Chapter 58

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"Haz, baby, it's so good to hear your voice. How are you?"

"I'm okay. Missing you a lot."

"Me too, baby, me too. But I promise I'll be home by Sunday so I can be there on your first day of senior year. Maybe I can fuck you in your school uniform."

"That sounds amazing, but alas, I don't wear a uniform."

"Buy one."

"Is that an order?"

"Yes. I'll even pay for it if you need to be funded."

"I don't know, I don't think I've ever been into the whole roleplay thing."

"Mmm, that's too bad. I would love to fuck a slutty student."

"Louuu, stop, Zayn is in the other room."

"Then tell him to leave."


"Did you just say no to me?"


"Well, aren't you a confident little brat?"

"I said stop it, Lou."

"Ugh, fine. So, how has your day been?"

"It was good. I'm staying at Zee's tonight because Liam is too busy fucking my best friend on our kitchen table."

"Ooh, maybe we should do that sometime. Do a little food play, lick whipped cream off your-"

"I said stop, Louuu. You're gonna get me hard."

"But that's what I want."

"Well, you're not getting it."

"But I miss you."

"I miss you too, Lou, but at least I can keep it in my pants."

"Where are you right now?"

"I'm sitting at Zayn's kitchen table."

"Go into the guest room and get on your computer. I assume that's where you're staying, right?"

"Yeah, I'm staying there. Why?"

"I want us to video chat for a while, but I don't wanna do it on FaceTime 'cause the screen is too small."

"I'm going in there now. Logging on, but my laptop's being slow. Wait...okay, I'm in."

"I'm calling you right now, so hang up the phone."

Harry hung up his phone and set it on the bed next to him before accepting the video chat request coming through on his computer. The screen lagged for a second and then he saw his beautiful, angelic Louis, sitting right there without a shirt on. "Hi, baby," Louis called, Harry turning up the volume so he could hear him better. "Hi, Lou. I've missed your face. I think you might look hotter over video than in real life." Louis rolled his eyes at the boy's statement and stuck his tongue out, crossing his eyes to pull a funny face. "Now that, that is a sexy face. Why don't you make that face more often?" Harry whined jokingly, biting his lip to try and look as seductive as possible. "I know it'll get you too horned up, and then what will I do with a horny little Haz?" The younger boy shrugged and pouted his lip out, trying to look both sexy and innocent at the same time. It was quite the task.

"Oh, don't look like that, now you're gonna make me hard." Harry smirked as he watched the older boy shift around, adjusting his pants slightly. Louis caught the boy's eye and winked, licking his lips in an over-dramatic way. All of a sudden the boy looked down and he groaned. "Oh, fuck me. Me sister just texted and said that she wants to have sex with Stevie but doesn't know how to be safe. Oh god." He ran a hand over his face and grumbled, feeling uncomfortable with everything his sister had said. "God, I don't know what to say to her. I have no fucking clue what you use. Haz, any ideas?" 

Harry shook his head, helplessly clueless about vaginas. "Whatever, I'll just tell her to ask Stevie herself. They probably know." Harry nodded and ran his hand through his curls, trying to get them out of his face. Louis paused his texting and just stared at the younger boy. "Your hair is so pretty, darling. I really can't get over that. So long and soft. Can't wait to get my hands on you again. Won't be too long." He finished up the text and threw his phone back on the bed, not wanting to deal with his sister anymore, especially not when he had his special boy on video call.

Harry sighed, rolling his head back against the headboard of his bed. "I want you here right now. Can't believe you're half the world away." Louis nodded sadly. "I know, baby, but I had to do this. My dad isn't the greatest host, but my sister is really nice, and so is his wife. My sister's name is Georgia and she's a year older than Lottie, a year younger than you. The wife's name is Natalie, and she's really cool. She paints and teaches art classes at their local youth center. She's like a girl Zayn, almost." The younger boy nodded, pulling his legs up so he was sitting criss-cross, and then placed his computer on his lap. "I met Zayn's girlfriend today. She's really nice." Louis cocked his head trying to remember her name. "Gigi, right?" Harry nodded and coughed into his fist. "Yeah. We bonded over animal crackers and then watched Jurassic Park together. It was pretty awesome."

Louis nodded, feeling a little pang in his heart knowing that Harry was spending his time with Zayn and Gigi instead of pining for him. He knew it was a bad thing to think, and that he was being toxic, but he wanted Harry to miss him more than he did. "That's great. I'm glad that you're making new friends," Louis managed to spit out, a lump forming in his throat as the words left his lips. "I know, she's so cool. She's a model. Did you know that?" Louis shook his head. "Well, she's a model, and so is her sister, and they're gonna work for this agency in London. She's American, too. I don't know any Americans, so she's extra special." Louis bit his lip and watched as the boy went on and on about his new friend and how his day went, feeling a small something, a sort of heat, stirring inside his belly.

"-And then Zayn shoved me against the wall and told me tha-" Louis stopped the boy with a shout. "Hang on! Zayn shoved you? Zayn laid his hands on you?" Harry nodded, never seeing this side of Louis. He didn't know how he felt about it. "I swear to god I am going to rip off that prick's balls and make him choke on them until he dies. Did he hurt you at all?" Harry shook his head, still at a loss for words as Louis fumed in front of him. "Well, if he ever touches you again you tell me and I will get on a plane and fly back home immediately." Harry kept opening and closing his mouth like a fish. "Lou, he didn't mean it. He was just upset. He apologized, we kissed and made up, it's all good now." Louis felt the fire in his belly grow. "What do you mean, you kissed and made up?" Harry shrugged. "I mean he kissed me and then we made up. Why are you acting like this, Lou? Is everything okay over there in California or Connecticut or wherever you are?"

"Colorado," Louis corrected him, his face clouded with anger. "I don't want you hanging out with Zayn anymore, okay?" Harry shook his head and felt annoyance swell inside of him. "No, I'm not gonna do that. What is your problem?" The younger boy asked, his emotions clear on his face. "I just don't want you hanging out too much with Zayn. I mean, you said it yourself. He flirts with you, you had that sex dream about him. I don't want him to try something on you." Harry laughed at the older boy, unable to keep it inside. "You think Zayn wants to fuck me? Dude, he is so totally in love with Gigi it's ridiculous. And that whole sex dream thing? I had that dream about you but I lied and said that it was about Zayn both because I was embarrassed and I was mad at you. Do you seriously think I would ever even let Zayn think about trying something with me? Lou, we are more platonic than I am with Niall. Calm your tits."

Louis felt himself flush a deep red for getting upset over nothing, but he still wanted to give Zayn a piece of his mind for shoving his boyfriend. "Okay, I'm sorry I ever mentioned it. Do you hate me?" Harry shook his head and giggled. "Of course not. I could never hate you, Lou." Louis smiled and blew the boy a kiss, winking flirtatiously. Their silence was broken by Zayn yelling, "Harry, the pizza's here," from the kitchen. The younger boy sighed and looked back at Louis sadly. "Well, I guess I gotta go. I'm really hungry. I love you, Louis." Louis waved, trying not to feel too hurt that Harry was choosing Zayn's stupid pizza over him. "Yeah, babe. I love you, too. Talk to you tomorrow." Both boys blew kisses to each other and then Harry shut his computer, laying it on the floor beside his bed. He walked into the kitchen and greeted Zayn, who was sitting at the table with the open box of pizza in front of him. They both sat and ate the pizza in silence, Harry thinking about Louis's jealousy as he chewed his food.

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