Everybody knows now

10 4 3

It's break time Josh is still at mine because he felt sick this morning so Nomy let him stay off.

someone whispers something that feel down.

"Apparently he has a crush on Josh. He's got no chance! A loser like him with a popular boy like Josh? Nah, I don't see it happening."

I pretend like I didn't hear it.

"Did you see Katie's Instagram post? The weird kid has a crush on Josh!"

I go onto Instagram and see several messages from her.

I completely forgot about what she said.

I look at her latest post.

It has words on it and I try to make it out;

'Anyone know the weird kid Toni? Barely anyone. Still, I found out that he has a crush on Josh the Not yet Jock!
Crazy, right? Lmao'

I look through some of the comments.

Lol sure. Like Josh would ever like him back🤪.

Tonis a clown lmaoooo 🤡🤡🤡

Hahahahaha!!!XDXDXD your joking besfen, you gotta be. That funny af lol😂

He has no chance lmfao

Fucking loser lol

Why should he even bother? He's a loser and nobody likes him. Toni should just go off himself if you ask me.🤡🔫

Omg Lol you can't say that😂

Did already lol


Lololol 🤡🔫

Toni is stupid like legit he can't even read 😜

Why are people so mean to him

Cause we can be lol

Someone said he should kill
him self

Yeah? So?

What if he actually did

Nobody would care lmao

🤡🔫🤡🔫🤡🔫 #ClownKillSelf

Omg lol


#clownKillSelf lol

I scroll through more comments of people commenting that hashtag and I turn of my phone and sit against my locker crying.

Someone grabs my shoulder and pulls me up.

I don't know who it is.

"Hey loser."

I look at the floor. He grabs my jaw and lifts my head up to face him.

"I said, Hey loser."
"I-I don't know you."
"I know you don't. But you will. I'm Kai, got it?"

He punches me in the stomach, "Josh'll never return your feelings!"

He the then slams my ahead against the locker and storms off.

I slump down to the floor in a sort of Teddy bear position. I bring my knees up to my chin and don't know what else to do...

I'm sat outside the principals office.

I got beaten up and then someone blamed it on me for apparently provoking them and I'm panicking because I didn't actually do anything and I'm going to get in trouble for nothing and if they call my parents then I don't know how they'll react and they might yell at me and I've already been yelled at by a teacher who doesn't like me and she believed the person who blamed me and so I'm going to get into trouble and I'm scared and I can barely breath and I've had a bad day and I'm just really upset and I never even did anything except liking someone and now everyone hates me.

The principal walks out of the office, "can you come in here for a second?"

I get up, and my ankle hurts.

I limp into the office and sit as far away from the people who beat me up as possible.

"Right, Anthony."
"It... it's just... Toni..."
"Toni then."

How many times I have had to tell people my name is literally just Toni and not Anthony.

"So. Toni. Tell me, in your point of view, what happened."

"Ah ah ah, I didn't ask you two. I asked Toni."

He turns to me again, "Toni?"

I look up at him, trying to ignore the pain in my ankle, "I- I was just W...walking down t-the hall... and... and th-They... w...ere following me... an-and I d-didn't do an...anything..."
"And they beat you up?"

I nod.

"Okay. Well I've called Your dad, so he's coming here to pick you up."
"Wh-what about Nomy?"
"They damaged their ankle so they had to go to hospital."
"Boys, your parents will be here to collect you too, and you won't be coming in for the remainder of the week."

"Wait, what!?" They exclaim
"You beat up another student."
"That's not fair though!"
"And why not?"
"Did you have good reason to beat him up?"
"We... well..."
"No? Didn't think so. Now shut up until your parents get here."

After a few minutes, there's a knock at the door.

"Come in!"

My dads walks in and walks up to me, "Are you alright Toni?"

I nod.


He glared at the other two.

"Are you a cop?" One asks.
"Are you gonna arrest us?"
"If you touch my son again, just maybe. Come on Toni, let's go."

I stand and almost fall again.

"You okay?"
"M-my ankle... hurts..."
"Okay. They do that?"

I nod.

"What'd they do to it?"
"Stepped on it really hard wh-when I tried to crawl away."
"That's how Your Nomy Damaged their ankle during the military. They were bringing a note to one of their sides spies, who was on the other side, spying, and an enemy found them when trying to get out and hit his foot down on their ankle."
"What ha...happened to their ankle th-this time?"
"Someone tripped them up in a library and a whole bookshelf fell on their ankle. The one that got damaged."

We leave the office, "I thought that their bones where now..."
"Yeah, but they didn't think to actually fix their ankle or bone, they fixed every other but their ankle. So yeah. Their ankles pretty much broken again."...

When we get home, I limp over to Nomy in the living room and flop onto them.

"Hello my boy, how are you? School called, are you alright?"

I nod.

"Hey Damien, how come you aren't at the hospital?"
"Oh, they refused to help me because I'm foreign."
"Seriously? I thought people weren't like that anymore."
"Apparently some still are."
"So they didn't do anything for your ankle?"
"Well Shit. Also, you know how you damaged your ankle the first time round?"
"How could I forget?"
"These kids basically did the same thing to Toni. Except, Toni wasn't in the military, and wasn't giving a note to a spy."
"Oh, Toni are you alright?"

I nod again, "m-my ankle just hurts. Also... um... Katie... told everyone... about my crush on Josh..."
"Well that's not very nice!"

Josh walks into the room, "Toni... you... you like me?"...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now