I get Drunk on my birthday

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The big two double 0.

Steph had left my life some decades ago when he decided that he wasn't ready for a relationship as cosmic as a one would be with me.

His words, not mine.

In other words, I'm too glorious for him.

Oh well, his loss!

I would have given Mike a chance but he got involved in a marriage of convenience. And so now, can not fuck me because he's married.

Guess he can still, but... if anyone found out it would be hell.

I don't need that sort of attention.

I'm at the pub right now, just having a drink. Celebrating my birthday by myself because I don't want anyone else to celebrate with me.

The bartender walks over, "another drink?"
"Yeah, why not?"
"Okay, but this is your third."
"You trying to get drunk?"
"Yeah, don't think I ever have before."
"Well shit, I'll bring you over three then."

I laugh, "thank you."

He smiles and wanders off...

"Ooh, shit!" I say, falling over.

Someone catches me.

Oh hey, it's the guy I've been flirting with the whole night!

He was flirting back, too...

He smiles, "you drunk, love?"
"Ehehe... yeaaaahhhh...."

He chuckles, "how about I take you home?"
"Kaaaayyy I'll tell you my address when we... are... innnn... the car!"

We go outside and I manage to find my car. I unlock it, get into the passenger seat and give him my keys.

I then tell him my address and he begins driving.

"I'm Damien...Jean."
"I'm Erick."
"Erick. That's a pretty name..."

I begin chuckling to myself, and then when we get to my house, he helps me out of the car, I get out my house keys try to unlock the door.

"Fucking lock... just- just get in the- fff!!!"

Erick takes the key and unlocks it for me.

I then take my car keys and house keys back and set them in the keys dish.

I fall over trying to get my shoes off, "Can... can you lock the door, maybe?"
"Sure. Erm... mind if I stay the night? I ain't really got anywhere to be at the moment."
"Nah, is... s'fine!"

He locks the door and then helps me with my shoes.

I go to one of the stairs and begin to climb up, but I lie down, the stairs feeling wobbly under my feet.

"You good?"
"Need help?"

Erick walks up the stairs towards me and helps me up.

I direct him to my room, and then I begin getting undressed.

"Oh, I- I should probably go and... and find a spare room to sleep in!"
"Could always sleep next to me..."

I struggle to get my buckle undone, "little help?"

"Oh, uh..."

He walks over and hesitantly unbuckles my belt.

I then take it off, pull down my jeans and lay down on the bed.

He gets my duvet from scrunched up at the end of the bed and lays it over me, "good night."
"Can... can you... stay with me?"
"Um... Sure!"

He strips down to his boxers and gets under the duvet with me.

I turn to him and put my hand on his chest and quickly fall asleep...

I wake up in the morning and my head is pounding.

"Ugh, shit..."

Did I get I drunk last night?

The door opens and someone walks in.

Wait, I recognise him.

He's the guy who took me home last night. Eren? Rick?

"Hey! I made you some coffee. I don't know how you like it, so I just put two teaspoons in and no milk or sugar. I also brought up some water and paracetamol, and your friend gave me some other medication that you need to take. I brought it up in a little cup."
"You are so kind..."

He puts my medication down first, and gets the water bottle from his pocket.

He then gets a coaster out of his pocket too and then puts my coffee down.

I take all the medication with a mouthful of the coffee.

I then lay down on my back and run my hand down my face, "if you hadn't stayed last night... I'd be a hungover mess probably throwing up in the loo..."
"Why were you getting drunk anyway?"
"I don't know... fun I guess."
"Oh. So... you weren't celebrating anything?"
"No." I lie.
"Okay. Do you have a job you should be going to?"
"Not today, no. And I quit my job as a professor because one of my coworkers wouldn't stop being creepy."

He looks at his watch, "speaking of creepy coworkers, I've got to be at the studio in and hour."
"Filming studio, I'm in a film."
"Oh, cool. Are you allowed to bring people with you?"
"Yeah, wanna come?"
"We'll need to head to mine first so I can get a change of clothes."
"Okay, I'll get dressed."

I sit up too quickly and my head starts spinning, "oh shit."

Erick holds me steady, "you good?"

I wait until my head stops spinning to respond, "yeah, I'm good now."

I wave my hand at the wardrobe and Erick walks over to it, "what am I looking for?"
"I don't know, you choose what I wear today."
"Hmm... "

he takes out a long sleeved dress with faint sparkles. The skirt of it is fading to transparent, it looks like the fabric is dissolving into nothing.

It's also shoulder-less and low cut, and black.

Like most of my clothing.

"This is pretty? Maybe this?"
"Forgot I had that! It was an anniversary present."
"You're married?"
"Not anymore. My ex husband was a bitch."
"As in He... did he ever hurt you?"
"Don't tell anyone but yes."
"He thought I broke something that I made him, for our first anniversary."
"That's mean."
"Yeah, most times it was one little hit and I ignored it, but that time he beat the shit out of me. I never told anyone... he'd sometimes give me a light slap, but it still hurt my feelings... and I never mentioned it until now..."

I take the dress, get up and put it on, hoping the previous topic isn't dragged out.

I give it a little twirl, "what do we think?"
"It suits you!"
"Shame Kes doesn't get to see me in this, I look good! And The skirt is so fun!"
"It looks like it fades into your legs!"

I chuckle and get out my most fabulous heels. The ones with the black diamond heels.

I put them on, and we both head downstairs...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now