Uncle is watching

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Damiens POV:

I'm in the Kitchen, sat on the counter, when Kes walks in, home from work.

"Hey Damien."
"Hello my snow ball."

He stands in front of and kisses me, "ugh... I hated work today..."
"How so?"
"I was at the school, as usual, on patrol, and this kid had a whole argument about how patrolling isn't a real job. I said, do you want me to quit then? Because then, there's a more likely chance of people getting shot. And he was all like, we don't get shooters here. And I was like, oh really? Why do you think we're patrolling then? For the fun of it? And he just left. But it angered me so much and I haven't stopped thinking about it since."
"My poor little snow ball."

I kiss him and wrap my arms around his waist.

He puts his hands near my belt buckle.

I chuckle a bit, "careful snowball, those new neighbours of ours are watching."

Kes turns his head and looks out of the living room window and laughs when he notices Laura and John peeping there heads over the hedge with binoculars.

They're a nice couple, just very Christian and confused about the whole... gay thing. I once kissed Kes and told him I'd pick Toni up after school, and they asked, who's Toni? And obviously, he's our son so I said our son and Laura just looked at me with absolute shock.

"Shall we scare them?" I ask.
"How shall we do that?"
"Act like we're going to get busy. Take my shirt off."
"Ooh! I like that idea!"

He kisses me again and begins unbuttoning my shirt.

When it's off, I lean back on the counter, and lie down with Kes on top of me.

We hear a faint scream and I look to the neighbours.

Laura's disappeared and Johns just staring, completely bewildered.

There's a knock at the front door.

Kes gets off and I get off the counter, grab my shirt and head to the door, "hello, Laura!"
"What- what we're you and that man up to?"
"We we're going to get busy before we heard you scream."
"Have Sex."
"Oh my!"

And then she leaves. She walks back to her house, muttering and exclaiming holy chants to her self.

Ben looks at me from his door, "what did I just witness?"

"Oh, our new neighbour! She's on the left of me and Kes. Her and her husband tend to watch us from over the hedge, and since they're Christian, me and Kes thought we'd give them a little scare and so acted like we were about to get busy and then Laura screamed."
"Ha! Love that! Oh, I could get used to crazy neighbours down the road."
"Yep. Anyway, you have a good day."
"You too!"

I go back inside and back to the kitchen.

"What do you say we ignore the crazy neighbours, and, since Toni is sleeping and Josh's house, actually do something now, yeah?" Kes asks, kissing my neck.
"Why not?"

I kiss him passionately and grab his arse. He presses himself against me and unbuckles my belt and pulls everything down.

Our neighbours seem to be gone, and so I move kes to against the counter and pull his jeans down, and then his boxers and I listen to him moan...

Eventually we brought it to the bedroom, and so that's where we wake up.

Kes yawns and stretches and then cuddles up against me, "I love you..."
"I love you too..."

He nuzzles my neck and kisses my neck too.

I roll on top of him, "hello..."
"Oof! Hi. All that muscle makes you a bit heavy..."
"It also makes me sexy..."

I kiss his nose, "do you have work today?"

He nods, "do you?"
"No, it's my week off, remember?"
"Oh yeah."

There's a knock on the bedroom door, "who is it?"
"Louis! I was just wondering, who are those people next door?"
"John and Laura? Oh, they're are neighbours."
"Oh. Well, they have a small thing."
"A child."
"Yes, I've been watching them, and I never realised they had a small thing. It had bags, so I assume it must have been at a boarding school of sorts."
"Oh, they've been watching me and kes."
"Ah. Well me and winters live on the other side of them."
"I wonder if they realise they're surrounded by gays."
"I don't know. Wouldn't it be much easier if I was in there talking to you face to face?"
"Well... me and Kes are both naked, so no."
"Oh. Okay then."
"Wait, how did you get in the house?"
"I teleported."

I get up, "imma go and grab a drink, want one?"
"Nah, I'm good. You gonna go naked?"
"Tonis still at Josh's house."

I check my phone, "yeah, he's staying till six this afternoon."

I walk downstairs, into the kitchen and open the fridge. I take out my bottle of cherry sparkling water and a glass and pour the drink into the glass and stand by the counter drinking it.

I look out the window and see Laura and John, above the hedge.

I smile and wave, and then they notice that I've noticed them and drop down behind the hedge, their faces bright red.

Kes walks into the kitchen, in his uniform, and kisses my cheek, "heading to work now, love you!"
"Love you too."
"Get some clothes on hun, I'm sure John'll be scared by a John binger than his."

I chuckle, "okay."

Kes smiles and leaves. I then go upstairs and grab some clothes out of the draw.

As I'm pulling up my jeans, someone says something, "hello."

I pull up my jeans quickly and spin around, "what- when did you get here? And who the fuck are you!?"

There's a strange man, stood in the middle of my bedroom.

"Who are you?" He asks.
"That is none of your business!"
"Who was that man you were with?"
"How long have you been in here?"
"Long enough to scar me."
"EW!! You were in here, all night!?"
"Yes... I was a spider..."
"Get out, or I'm calling the police!!"
"I'm your Uncle."
"That makes this even worse... also how do you know that!?"
"You are Caspiens son, yes?"
"One of them, yes! But I don't really go by specifically male pronouns!"
"Never mind!! Now please get out! I think you've already seen enough of me for one day!"

He disappears and I turn around again to grab my shirt, "why the hell was he even here!?"
"I wanted to see who you were."
"GET OUT!!!!"...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now