A chance

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*authors note. Later in the chapter, it mentions Damien Getting a message on Instagram, with something along the lines of "I spent a few hours making this, look." And then a link. I got a message like this once, put in my password and my account was hacked and it sent the same message to about a hundred people and I had to change my password. Let Thisbe a warning to you.*

I get home with the shopping, and Mina is getting ready to go out with Dan.

"Where are we going?"
"Find out what the baby is."
"Wonderful! Do I get to come?"
"Dan says you should stay home and make sure the snow doesn't destroy the house or something."
"Oh, okay..."
"Sorry, but you'll be the first to know when we get back!"
"Okay then..."

I smile, a little disappointed that I can't come.

Mina hugs me, "I'm hoping it's a boy if you were wondering."

I smile again and then, once they're ready, they both leave.

I put away the shopping and get out of my layers and into one of the jumpers my father brought me, Jeans and a different pair of thick socks.

These ones are yellow, my favourite colour. They go quite well with the dark and black everything else.

Clarification. I am not a goth. That is not why I wear so much black or dark grey or dark coloured (mostly dark blue) clothing.

I wear clothes like this because my skin is literally white. Whiter than snow. I am more white than snow who're and her last name is white!

But anyway. I don't wear light clothing, because if I was to wear, for instance, a white shirt, you might not be able to see it at first glance.

There. Clarification given. (For any readers who might have been confused.)

I sit on the sofa in front of the fire and scroll through Instagram.

I get a new message from someone with a message along the lines of, "this took me a few hours to make please look..." and then a link to something.

I click on the link and it's asking for my Instagram password.

"No thank you, I am not doing that."

I get a notification from Instagram. Something about getting verified.

Does Instagram send you notifications to ask if you want to be verified? Hang on, I've requested to be verified about a hundred times now and they keep declining. I click the notification and it makes me put in the same information I've put in every other time I've requested a verification.

Now to wait up to thirty days!

I continue scrolling through Instagram, looking through comments I've gotten.

One person says that my relationship with Dan won't last because all of my relationships fail.

It scares me that they could be right...

I don't remember exactly when I fell asleep, but Mina woke me up and held out her hands, curled up into fists.

"Left or right?"
"Um... left..."

She opens up her left hand and there's nothing in it, "wrong one!"

She then opens up her left hand and a blue pompon rolls about.

"It's a boy!" She exclaims happily, hugging me.

There's a knock at the door, so Mina let's go of me and I answer it.

"Uh... hey?"
"Who are you?"
"Minas ex boyfriend. Why? You her new boyfriend?"
"I'm her father's boyfriend."
"Well... can I see Mina?"

I shut the door and go to Mina, "your ex is here."

She sighs.

Someone clears their throat and I turn around.

It's Minas ex.

"What are you doing in here?" I ask.
"It's cold outside. Or have you been asleep the past two months?"
"Don't get cocky with me, young man, or I'll throw you out into the snow!"

He looks at the floor and shuffles his feet sheepishly, "so... Mina... is it a boy or girl?"
"Thought maybe... you could give me another chance... I'll... I'll be a great dad! I promise!"
"You will?"
"Yeah! I'll be an awesome dad! And an awesome boyfriend or husband! And, you know me, I'm actually pretty smarter than I act, so I'd get a good job. Before the baby is born. I'll get a good job and a house or something for us. Also... I was drunk when you told me."
"You were drunk?"
"Yeah.... My dads birthday..."
"So... uh... can you give me a chance?"
"I don't know, Day, what do you think?"
"Woah! His names Day? That's actually pretty cool! I'm just Ted."
"It's actually Damien Jean but his dads nickname for him is DayJay so we call him Day."
"Oh. Still a cool name either way."
"It is. So, Day?"

I look at Ted.

He looks at me pleadingly.

"I say we give him a chance."
"Okay T, you get a chance. one chance. Blow it, we're done okay?"

Ted hugs Mina, "so, we having a boy or a girl?"
"A little boy."
"Ooh! We could totally call him day, and then if we eventually have a daughter, we could call her Luna!"
"That's adorable."
"And if we do call him Day, he's sort of named after your dads boyfriend!"
"Yeah, I guess he would be."
"I love you so much!"
"I love you too T, I love you too."...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now