to dessstroy the entire world."
"Yep. They're kinder to other Night Bloodsss though."
"I noticed. My Case worker is a Dwarf Night Blood."
"Yeah, they give other kinds of Night Bloods Jobsss and good food and awesome rooms, and the floor they are on with their cassse workers isss absolutely amazing! I once got a sssneak peek and it is so cool in there, there'sss crystals and thingsss. Becaussse it's the magic department and crystalsss can be associated with magic. I'm in the sssnakesss department. Caussse of my little guysss. What'sss the half breed department like?"
"It's a really vast room, just a little taller than me, and there's dim lights. The brightest being in the middle, hanging over a single desk."
"Yeah, my case worker suggests we make a mini jungle or forest down there and have snakes and reptiles and things in it."
"Sssounds pretty cool. Your location been sssent yet?"
"No, Maurice said that done notified when it was."
"Okay. Wanna know how I got here?"
"I wasss just walking through the park, and I think a lady noticed my hair was actually mini sssnakes ssso ssshe called here and they came and took me away and then I found out my boyfriend, who'sss a vampire, wasss working here, ssso I stayed. My dadsss a vampire too. And my mom is a Gorgon, turned vampire by my dad and they tried to get me to marry thisss girl vampire, but I'm gay. Ssso I started dating Kacey in sssecret and then he told me he wasss a vampire and I introduced him toy parents and they let me keep dating him. We're getting married next month! You can come if you want?"
"I'd love too."

He reaches into a draw, and pulls out an envelope, "I hereby invite you, to my wedding!"

He hands me the envelope and I smile...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now