Chapter 54

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Harry stepped into the room looking absolutely amazing. He was wearing a complicated one-piece lingerie set made of netting with a small bit of lace covering his belly button, he had a pair of short, spiky heels strapped onto his feet, and his face. Oh my god, Louis thought he was going to pass out. He had pink blush coating his cheeks, mascara on his eyelashes, and red lipstick coating his mouth. It was a little sloppy, some of it smeared beside his mouth and a bit of it on his teeth, but Louis didn't care. "Baby," Louis breathed out, his chest becoming constricted. "You look amazing. Come here." Harry wobbled over to him, unsure about walking in the new heels, and he stopped in front of the older boy. "Your makeup, your outfit, everything, looks so fucking amazing. Do you feel pretty, baby?" Harry nodded and fluttered his eyelashes flirtatiously. "Good, because you are pretty. My pretty boy. Now, lay down, let me show you how pretty you are, baby. Come on."

The younger boy moved and laid down on the bed, his legs spread apart so that Louis could kneel in between them. "Such a tease, baby. Wearing this naughty little outfit, putting on makeup. You really want me to tear you apart, don't you?" Harry bit his lip, messing up his lipstick even more. "God, baby, that lipstick is really doing something for me. Can you feel how hard I am, just from looking at you?" Louis rolled his hips down, grinding his cock against Harry's hip, and the boy gasped. "Fuck, wanna see your lipstick kisses all over me, baby." He continued rutting his dick against Harry's milky thigh, hating the tight confines of the boxers he still had on. "Lou, come on, fuck me." Louis tightened his grip on Harry's waist and quickened the pace of his grinding.

"Hush, sun, I'll fuck you in good time. Just let me enjoy my beautiful baby for a little bit, have some fun with you." Louis attached his lips to Harry's sweet spot and sucked until a dark purple bruise formed, then he moved on to another spot on Harry's neck, continuing until Harry was breathless and covered in bruises from his jaw down to his collarbones. Harry whimpered, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth. He bit down hard until he tasted blood, feeling so turned on but so upset that Louis still hadn't paid any attention to the places that counted. "Louis, please, just touch..." Harry's voice trailed off when Louis bit at a mark he had just sucked into the boy's peachy, pink skin. "Touch what? Your face? Your ass? Your cock?" He paused for a second and leaned closer. "Your nipples?" Harry shuddered and nodded furiously. "Well, if that's what you want," Louis said with an exaggerated sigh.

Louis placed his hands over where he knew Harry's nipples were underneath his one-piece, tweaking them lightly. Harry gasped softly, a small moan slipping from his lips. "Oh, Lou." Louis's heart fluttered and he completely dropped his dominant act, only wanting to hear Harry make that sound again. "Ah, Louis, please. Touch me more." Harry arched his back into the touch, squirming around as his cock chubbed up between his legs. Louis pinched a little harder and then trailed his fingers down Harry's chest and tugged at the netting next to his cock, which was completely exposed. "Aww, baby, you're so hard for me already. Do you want me to fuck you now?" Harry nodded, not able to form a complete sentence under Louis's gaze. "Okay, I'm gonna open you up." Harry moved to untie the one-piece from behind his neck, but Louis stopped him. "No, baby, wanna fuck you in this."

Harry moaned as Louis bit down on his earlobe, pulling on it with his teeth just to drive the younger boy crazy. Louis grabbed the lube from the bedside drawer once more, his brows furrowing when he saw a small packet of condoms sitting on the table. "Where did these come from?" Harry blushed and looked down, his eyelashes fluttering. "I might have stolen them from Liam's room while you were waiting in here." Louis chuckled and rolled his eyes at the younger boy. "You seriously want me to fuck you with one of your brother's condoms?" Harry shifted a bit, his hands fiddling with the sheets. "Don't say it like that, you're gonna make me go soft, and then you won't fuck me at all." The older boy huffed but gave the boy a sweet kiss, shifting back down the boy's body and lubing up his fingers.

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