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I hold Dan up.

He looks really disappointed in something, and won't make eye contact with me.

"Dan. Talk to me."

He's crying and he wipes his eyes.

Mina went back upstairs a few minutes prior.

He starts breathing a little faster and he falls.

I hold him and let him down slowly.

What do to do if someone faints. Lay them down, elevate their feet.

I find a few cushions and stack them up under Dan's legs.

Is that all?

I tip his head up, to clear his airways.

I accidentally cut my hand on something and clamp it shut, to decrease the pain.

"Shit, that hurt!"

When Dan comes to, I sit him on my lap and hug him, "are you okay?"
"I'm sorry..."
"For what?"
"I'm Just desperate..."
"But what are you sorry for?"

I feel his cold breath against my skin. 

"for this..." he whispers.

I feel something sharp dig into my neck and I'm filled with a sense of pain.

I can feel myself being drained of energy.

I try to pull away, but he won't budge. In fact, he latches on harder.

My hold on him gets looser and HE'S the one holding ME up now.

"Dan... please..."

I start to feel faint.
And dizzy.
And my limbs become limp.

I fall against him, and I pass out...

I wake up in Dan's bed.

I sit up, a little too quickly and feel a little dizzy.

I yawn and then stretch and get out of bed and stand.

"Dan?" I murmur.

He isn't in the room.

I slowly head downstairs and find him pacing back and forth in the living room.

"Dan, are you better now?"

He runs over to me, "are-are you okay!? I'm so so sorry, I-"

He looks up at me.

"Are you better now?"
"Then that's all that matters."
"And I'm fine. Do not worry about me."

My phone rings, "hello?"
"Hello DayJay!"
"Hello father, how are you?"
"Good! So! Does he love you?"
"I'd say so."
"That's great!"
"It is."...

I have to buy the things we need.

I get on my thick socks and snow boots, put a blazer on over my shirt and waist coat and tie, and then I get my trench coat and ushanka (a type of hat) and leather gloves and head out into the never ending snow storm with my wallet, phone, and a shopping bag, folded and tucked into an inside pocket of my trench coat.

Dan then comes out with a big thick black scarf to add onto all of my black attire. Except my socks. Those are red.

I thank him, put on the scarf and head into the snow storm.

I start trudging through the snow and after a while, I find the corner shop and push of the snow before going in.

"Honey, look! There's a chance for me to show of my Russian speaking skills!"
"Jay, he might not even be Russian."

"I know English." I say.

"Well, his accent is Russian?"

"I am Russian." I say, lowering my scarf.

"A Russian wearing makeup?" Jays female partner asks, "Ha! Yeah right."

"I am from Russia. Do you not believe me?"
"I'll believe it when I see your birth certificate."

"I'm sorry about her!" Jay says, "it was nice meeting you!"

They wander off and I ca my father, "hello."
"Hey DayJay!"
"Can you give me my birth certificate?"
"Sure! But also why?"
"This Woman does not believe I am Russian."
"Seriously? Is the accent not enough?"
"Apparently not."

My birth certificate appears In front of me.

"Thank you."
"Anytime! Be sure to poof it back when you're done!"
"Is that what we are calling it now? Poof?"
"Uh... Yeah!"
"Anyway, bye!"

He hangs up and I go and find the lady. I recognise Jay and walk over.

I tap his female partner on the shoulder.

"What?" She turns round, "oh, it's you."

I hold up my birth certificate.

"Your father is Russian and your step mother is also Russian."
"Yes and my birth mother was Romanian."
"So where were you born?"
"It says on the certificate."
"Russia. So you are Russian."

"I knew it!" Jay exclaims, "wait, do you just carry that around with you?"
"No, my father poofed it to me."
"Poofed it?"

I poof it away and my father sends a text that he has gotten it.

"Woah. What are you??"
"I'm a Half Bred Night Blood."

"A what!?" The woman asks

"A Half Bred Night Blood."
"I'm calling the CCA!"

"No no no, please don't! I can't go back there!" I exclaim, the fear in my voice rising.

"And why not?"
"Because I spent around fifty years in there and they tortured me!"
"Tortured you!? Fifty years!? Why that long? I thought they only kept people in for at most a few months."
"I'm a Half Bred Night Blood. They don't treat my kind fairly in there. Night Bloods don't need food, but they gave me barely anything compared to what other kinds of Night Bloods got."
"I'm... I'm sorry they did that to you..."
"Just- Just please don't call them. I can't go back their again."
"Okay okay, I won't call them."
"Thank you."

She hugs me, "I apologise if I scared you by saying I'd call them..."
"It's okay."

I then nod, leave, and get on with my shopping...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now