I "conquered" my fears

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Two to three weeks.

It's been two and a half weeks since my location was sent. I've been beaten up nine times since it was sent.

I call kes, when I'm in me and Ethans room.

"Hey hun."
"Hey... I was told two and a half weeks ago that my location was sent to you?"
"Yeah, I'm still figuring out a way to get there."
"I'll come and collect you when I figure it out."
"Okay. Don't leave me here, okay?" I joke.

"I won't, I promise."

"I'll hold you to that." I laugh half heartedly.
"Okay. I have to go now, but I'll call you later, okay?"
"Okay. I l-"

He hangs up.

I'm still hopeful that he will come and get me. After all, they're putting me through trials next week.

Two to three weeks.

He'll come before the third weeks over.

I know he will.

He'll come before the trials, and he'll get me out of this place.

After all, he promised he would...

I'm thrown against the Wall.


It's the trials. I'm still here.

It's the trials where I'm supposed to try and conquer my fears. The top five fears. They start with worst, and then the least worst is the last one you are put through. But they can't risk me losing control, so they're only putting me through the first three. Raped, abused, and tight spaces.

It's basically entertainment for everyone else because the moderators stream it all throughout the Academy and they all get to see me suffer.

I cower against the wall, crying and the man they have as the rapist grabs me and pins me to the wall.

I scream and cry and shout, trying to break free but they picked an incredibly strong man, and I can't break free.

He hurts me. Worse than I've ever been hurt before, and he leaves me, on the floor, when the moderators finally tell him to stop.

I curl up, trying to cover up my naked body with my clothes.

I'm carried out on a stretcher and brought to the medical room. and the moderators have the audacity to come in and "check up" on me.

I ignore them.

"Well," one of them says, "you'll continue to go though the trials until you manage to conquer your fears."

My eyes widen in fear, and I continue to look away from them, "please don't put me through that again..."
"Your next trial is abuse. Conquer that fear and you won't have to go through it again. You begin it in an hour, so be back in the trial room by then."

I don't respond. They're going to do this in one day? I fucking hate this...

I'm made to sit at a table.

Someone else walks Into the trial room. It's a different man, and he's drunk this time.

He walks unsteadily over and swings at next but I duck and fall of the chair.

I quickly get back and walk away from him, "don't come near me!"

He walks closer and punches me and I fall the the floor.

I crawl back but he then pins me down and punches me over and over, screaming insults to my face and I try to push him off.

Again, he stops when the moderators tell him too, and I go back to the medical room, and after an hour, I'm in the trial room again and a different man walks up to me, and forces me into a small cabinet as I protest and scream at him and try to get out but then he quickly pushes me in, locks the doors and I shout to be let out.

I'm bunched up and have barely any space to move.

I'm in such an uncomfortable position.

I can barely breathe.

I'm pretty sure I'm hyperventilating. And having a panic attack.

Someone pounds their fists against the side of the cabinet where my head is and I scream.

Soon, multiple people are hitting and shaking the cabinet and I burst into tears.

It feels like the cabinet is shrinking and my air supply is shortening quickly and my heart is beating faster and I'm my breathing is getting faster and the banging is getting louder and the shaking is becoming more turbulent and the the cabinet is knocked over, doors down and now I'm trapped.

I scream and scream and until I eventually can't scream anymore and I pass out...

I awake in my room, the events of the day playing over and over in my head.

How many more times are they going to put me through this? It can't be That many times, right?...

Every day for almost three years.

I eventually learned the three men's patterns. And I broke the pattern, by learning their every move, and I fought back and I was told I conquered my fears.

I didn't conquer them.

But as long as they think I did, they won't put me through it again.

I'm sat on my bed and I call kes, "why aren't you here?"
"Damien, I'm sorry, I've been caught up in everything."
"I will come and get you at some point, I just don't know when."
"Do you promise?"
"Of course I do."
"Say it."
"If you promise you'll eventually come and get me, say it."
"I promise I will come and get you at some point."
"I've been here for years, Kes. You'd better come soon because I can't handle this place anymore. Do you know what it can do to people?"
"Yes, and I'm sorry and I will. I'll come, I swear. Just bear with me. Okay?"
"I love you."

I hang up.

If he loves me he'd be here already. He knows what this place does...

I'm sat in Maurices office. There's quite a few potted plants, and there's more lizards and snakes.

Some of the potted plants are trees now.

Maurice finally arrives, "sorry I'm late!"
"At least you apologise..."
"What do you mean?"
"I thought he'd be here by now..."
"Look, im sure he'll come eventually. Do you need a hug?"

I nod and quietly say yes.

He gets up and and walks around the desk to me, and hugs me. I burst into tears.

"It's okay, just let it all out..."

He lets me cry for as long as I need to and doesn't complain when I press my face against his chest....

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