Black diamonds and purgatory

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Damiens POV:

I wake up somewhere. It's grey. And dead. And dark.

I seem to be in the middle of an ashy field. It seems that everything was burned.

I sit up, causing some of the ash to fly up around me.

"Hello, welcome to purg-"

A man in a smart suit looks at me, "oh my word."

I wave.

"What... are... is this actually happening?"

I shrug, *what's going on?*

"What's going on is, I'm going to call my boss, and see if he can come check this out. Because you aren't supposed to be dead yet."

*when am I supposed to be dead?*

"Uh, how about, never?"

*why not?*

"You're Damien Jean Callas, yes? The child of Capsien king of the night bloods, and Agatha Drăgoescu is your mother?"


"Exactly. Everything that will happen in the future depends on you being alive. So yeah."

*what depends on me being alive?*

"Pretty much everything."


"So yeah, imma call my boss, you just wait here!"

*okay. I'll just continue to be dead then.*

He walks off.

I brush my hands through the ashy grass.

He eventually walks back, "okay, so. You have an appointment with him in two hours. Bear in mind, he had to push other meetings back to fit you in. Anyway! We need to get you ready, so, come along!"

He waves his hand and a door appears.

I try to stand up, but my legs hurt like fuck.

*can I have my cane?*


*my cane. It's got-*

"I know what it looks like. We can't give you the actual thing, but we can give you a replica?"


He magics a cane that looks sort of like mine and passes it to me.

I help myself up and the pain in my legs is agonising.

The man looks at me, "are you alright?"

I nod.

We go through the door.

On the other side is a dark, but very convoluted and slightly messy city. The sky is... well... it's not really a sky, more like a ceiling.

"Right! Let's go."...

We go into some sort of clothing store.

"Okay..." he looks at me.

Some other people look at me and whisper.

I tap my guides arm.

He looks at me and then at them, "well you aren't supposed to be dead. Wouldn't you stare and whisper if you saw someone who wasn't supposed to be dead? You've caused quite the problem. Anyway, I'm Adam."

I nod.

We continue to look for clothes, and eventually pick out a nice dress with long sleeves, that shows the shoulders and fits my figure perfectly.

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now