A dress for Piper

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Piper greets me when I get to my fathers castle. Where Atlas is marrying Eddie.

He greets me with a faltering smile, "hi Damien Jean!"

*hello, are you okay?*

"Yeah? Obviously? When am I not? How are you?"

*I've been better.*

"What's wrong?"

*Kes doesn't think it's safe for me to be around Toni. And I asked if they wanted to come with me and he said they'd think about it and also I think they might be taking a holiday to Spain. I don't know if I'm aloud to come.*

"Wait, so, if he doesn't think it's safe, have they moved out?"


"When did this happen?"

*near the end of June.*

"So you've been living alone for over a month?"

I nod.

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have moved in with you!"

*you'd do that?*

"Of course!"

I hug him.

*thank you brother.*

He flinches slightly.

*are you okay?*

"...fine! I'm... I'm fine."...

I end up crying. Atlas looks so happy!

Pipers wife squeezes his arm, "look how happy he is!"

I believe her name is Angela. I used to call them both together Angeper or pipela.

What they have is so amazing. And pure.

I envy them so much.

During the wedding party, Kes shows up with Toni.

I walk over to them, *you guys actually came*

"Yeah. We did."

I hug them.

*i love you two so much.*

"We're... going to Spain tomorrow..."

*oh. I guess I'm not coming...*

"I'm sorry."

*it's fine. Way too hot for me there anyway, I'm more used to the fresh icy cold of Russia than I am American sunshine. And Spain is closer to the hemisphere. So it would be unbearable.*

"Heh, you should see Australia! It's way hotter there!"

*maybe we could go there as a family one day.*

He smiles sadly, "I never actually wanted to do this you know..."


"Be away From you. But my mother thinks it's best we stay away for a while. And mother knows best."

I look at my feet.

"I love you."

He kisses me, "we have to go now. Toni, say bye to Nomy!"

Toni waves, "bye NomNom."

*i love you two.*

Kes smiles, "we love you too."

And then they leave.

Piper walks up to me, "you good?"

*they're going to Spain, and I'm not coming with them.*

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now