Coffee burns and snow... also burns.

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The new director decided it was going to be a series. And he gave the hero a boyfriend. And gave that boyfriend a brother.

Who is played by the deep voices macho man who called me an all gender freak. But he's okay with me now, and said I'd do great!

I also play the boyfriend, but he isn't as mentioned as the hero and the villain are, and they'll use CGI or something to make me slightly shorter when I'm playing the boyfriend.

And the director (he eventually told us his name was Terry, short for Terrence) decided that he wanted his hero to be, obviously kind and caring and heroic and loyal and strong on the outside, but when he's at home with his boyfriend, he gets abusive.

I won't tell you anymore of the plot because I don't want to spoil anything.

But I love teasing people on Twitter.

I tweeted that I couldn't wait for them to meet me in the show cause I'd be shorter and that was it. And so many people asked so many questions.

And I said nothing. I just gave them the side eye emoji.

In the filming of the first episode, Terry approached me, "okay, first of all you look fabulous in that dressing gown! Second, we're sorry, but you are going to have coffee thrown at you. It might ruin the dressing gown."
"Oh. It's okay, I can take it."
"You sure? That looks like a really expensive dressing gown."
"It was expensive. I've got another. There other one is actually much better quality, and that one has gold on it, so it's better that this one makes the sacrifice."...

It hurt.

They didn't tell me it was going to be boiling hot fucking coffee. I thought maybe they'd pause the filming, take out the hot one and replace it with cold and then unpause and Chuck the cold coffee at me.

It was so fucking hot. There's this large grey patch on my shoulders and chest and streaks running down and on my fucking necks I stood in a cold shower for literally an hour.

Hey, it sort of goes with this grey patch I have on my back shaped sort of like a sting ray. Turns out im allergic to coconut and when I went to the spa, they had this coconut rub stuff and I didn't know I was allergic to coconut at the time and it cause a rash.

It looks like a sting ray, because when they were making the tail down my spine, I realised my back was burning and stinging and they quickly washed it off and I don't know what it did, but they ended up having to use an EpiPen and it calmed down after a few hours.

I'm behind set, and we're all having a break.

Terry runs up to me, "I'm so sorry, I should've warned you! Are you okay!?"
"Yeah, I'm fine."

He looks at the grey patches on my skin, "I'm sorry..."

I take him by the shoulders, "hey, it's okay! Come here!"

I hug him.

He looks up at me, with his chin against my chest.

"Listen, it didn't hurt that bad, and I'm fine now. So you're okay."

I m sat in a cafe, when all of a sudden, I feel something boiling hot on my arm and I scream in pain and stand up.


I turn around to see a woman holding an empty mug.

"That's for being a man and wearing a dress whilst my son is present!"

This lady hits her around the back of her head, "you do not throw coffee at people, Karen!"
"How did you know my name?"

The lady takes me by the arm, "my house is only a street away, you can have a cold shower there."
"Thank you."

She Leads me out and once o grab my things and leads me to hers and I go into the bathroom and have the shower on really cold.

It relieves the burning on my arm...

I hate the snow.

I hate walking long distances in the snow.

I hate the snow because I was not expecting it to snow today, because it had been nice and sunny all day, and I went to the studio, and started walking the several miles walk back home, from the studio, in a short cut, slim fit black dress and heels and thin tights, because I thought, hey! It's sunny! I won't need the car, and I have strong legs! Walking ten plus miles to the studio and and ten plus miles back from the studio won't be a problem.

Boy, was I wrong. I was half an hour into the walk before, Boom! Snow! The snow was so heavy, I could barely see.

At some points, my heels kept getting stuck in the snow, and I got really angry at them and took them off. It actually felt nice to have cold feet, until I could barely feel my feet.

I tried to walk as brisk as possible to keep my own body temperature up, but slowly but surely, the cold was getting to me and I became slower, barely moving a few feet a minute.

Eventually, I gave up.

I stumbled about a few seconds more before I fell to my knees.

I leaned against the side of a car, wrapping my wings around me, and curling up as small as possible.

My wings However, didn't give me any heat, and instead, kept in the cold.

So I hid my wings, as there was no point.

And it felt like the cold was burning my skin.

After what seemed forever, I felt the car door behind me open slightly and I opened my eyes and moved out of the way.

Someone put there head out the door, "hey, you want to sit in here?"

I quickly got up and sat in the car, closing the door.

"Must have been freezing out there!"
"You ha-have no... I-I-idea."

He turned the heating on, "you can stay the night at mine, yeah? Saves you having to walk however long to get to yours."
"It w-would have been s-several more miles to go."
"How many?"
"Around eight?"
"Sheesh! Let's get you to mine and put you in front of the fire!"

I think I fell asleep after that.

He woke me up, "we're here!"

He got out of the car, unlocked the door of his house, and trudged all the way round to my side and opened the door.

I immediately got out and darted inside the house.

He soon followed after, and laughed, "someone can't wait to be warm!"

He helps me up, "let's get you to that fire, ay?"

He leads me to a room with a fire place and sit on the sofa in front of it.

"I'm Dan." He says, sitting next to me.
"Damien Jean."

Thats two Dans I know now.

I lean back, grateful I am now warm.

I soon fall asleep...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now