Chapter 49

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The party started off with a bang, literally, when Niall came into the apartment with a bottle of champagne and popped the cork off, accidentally splashing the drink all over his new shoes. "Let's get this party started, bitches! I'm here, I'm queer, and I'm ready to get fucked up!" He screamed as he chugged straight from the bottle, foam spilling around the corners of his mouth. Liam stopped him by yanking the bottle out of his hands and placing it on top of the fridge where he couldn't reach it. "No, no one is getting fucked up tonight. If Harry and I can't drink, no one is drinking. Now get your ass into the living room away from the booze." Niall rolled his eyes but grabbed Harry's hand, walking with him into the living room.

    Louis came fifteen minutes late to the party, a bottle of sparkling cider in one hand and a large gift bag in the other. "Hey, Li," He said breathlessly, tired from his jog up all two flights of stairs. "Uhm, where's my little birthday boy?" Liam grimaced at Louis's sickeningly sweet voice and the fact that he called Harry his birthday boy. Harry belonged to everyone, not just Louis. He was selfish for wanting Harry all to himself. "He's in the living room with Niall. Presents go on the coffee table." Louis nodded and went into the living room, smiling fondly when he saw Harry talking animatedly with his blonde best friend. He cleared his throat to get the attention of the younger boy, who turned around and grinned when he saw his totally hot boyfriend standing in front of the present table.

    "Lou-Lou!" Harry practically screamed, jumping off of the couch and throwing himself into the older boy's arms. Louis laughed and swung the boy around in a circle, setting him back down on his feet after. The younger boy smiled up at Louis and pecked his lips sweetly before skipping back to his seat with Niall, holding onto Louis's hand tightly. "Are there seriously naked dudes plastered all over the wal- Oh my fucking god, is that Zayn's face? That's fucking amazing! Did you make those?" Louis turned to the boy with an enormous grin on his face. "No, no, Liam made them per Zayn's request. I wish they were my idea, they're awesome. I planned all of the G-Rated decorations, though." Louis nodded and set his gift bag on the table, leaning back against the couch so he could wrap an arm around Harry.

    Over the next hour, more guests piled into the small apartment until the place was packed with all of the friends Harry had made since he moved in. Calum and his new girlfriend, Casey, were making out in a corner of the living room, right next to where Liam's phone was sitting. Michael was sitting in the opposite corner on the floor with Calum's dog, Duke. No one knew why Calum had brought his dog, but the best guess would be separation anxiety. Ashton and Liam were talking in the kitchen, Ash with a beer in his hand, a root beer in Liam's. Zayn was smoking weed in Liam's room, which was the only place Liam told him he was allowed to smoke, and Niall had joined him a few minutes after Harry and Louis started getting all giggly and touchy on the couch.

    "Louis, I love you," Harry said as Louis placed butterfly kisses all over his face. Louis hummed and bit down on the tip of Harry's nose, making him scrunch his face up. Everyone else had grown used to how lovey the boys could be so they just ignored them and focused on their own conversations. "What did you get me, Lou? It's an awfully small bag for a horse, so it can't be that, but it could be a puppy, which I also want. Though I haven't seen the bag move all night, so it would be a dead puppy, which is a really depressing birthday gift." Louis silenced the boy with a kiss and then pulled back, cupping his chubby cheeks. That was the one thing on the boy that was never going to change, no matter how much his body developed. He was always going to have his chubby baby cheeks, which Louis loved.

    "If I told you then it wouldn't be a surprise. Plus, that gift bag is from me and all of the girls. Your real present is coming tomorrow, on your actual birthday. Now shut your mouth before I shut it for you. Zayn and Niall are coming back and I wanna ask them something." Harry turned his head and saw Zayn and Niall stumbling out of Liam's bedroom, their eyes bloodshot. He snorted when he saw a huge hickey on the side of Niall's neck and the sizable white stain on Zayn's jeans. They were so obvious it was ridiculous. "Hey, lads, we were just, uh, talking, and we wanted to have a game," Niall giggled out, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Zayn smirked and reached around, pinching Niall's bum with his hand, making him squeal. "Right, lads, get in a circle. Niall, go get a bottle."

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