Chapter 33

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Louis cursed himself when they pulled up to Harry and Liam's apartment building, parking in the spot right behind Liam's car. He had completely forgotten to call the boy at the hospital, even after Zayn had told him to. "Shit." Harry nodded in agreement as he stared at the back of the familiar car. "Yeah, shit's right. Why didn't you call him?" Louis just shrugged. "I don't know. I was just so stressed and I didn't know what to do. I had a lot on my mind if you remember?" Harry chuckled and opened his door, stepping out onto the pavement beside the car. "Here, love, let me help you up the stairs," The older boy said as he slid Harry's arm around his neck, helping the boy into the lobby and up the stairs to the apartment.

Louis knocked at the door once they reached the apartment since both of his hands were full. He slightly cringed when he heard Liam's hurried footsteps to answer it. The bigger lad opened the door quickly and his state of dishevelment showed just how stressed he had been since he had gotten home from work. "Harry, fuck. Where were you?" He gasped out when he saw the younger boy standing in front of him, immediately pulling him into a tight embrace. "Oh my god, Haz, you had me so fucking worried. I came home and you just weren't there," Liam said as he cried into the younger boy's shoulder, soaking his thin t-shirt. "And then, I went into your room and I saw blood all over the floor and I didn't know what to do. Thank god you're okay." Harry sighed as he patted Liam's back, feeling awful for making the boy worry so much. "What happened?" Liam asked as he pulled back from the hug and gestured for them to come inside.

Harry looked at Louis and they both came into the apartment, taking seats at the table. "I, uh, I threw a glass at the wall and it shattered, and then I stepped on a piece of it. It cut my foot open and I had to go get stitches. I'm sorry I didn't tell you where I was." Liam shook his head and cleared his throat. "No no no, Haz, you're fine. You were dealing with getting stitches. I am mad at Louis, though, for not calling and telling me that my little brother was in the hospital." Louis ducked his head down and blushed, feeling terrible. "I'm so sorry, Liam, but my head was sort of reeling and I was just so focused on getting Harry fixed that it totally slipped my mind. I called Zayn, though, so he knew where we were."

Liam nodded and sipped the coffee he had poured himself before answering the door. "Well, thank god for that. I don't know how I would have survived if I hadn't known you had called my best friend and not me. You really are a champ, Lou," He said sarcastically before lifting Harry's bandaged foot to his lap. "How many stitches?" Harry looked up. "Seven." Liam bit his lip and rubbed over Harry's shin where some blood had dried. "Why did you throw the glass?" Louis looked at Harry pleadingly, trying to get him to not say it was his fault, given he was already getting on Liam's bad side. Harry just ignored him. "Umm, Louis walked in on Luke and I...messing around and he got super pissed and then Luke dumped me. I got mad so I kicked Louis out and then I threw a glass at the wall. Louis came back in when he heard me yell. He wrapped my foot up really well, though, and he decided to take me to hospital."

"I'm not going to acknowledge that you were messing around with Luke in your bedroom when I wasn't home just because I'm glad you're safe now. Thank you, Louis, both for kicking Luke out and taking care of my Harrybear. God knows what would have happened if you had actually listened to him and left the apartment." Louis stood when Liam got up, allowing himself to be pulled into a brotherly hug. "It was no problem, honest. I saw that Harry needed help and I helped him. It's what he would have done for me," Louis said as he reached out and ran a hand through the boy's messy curls. Harry preened at the touch and his eyes slipped shut, leaning into Louis's hand. "Why don't you guys go into the living room and get a movie set up while I run to the store and get some ice cream?" Liam said as he grabbed his keys from the counter.

Louis helped the younger boy stand up and led him into the living room where they both settled on the couch, too tired to get up and pick a movie. Liam left the apartment and shut the door quietly, knowing that Harry probably had a headache. "Harry?" Louis asked, breaking the short silence. "Yeah?" Harry mumbled from beside the older boy. "Uhm, what did Luke mean when he said 'I know you have feelings for him'? When he said that whole thing about the dream?" Harry took a shuddering breath, trying to think up a good answer that would satisfy Louis. "Oh, nothing. I just had a dirty dream about someone else and Luke found out about it," He said, hoping that would be enough for Louis. It wasn't.

"Who was it about, though? Is it someone I know?" Louis asked, almost prying. "Why do you care so much? It was just a dream, it's not like it matters or anything?" Harry said, starting to get defensive. "Well, if it doesn't matter then you wouldn't care if you told me, because it means nothing. Who was it? Was it Zayn?" Louis was most definitely prying now, but he felt no shame. He just wanted to find out who this mystery dream guy was. "Y-Yeah," Harry responded, trying to sound convincing enough for Louis. "Yeah, it was about Zayn. You know, he's hot and I spend a lot of time with him, so I was bound to have some dream about him. Don't know why I was so embarrassed to say it, not like he would care. He's flirted with me loads of times, he wouldn't mind a bit. Might even like the idea of it."

Louis felt his face flush with anger so he tried to cover it up by getting up to look at the movies. "I hope that doesn't bother you, that I dreamt about Zayn and all. I mean, not that you would actually care if I wanted to sleep with Zayn or not. I just don't want you to think things are awkward or anything, with your guys' history. Zayn told me you two went out for a while so I didn't know if there were still feelings or..." Louis stopped him. "Just stop, Harry. I promise I don't have any feelings for Zayn. That ship sailed a long fucking time ago. You can dream about him all you fucking want, though I doubt he would ever return the favor. He's not into dating children." Harry's breath hitching let Louis know that he had gone way too far.

"Shit, Harry, I'm sorry. That sounded way worse than I thought it would. I was just trying to say that Zayn doesn't like to date people younger than him since he-" Harry cut him off. "I understand what you were trying to say. I get it." Louis sighed and put a movie into the DVD player before going back to his seat next to Harry. "What did you pick?" The younger boy asked once he sat down. "Over the Hedge. I remember Liam mentioning that you really like that movie." Harry nodded and laid his head on the back of the couch, closing his eyes as he propped his bad foot up on the coffee table. Louis leaned over and placed his lips close to Harry's ear so he could whisper to him. "I'm glad you're alright. You really scared me." Harry hummed and smiled to himself when Louis pecked the side of his head.

Harry sighed quietly and then tilted his head ever-so-slightly to the side, laying it on Louis's shoulder. Louis wrapped his arm around the younger boy's waist and held him close, nuzzling his nose into his hair. "I'm sorry I saw you naked earlier. I promise I didn't look at your bits." Harry giggled and cuddled closer to Louis, burying his nose into the crook of his neck. "It's okay. I don't mind." Louis chuckled and shut his eyes as he breathed in Harry's lovely scent of coconut and vanilla. Liam came back into the room a few minutes later and smiled when he saw the two boys huddled together on the couch. "Is there any room for me in there?" He asked, tapping Louis on the shoulder. "On the other side of Harry," Louis replied, his voice muffled against the younger boy's curls.

Liam nodded and wedged himself in between Harry and the arm of the couch, pressing play on the movie. "Liam," Harry said from between the two boys. "Yeah, love?" The younger boy turned so he could look at Liam from a better angle. "I want to say thank you for everything you've done for me. You're the most amazing older brother ever and I know it must be hard for you to have to deal with my bullshit all the time. I love you so much and I don't know what I'd do without you. I hope you're not too mad at me for being alone in my room with Luke." Liam smiled and pulled the boy closer, kissing his cheek.

"I could never be mad at you for being a teenager, Harry. It's normal for you to want to have sex. I can guarantee you when I was your age I wanted to have sex all the time, with anything that came into sight. And for me having to deal with all your bullshit, it's an honor. I love taking care of you. Gives me a sense of purpose." Harry smiled and nodded, letting both boys cuddle up to him to make a Harry sandwich. "I love you guys," He whispered, looking between the two boys. "Love you too, Harry," Liam mumbled close to Harry's ear, already half-asleep. Louis moved a little closer and nudged Harry's ear with his nose. "I love you too, baby," He whispered back, kissing the boy's neck lightly and then resting his head back on his shoulder to focus on the movie, acting like he hadn't done anything.

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