Chapter 4

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 "Li-Li, help me!" Harry cried out from where he was trapped on the ground. Footsteps pounded down the hallway and soon Harry's door was ripped open, almost off its hinges, as Liam burst into the room. "Harry! Oh my god, what happened?" Tears streamed down the small boy's face as he felt the top of the small dresser dig into his abdomen. "I don't know. I was on the floor putting stuff in the top drawer and I guess I flipped it onto myself. Can you please get it off of me, Li?" Liam nodded and leaned down, lifting the dresser off of his little brother's frail body.

After the dresser was put back in its place up against the wall, Liam held a hand out and pulled the boy to his feet. "You okay, little bro." Harry nodded and wiped the tears from his rosy cheeks. "Y-yeah. Just scared me a lot. Don't like feeling trapped." Liam cooed and enveloped the boy in a hug. "It's okay, bud. I guess you should be glad that I bought such a cheap dresser. A solid one could have really hurt you. Are you sure you're fine? You didn't hit your head, did you?" Liam reached his arms out and ran his hands over Harry's head and shoulders, making sure he hadn't injured himself.

Harry grabbed Liam's hands and pulled them out of his hair gently, making sure he didn't yank too hard on his curls. "I'm fine, I promise. And yes, you're right. I'm so glad you bought me a cheap dresser. I love how cheap you are with your favorite little brother. Makes me feel really special." Harry sarcastically grinned at Liam and punched him in the arm, making the older lad flinch. "Hey, is that how you treat your brother who has graciously invited you into his home with open arms?"

Liam faked a look of hurt, jutting out his bottom lip and pouting at the younger boy. Harry just rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. "On a different note, can we walk around town today? I want to get comfortable with the area since I'm going to be walking everywhere." The smaller boy clasped his hands and front of himself, practically begging Liam to say yes. "Okay, fine kiddo. We can walk around for a little bit. On one little condition, though." Liam held his pointer finger up in Harry's face. The younger lad's nose crinkled when he smelled garlic on Liam's hand.

"You have to invite the little Irish twink to come along with us." Harry scoffed and put his hands on his waist, jutting his right hip out sassily. "Oh really?" He said with an attitude. "I have to? What if he's too busy with one of his fuckboys to come along?" Liam sighed and ran a tired hand over his face. "If he says no, then we can still go, but I'll just be in a really pissy mood and I will make your whole day miserable. I just want you to ask and see if he would like to join. Just offer it up to him." Harry nodded reluctantly and pulled his phone out of his back pocket, tapping on Niall's contact. The blonde Irishman picked up on the second ring, and he thankfully didn't sound like he had just been fucking.

"Hey, Haz. What's up?"

"Hey, Ni. I was just calling to ask you something. A little favor, more like."

"Alright, babes. What do you need?"

"Uh, Liam and I wanted to go walk around town for a little bit, just so I can get familiar with the area, but Li refuses to take me unless you come with us. I'm sorry to make you suffer through something like this, but he's being such an incessant little prick."

"Ugh, why is he so in love with me? I mean, I know I'm super hot, but still. Liam is doing a little much."

"I know, I'm sorry. But this is the only way he'll take me out. Plus, we haven't seen each other in such a long time. So, hop off whoever's dick you're riding and get your little arse over here. I'll text you the address."

"Fine. You owe me, though. And if that dick flirts with me, or tries to make a move on me, or if he asks to put his dick in my arse, I'm out."

"Alright, love. It's a deal. Well, I'll send you the address and see you in a little while."

"Love you, Hazza."

"Love you too, Ni-Ni."

Harry ended the call and opened his messages, texting Liam's address and apartment number to Niall. After he sent the message, he slid his phone back into his pocket and looked up, grinning at his older brother cheekily. "The twink is on his way, Li. And come here, I'm going to let you in on a little secret." Harry waved the older lad closer with his finger. "Niall has an extreme daddy kink. Like, he is totally obsessed with finding his 'true daddy'." Harry made air quotes. "And, he thinks that you are total daddy material. He is so in love with your big manly muscles."

Harry pulled back from whispering in Liam's ear. He watched in delight as Liam's face turned bright red and he shivered slightly, backing away from the younger lad as he bit his lip in thought. "Really?" Liam's face was guarded but Harry could tell he was hopeful. "He said that about me? He thinks that I'm daddy material?" Harry snorted and shook his head, watching as Liam's face fell. "Nope. Gotcha, Li! He actually said that if you try to make a move on him he's leaving and never talking to me again."

The younger lad threw his head back and cackled obnoxiously. Liam frowned and punched the younger lad's arm, making the small boy cry out. "Hey, asshole!" Liam held his hands up in fake innocence. "Those were his words, not mine. It's not my fault he hates you. You're the one that's obsessed with him." Harry rubbed his sore arm and kicked the older lad in the shin.

Liam groaned out in pain and grabbed his leg. "If it weren't for your fragile...ness, I would totally kick your arse right now. Now, go to the kitchen and wait for your little jerk of a friend while I get ready to leave. Gotta look extra swaggy for our special guest." Liam winked at Harry, making the younger boy gag. Harry hid his smile behind his hand and covered his laugh with a cough as Liam waltzed out of the room, shamelessly swaying his bony hips with absolutely no rhythm at all.

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