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I wake up and remember that what happened early hours of this morning was not just a dream.

The demon asleep beside me is real and possessing Damien.


He mumbles something.


He frowns slightly.



He leans over me and kisses me.


He glared at me slightly. He seems to be pissed off when I don't want him.

Do I dare say it?
"Not Right Now... please..."

He growls and punches me.

I cry out and put my hand over my nose.

It's definitely broken.

I mean, black diamond fist coming at me quickly is painful.

I move my hand away and look at the blood on my hand.

Louis gets up, dressed, and leaves the room.

I sit up, my hand still over my face.

I move it away and wipe it off on a tissue and get my pants and some jeans on.

I then go into the bathroom to clean up to blood...

Toni walks up to me, "um... the... Louis says sorry for breaking your nose. Again. A-and he has something he would like to say to you."

He nods.

"Okay, where Is he?"
"In the kitchen."

I get up and go to the kitchen, "hey Louis..."

Louis has been possessing Damien for a few months now.

"Hello. I'm sorry."
"Yeah... Toni told me..."
"He's a good kid."
"I have a proposition."
"Why would I shoot you?"
"What... no. No, it's an expression. As in, continue."
"Oh. Um... you help me get back Winter, and you can have Damien back!"
"How are we supposed to get him back?"
"I know where his body is. Thing is... we need a half breed to help us..."
"Damiens a half breed?"
"Oh yeah. I forgot that. Let's go!"

He grabs my hand and we go to the living room.

"Toni!" Louis exclaims, "would you like to help us bring someone back from the dead?"
"Come on then!"

Louis crouches down to pick up Toni and Toni walks over to him and falls asleep on his shoulder.

Louis actually Not too Bad a parent. He only actually hurt me a few times at the beginning of the possession period, but occasionally broke my nose because he has anger issues.

We walk about for a few hours before Louis asks, "what country are we in?"
He sighs, "We're in the wrong country."

He snaps his fingers and suddenly we're in a forest.

"Here we are! Russia!"
"Wait... I know this forest... this is in Lord Garders part of the kingdom."
"It's good that you know you're geography! We're looking for the really cold frozen snowy bit."
"Okay. That's..."

I look at the floor.

I then move about to see which direction is coldest.

"South of the way You're facing Louis."

He turns south of the way he's facing.

And then we continue walking.

It begins to get very cold ant Toni shivers.

Louis rolls back his shoulders and wraps his wings around him self, making sure it covers Toni as well, "Luke, you should really do the same for yourself."
"I... I don't think it would make a difference..."
"Why not?"

I snap my fingers.

"Who did that?"
"The Demon who possessed Lord Luper...."
"My brother..."
"So his name is actually Harry then."
"Yes, why?"
"We all thought Cas just called him that."
"He did apologise for everything he did to everyone. E.g... my wings and horns."

Louis puts one of his wings around me, "let's continue."...

Eventually, we reach snow and so Louis gives Toni a thick feathery blanket.

I give myself a thick coat and Louis keeps his wings around him and Toni.

I see someone laying on the floor, their snowy white wings spread out underneath them.

Louis hands the sleeping Toni and the blanket to me and walks up to the Albino night blood and crouches down beside them.

He places his hand on Their chest, "I love you Winter..."

A golden glow starts to spread from his hand, mixing with a rising white glow.

He closes his eyes, "Damien, I need you to help me do this..."
And I hear their Russian voice, "I will try..."
"Thank you..."

A Reddish liquid-like smoke pours from Damiens mouth and forms a person on the opposite side to them. Their hair is an incredibly dark copper and he places his hand over Damiens.

A dark red glow dances with the white and gold and then Winter Gasps.

Toni mumbles something in his sleep.

Louis places his hand on Winters cheek, "Winter?"
"L-Louis ? Is... is that you?"
"Yes, it's me."

He helps Winter to sit up and hugs him, "I've missed you so much..."

Damien looks at me, "hello."

I smile, "Hi Damien, it's good to have you back."

Winters gasps again, "are there others?"
"Yes, Luke, who helped me find you, and Damien, who I used as a vessel to get here."

Winter Chuckles, "and I bet you I didn't ask, did you?"
"I tried? I don't think they really understood me."

Toni wakes up and looks at Louis, "wait... Is... th-that Louis?"

I nod, "yes."

"Oh yeah, and there's also Toni. He's Damien and Kes' son."

"Uncle Louis."
"Is that my title now, small thing?"
"Yes. And I-I am small thing."
"Uncle Louis and...and Uncle Winter."

Winter claps, "how wonderful!"

"Wait," I begin, "how did you die again?"
"The former King Aspan stabbed me with a Night Blade when I was protecting Adam from him."
"Oh. Why was he attacking Louis?"
"He thought he was human, and the separate controllers of the seasons are not aloud to fall in love with, or meddle with humans so he wanted to kill Louis and I protected him and died."
"He was not happy about the fact that we got married."
"Yeah... neither was my mother. I married Damien and she was not happy about that."
"Well that's not very nice."

Winter clears his throat, "if you all couldn't tell already, and Louis already knew this, I'm blind. And I have been since I was born."....

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now