It's obvious

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Tonis POV:

It's the start of the school term, and people keep asking Josh why he's still friends with me.

It has been a few years so I'm sixteen now. But me and Josh decided we'd keep it a secret for a while? We were both okay with the idea.

I'm stood at my locker when someone taps my shoulder.

I turn around and it's Josh.

"Oh, H-hi jo-"

He kisses me.

He kisses me!

And then he hugs me, "I love you."

I press my face against his chest, "I l-love you too!"

I hear cheering from some people, look up and it's the football team that Josh is in.

"Awesome!" One of them exclaims.

Katie glares at me, "what!? That is not fair, you knew I had a crush on him!"

One of the football members gives her an odd look, "we're you literally the only one who didn't know he was gay? He's been open about it for years."
"Yeah, I'm surprised you didn't notice."

"Toni." Josh says, holding me at arms length, "I can officially call you my boyfriend."

He kisses my cheek, "but I need to head to the loo, so I'll see you in class, yeah?"

I nod.

"Love you!"

I smile at him and head to class.

When I get in, I wave to miss.

"Hello Toni, there's a new student in our class."

I look around and notice someone in Josh's seat. He looks angry.

I wave at him, "h-hi..."
"Hey. I'm mike."

I sit down and look at mike, "um..."

I point to the table, "j...Josh...."

"Oh," the teacher says, "oh yes, um... mike? Someone already sits there, I forgot to tell you. Please sit on the desk behind Toni."

Mike sighs, gets up and moves to the desk behind me.

Josh walks in with a few other students, "hey miss!"

He walks over to me, "hey Toni Bunny!"
"H-hi Josh!"

"Ohhhh," mike says, "you're Josh! Toni said your name when I was sat in your seat and I didn't know who he was in about."

"Who are you?" Josh asks

"I'm Mike. I'm new here."

At break, mike walks up to me, "hey Toni."
"H-hi mike..."
"You and Toni best friends or something?"
"I... uh..."
"You gonna answer the question?"

I don't answer, and instead, look at the floor.

He pushes me, "answer the damn question!"

I fall over and look up at him.

"Fucking idiot..."

He walks off.

I get up and run over to the trees and sit down.

I see Mike and Josh talking.

Josh calls to me and I run over and stand behind him.

"Come on Toni, he's not gonna bite."

I step out from behind him and look at the floor.

"Hey Toni." Mike says.

I continue to look at the floor.

"Sorry," Josh says, putting his arm around me, "Toni's a bit shy around new people."...

In P.E, i Walk over to the teacher.

"Hey Toni."
"H-hi... could I..."
"Sit out? Sure! Go sit on the bleachers."
"Thank you..."

I walk over to the bleachers and sit down.

After a few minutes I ask sir if Josh can sit with me.

Sir looks at Josh and Mike talking, "NEW KID!!! STOP DAWDLING!!! JOSH!! TONI HAS REQUESTED THAT YOU SIT WITH HIM!!!"

Josh runs over, "hey Toni Bunny, "you good?"

I nod.

I hold out the a book, "can you read this to me?"

Josh sits down next to me and turns to face me, and opens the book on his lap...

I'm waiting at the gate for Nomy to come and pick me up, and I see Mike stood a few feet to the left of me. 

Nomys car pulls up.

Mikes jaw drops when Nomy gets out and walks around the front of the car towards me, in a black vest and military cargo pants and military boots, and as always, their dog tags.

"Hello Darling!"
"I had enough time to fit in a ten mile jog before I came to pick you up, hence why I'm dressed like I've come straight out of a war."

I nod, "okay."

They hold open the passenger door, "hop in!"

I get in.

"Oh, hello!" Nomy exclaims, looking at Mike, "are you one of Tonis friends? I don't think I've met you before!"
"I... um.... I'm new here?"
"I'm Mike."
"Okay! Well, see you later Mike!"

Nomy gets in the car and drives away...

*sorry it's a short chapter*

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now