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Ingrids POV:

I find Casey in his study, with his head on the desk. He's not asleep but he is crying.

"Caddy, Darling, what's wrong?"
"I know how Damien felt now..."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I... you know what my father was like, he was cruel to all of my brothers and me. He hurt us so much, and I had forced those memories out of my mind and forgotten them, and then when I found my father with Damien and Ves, and he hit Damien, I... I was reminded of what happened growing up and- and I... I know how Damien felt because I was hurtful to him, like my father was hurtful to me and my brothers."
"But you aren't now. You love Damien, and all of our children very much."

I hug him and kiss the top of his head, "don't worry. If you ever want your father gotten rid of, I will be happy to assist."
"I already threatened that if he touched Damien or Ves ever again I'd kill him."
"Good. How many brothers do you have?"
"Vespian, Hextian, me, Forta, and Jack."
"So there's five of you, like the kids."
"Cool. There's only me and Mara."

We're silent for a few minutes.

"Also I'm pretty sure lu has a crush on you."

Cas goes bright pink and wide eyed, "explain?"
"Oh, he just seems to Fawn over you like nobodies business. He talk about you for hours and hours and he just follows you around completely In awe and he-"

"Inn!!" I hear Lu shout, "YOU BETTER NOT BE TELLING HIM!! I wanted too!!"

Cassy goes even redder.

Lu pops his head round the door, "you told him, didn't you?"
"I knew it!!"
"I'm going to leave you two to kiss. Ciao!"

I get up and leave the room...

I knock on Cassy's study door, "cassy?"
"Uh... yes?"
"I think Lord May may be flirting with me."
"Okay? Why you telling me? If you like him, go for it!"
"Excuse me, are you just trying to get you to go away?"
"Then can I come in?"
"Uh... we're kinda... or we were busy."
"Ah. I'll leave then! Ciao!"

I leave...

Damiens POV:

I shiver and get up. Kes is sat in a big armchair by the fire with a book and I go over and cuddle him, getting in the way of his book, "kes, hun, it's so cold!"

"Aw, are you cold baby?"

I nod.

He kisses my forehead, "I'll keep you warm, don't worry!"

He puts the book down and hugs me.

He then manages to get the blanket from next to him and wraps it around us both.

I squish my cheek against his warm chest.

"Awww, my baby purrs!" He exclaims, "you're so cute!"

I kiss his chin and then lay my head against his chest.

It's so comfy here. I don't want to move...

I wake up and kes isn't with me.

I'm curled into a ball against the back part of the arm chair.

I blink twice, my eyes trying to adjust to the room.


I wait.


He walks in, "oh, you woke up."
"Yes. Where were you?"
"On the loo."
"Are you done now?"
"Can you come back now?"
"Of course!"

He walks over and I hold out one side of the blanket. He gets under and curls up next to me.

I tuck my head under his chin, "I want a another child..."

I can hear Kes' heart beat get a bit faster, "another?"

I nod.

He kisses the top of my head, "we can have as many children as you like."

I smile and kiss his chin....


I run into the bathroom and two twins look up at me, "oh my god look at them!"
"I name one, you name the other. The one with my eyes is Lucifer. So we can call him Lucy for short!"
"Okay, well... is the one with my eyes a girl or boy?"
"Okay, her names Hope."
"Lucifer and Hope!"

He picks up lucifer and I pick up hope, "hello my baby bird."

They both have dark brown hair, with white streaks and there wings are like hawks wings. They have sharp eyes too, they get that from me, although Lucy's eyes are red, like Kes' and Hopes are pale gold like mine.

She grabs my face. And stick out her tongue.

I stick out mine.

She pokes it.

"Kes, if we have any more kids in the future, do you think any of them will ever have skin as white as mine? Or will they all have the same pale skin as you?"
"Who knows?"

I look back at hope and I kiss her nose.

I hear quick little panting noises coming down the hall and they stop at the door and I hear hopping.

I hand hope to Kes and open the door, "oh hey Toni, how come your late?"
"I-I texted you I was going to be."

He grabs my arm and drags me out of the bathroom and a few feet away.

I check my phone, "oh yeah, you did! How was the sleepover?"
"Um... Good! Good good!"
"What did you and josh do?"
"Um... stuff?"

His cheeks go slightly pink.

"Tell me," I smirk, "did. This... 'stuff', include his parents not being home, dim lighting and a bed?"

His cheeks go even more pink, "m-maybe?"

"Proud of you, Toni, I'm real proud."

"What's happening?" Kes asks.
"Tonis all grown up now."
"Ooh! Congratulations, little man! You've earned yourself some sunglasses! The cool looking ones to, that spies where! Like James Bond! Ugh, Daniel Craig..."
"Well I know who I'm dressing as for Halloween."
"I love you too."

He wanders off with the twins.

"Oh yeah, you have little siblings now. Lucy and Hope."
"Are th-They both girls?"
"No, Lucy is short for lucifer."
"Yep. Pretty awesome."...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now