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I wake up in my bed and Loui is sleeping on an armchair in the corner.

I get up and stumble over to him and cuddle with him.
"thanks for dinner..." I mumble.

He wakes up and looks at me, "o-oh, hi..."

His cheeks have gone red. I snuggle against him and go back to sleep...

I wake up and Loui isn't with me.

I get up, have a shower and I'm in only my boxers looking for clothes, when someone walks in, "oh, shi- sorry! I didn't realise you were getting dressed!"

I turn around and see someone covering their eyes, and they have a very pink face.

"Uh... Hello."
"Hi... s-sorry! I'm just new around here, and Loui suggested you be one of the first people I meet, even though you aren't with these guys, you just hang around? Um... do... do you want me to leave? So you can get dressed?"
"It is up to you."

They leave the room, and I pick out this really cute dress with a pleated skirt and it's got an open back that stops an inch or so above the rim of my boxers and the sleeves are long and slowly and the chest is low cut and there's no shoulders.

I put it on, do my makeup and my hair and put some heels on and step out of the room to see the person stood patiently waiting.

"Hello." I say.
"Oh, sh-!"

He jumps and looks at me, "oh it's you."
"Yes. Hello."
"Um... you- you look very pretty!"
"Thank you."

He's cute and short.

"May I ask what your pronouns are?"
"Oh! Uh... they/them! You?"
"All pronouns. It doesn't really matter what you use for me."
"Cool. What's your name?"
"Damien Jean. Most people call me DayJay."
"I'm Thea. It was Theodore, but... I like Thea."

A person almost as tall as me, walks briskly down the hall towards us and leans their arm on Theas Head, "hey little sibling! Who's this?"

"My name is Damien Jean, or otherwise, DayJay."
"Well hey there, DayJay, I'm Micheal. My friends call me Mike or Mikey. This here is my little siblings Thea."
"I know, I met them before I met you."
"Oh. Okay then. Say, DayJay, you got a boyfriend already?"
"What's it to you?"
"Just wondering, if I take you to dinner, and angry boyfriend won't try to kill me!"

Loui was over, "mornin' DayJay! I see you've met the new recruits!"
"I have, yes."
"Good Good!"...

A few weeks later I started dating Micheal.

It was nice, for a while, until it wasn't.

He was manipulative, cold, abusive (in more ways than one) and condescending.

He hit me a thousand times. Forced me to have sex with him a thousand times.

We have been together ten years. And I have been so good at hiding my pain by wearing none revealing clothing.

At one point he really pissed me off by sleeping in my bed with some woman and then he, on some crazy whim, thought I wouldn't care if he began his explanation with the common phrase of "just a friend."

He tried to kiss me and undress me and I slapped him and I instantly regretted it because I don't hurt people.

I kept apologising and trying to check if he was okay but he insulted me and called me a mess and a bipolar freak and called the police and I was still freaking out that I had hit him.

He managed to get the whole thing dragged to court and I am losing this case.

"I understand that Mr Callas May have hit you, but what provoked him?"
"What provoked Damien to hit you?"
"He just hit me."
"For no reason?"
"For no reason!"

"It wasn't for no reason..." I murmur.

"What was that?"

I notice that Micheal is glaring at me. Which means, if I say anything, when we go home he will figuratively kill me.

"Mr Callas, please don't feel that you have to hold your tongue. You can say anything you want. Just remember, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."

I take a deep breath.

If I start speaking, it will all get out quicker.

But if I do say anything, Micheal will hurt me again.

But my freedom could potentially be at risk.

If Micheal has the power to get this to court, he could potentially have the power to put me behind bars.


Judge Markus gestures for me to go on, "it's alright."

You've only got your freedom at potential risk.

"He cheated on me I found him in my bed with another woman and I left the room trying to think and he came out and said she was just a friend and then he tried to undress me and I didn't want to and I slapped him but I regretted it and I tried to make sure he was okay and then he insulted me and he called me a mess and a pbipolar freak and I had a panic attack because I hurt someone that I loved and I-"

"YOU BITCH!!" Micheal screams.

He points at me, "he is abusive! You should just arrest him right now!"

"N-no, I'm not!" I try to defend myself, "I'm not abusive! That is the only ever time that I have hit him, your honour, I swear on my freedom and my life that I have never hurt him any other time!"

"He's lying!"

"Where's your proof!?"

Judge Markus clears his throat, "Mr Callas has a point. Where's your proof? You could Show it as physical evidence that Mr Callas is abusive to you."

Micheal is now stood there, like a kid who's just been caught in the cookie jar.

"Where is your proof, Micheal!? Where's your proof that I've hurt you, other than that small bruise on your cheek bone from where I slapped you! I have proof! PROOF THAT YOUVE HURT ME!! I HAVE PROOF ALL OVER MY FUCKING BODY!!!"

Judge Markus bangs the small hammer against the plate, "order! Mr Callas, calm down!"

I look at the floor, "I- I... sorry..."
"It's fine. You have proof?"

I then realised what I said.

"I want both of you to show physical evidence. At the very least, the top half's of your body."

I'm wearing a jumper over a vest. Michaels just wearing a long sleeved shirt.

The officer next to me, (who I'm pretty sure has been on my side this entire time) encourages me to take the jumper off, "you might actually win this case."

At least HE'S reassuring...

What to do now.   *book two*Where stories live. Discover now