Chapter 24

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Harry gasped at the sound of his older brother's voice and pushed Luke off of him, sitting up to face Liam. His skirt had ridden up while he was laying so he tugged it back down, trying to straighten out the wrinkles. "What the fuck are you doing? Get the fuck away from my little brother!" Liam ran forward and grabbed Luke by the back of his t-shirt, throwing him off of the couch and away from Harry. "What the hell is going on in here? Harry?" He looked to the younger boy for an answer. "Umm, we, uh, see, Luke here came over for coffee." Liam snorted. "Coffee? He came here for coffee?" Harry nodded.

"Then why the fuck was he on top of you on my couch? Huh?" Liam turned toward the taller lad. "The coffee's in the kitchen, asshole. Not in my little brother's mouth. So I suggest you leave right now or I might do some very bad things to you." Luke nodded sadly at the older man, not wanting to upset him any more than he already had, and turned to leave the room. "Wait! Luke, don't leave!" Harry jumped up and grabbed Luke by the arm, making him turn around and look at him in confusion. "I can explain, Li. Please, just let me explain." The boy looked at his older brother, pleading with him. Liam's eyes narrowed, but then he sighed and gestured for Luke and Harry to sit back down on the couch.

Liam stood in the middle of the room, making sure that the two of them stayed separate on the couch. "I want a full explanation. Harry, you first." Harry sighed and looked between the boys, sensing that he should keep an eye on Liam to make sure he didn't beat Luke up. "Well, we met at the coffee shop yesterday when Zayn and I went out, and Zayn got his number for me." Liam scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Guess I'll have to have a little chat with Zayn as well, then." The younger boy groaned quietly but continued. "As I was saying, I got his number from Zayn and I texted him after I got home last night. We really hit it off, so I asked him if he could come over today and he said yes. I instigated all of it. He's not at fault here, I am."

Harry looked at Luke apologetically, trying to cover for him so he wouldn't get in as much trouble with Liam. The tall boy just shrugged at him. "How fucking stupid are you to invite some guy that you barely know over to my apartment when you're all alone? This asshole could be a murderer, or a rapist. You could have gotten seriously hurt, Haz." Liam's use of the boy's nickname made him know that he wasn't in serious trouble. Liam always used his full name when he was seriously pissed. "And you." Liam turned to the Aussie. "How dare you take advantage of my brother. He's only sixteen fucking years old.

"I don't care if you want to have some one-night-stand with someone your own age, but when you are with someone as young as him, you make sure that they are in for everything. I will not let you 'hump and dump' my brother, the love of my life. He's too fucking innocent for you." Liam dropped his hand from where he was pointing at the boy threateningly, done with his speech. "Look, mate, I'm really fucking sorry. I asked him how old he was to make sure he was legal, I talked with him, I got to know him. I didn't just come in here and tackle him onto the couch. I'm not a fucking prick," Luke spat back, his eyebrows furrowed in anger. "Look, asshole, I don't fucking know you, okay? So you have to think of this from my point of view.

"I come home from work, expecting to find my little brother here, waiting for me, maybe with my best friend but probably not, and I find him pinned to my couch by some ginormous guy that I have never even fucking seen before in my life. How would you feel if that happened to you?" Liam stated, glaring down at the boy, who simply curled up in what looked like a mix between shame and embarrassment. "I didn't think about that," He mumbled into his shirt, almost too quiet to understand. "You didn't think about it? Hmm? Well maybe next time you prey on some innocent sixteen-year-old you should think it through first. Jesus fucking Christ. You really are a fucking prick."

Luke stood up at Liam's words and puffed out his chest, his hands fisting the bottom of his t-shirt as he resisted the urge to punch the older boy. "You shut your fucking mouth! Look, I am fucking sorry that you found me with your brother in an extremely compromising position, but I apologized, okay? He's sixteen fucking years old, he can take care of himself. Kids his age have done worse things than make out with a sort of stranger on their couch. Now, if you want to be a fucking cunt, kick me out. If you want to be reasonable, let me stay and Harry and I can get to know each other under your supervision. Hell, maybe we can all go to the cinema together or sum'n." The boy reached his hand out for Liam to shake, sort of like a peace treaty.

Liam sighed but shook the boy's hand, grabbing it aggressively so that Luke knew who was the boss around there. Luke grinned from ear to ear, his eyes crinkling up until they were almost closed. "Thank you, mate. Thank you so much. I promise I won't hurt him, and if I do, you have every right to beat my ass." Liam chuckled and patted him on the shoulder. "I am definitely going to hold you to that. Now come on, let me go get you a beer. I'll call my friend over and we can all get to know you." The older boy left the room to call Zayn, leaving the two boys alone once again. "Wow. You're brother's...scary. He's got really big muscles." Harry snorted. "Yeah, but he's the best. He's just really protective of me. Something happened with me and his friend, and well, it's made him really on edge about guys trying to get with me."

Luke nodded and scooted closer to the younger boy, taking hold of his clammy hand. "Can I kiss you? Just one more before your brother comes back in here and makes it awkward?" Harry chuckled and leaned forward, pecking Luke's lips. Luke pulled the boy closer, wrapping his arm around his waist, and licked all over the velvety inside of his mouth. Harry gasped and slid his arms up the older boy's sides, accidentally pulling his shirt up as he did it. Luke grunted at the feeling of Harry's feather-light fingertips running over his bare skin, shuddering slightly as the cool air touched him.

"Hey, lads. So, Zayn is going to be he-Seriously, fuckers? Again?" Harry and Luke pulled apart quickly, their teeth clacking together painfully. "Shit, Li, thought you'd be in there for a little longer than that. Sorry." Liam rolled his eyes at the two and pulled them to their feet. "Come on, lads. Get in the fucking kitchen before I beat both of your asses. I mean it." He gave the younger boy a stinging swat to the bum and shoved them into the kitchen where they each took a seat at the table. "Nuh-uh, lads. You are sitting separately. Zayn and I are going to keep you apart." Liam grabbed a chair and slid it in between the two lovebirds, placing another chair between them on the other side.

"As I was about to say before I caught you two snogging each other's faces off on my poor, innocent couch, Zayn will be here in about ten minutes with a six-pack of Coronas and some root beer for Harry. We also have tea and coffee, Luke, in case you don't drink." Luke smiled at the older boy and then looked back down at his feet, trying to avoid eye contact with the sexy little minx sitting across from him. "Sorry I ruined your fun, but I really don't want you two doing that in my apartment. I'd prefer for you not to do that at all, anywhere. Whatever you do, though, stay out of both of the bedrooms." The blonde saluted the older lad, making him grin, and then the three boys fell back into an awkward silence until Zayn arrived.

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