Chapter 38

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Louis showed up at the strip club around one in the morning, his eyes still droopy from tiredness. The drive had been super long since he lived two towns over, and he hadn't had a good night's sleep in ages, so he wasn't exactly happy to get the call from Liam right as he had gotten to sleep. Of course, he could have just said no, but that meant leaving Harry at a bar surrounded by creepy men. Creepy, older men that spent all of their time in strip clubs to avoid going home to their wives and instead just preyed on young, poor boys who were impressionable and easily convinced to do harmful things for money that they needed.

The nineteen-year-old gave his I.D. to the bouncer and then went inside the club, his eyes scanning the place for that familiar mop of curls. He finally found him sitting on a barstool, leaning his head on the shoulder of a man in tan corduroys, and he walked over to them as fast as he could with how sleepy he was. "Harry." The younger boy looked up and smiled drunkenly when he saw Louis standing in front of him. "Lou-Lou!" He cheered, jumping up and pulling Louis into a hug. Harry was starting to get a lot taller and he was bigger than Louis, but he still acted like he was smaller than him. "Hey, Haz. Your breath stinks, doll. How much did you drink?" Harry just giggled and held up his hand to show off four fingers. "Four of what, doll?" The younger boy leaned into him and whispered, "Sex on the beach. And some shots that a guy bought for me. 'S really good. Makes my tummy feel warm." Louis sighed and glared at Niall.

"Come on, boys, we need to leave. Let's go." Harry waved goodbye to Ashton, Michael, and Calum, giving Ashton a sweet kiss on the cheek, and then he took Louis's hand. Louis stiffened and just went along with it, leading the two boys out of the club. "Harry, you're in the front. Niall, get in the back." Louis helped Harry into his seat and strapped him in, making sure he was leaning against the cool glass of the window. He turned the car on once he got himself strapped in, making sure the air conditioning was on full blast to keep Harry from vomiting all over his seats.

Louis drove to Niall's house first, knowing that his parents were probably wondering where he was. "Bye, Ni-Ni," Harry giggled from his seat, waving goodbye to the blonde. Louis waited in the driveway until Niall was safely inside. Then he reversed out of the driveway and drove back to Liam and Harry's apartment. He pulled up outside of the apartment building and put the car in park, just sitting for a second. "Come on, Haz. Let's get you up there." He unstrapped himself and got out of the car, going over to Harry's side to help him out. The two boys managed to get up the stairs with no problems, though they had to stop on the second floor so Harry could sit down for a minute.

Once they got back into the apartment, Louis led Harry into his bedroom and waited on his bed while Harry got changed in the bathroom. Harry came out a few moments later dressed only in one of Louis's t-shirts that he had stolen from the laundry, the back riding up to expose his lacy panties. "Lay down, darling. You need to sleep this off. I got you a glass of water and some aspirin." Harry nodded, still feeling giggly from earlier, and snuggled under his covers. Louis handed him his water and watched him drink it all before setting it back on his nightstand. "Good night, baby. Sleep well," Louis whispered before getting up to leave. "Wait," Came Harry's small voice from behind him, slightly raspy from sleepiness.

"What, darling?" Louis asked, cocking his eyebrow. He knew he was acting like a tease but he didn't care. "Please stay with me," Harry said, reaching his arms out like a child wanting to be picked up. "Alright, darling. Move over so I can have some room." Harry nodded and scooted to the other side of the bed so Louis could sleep on the left. Just like they had done last time they slept in the same bed. Louis's mind raced as he thought about what would happen if Liam caught them together again, and he almost took back what he said, but then he saw Harry's wide, green eyes and he just couldn't refuse him. So, he kicked his shoes off and pulled the covers back, crawling in next to the younger boy.

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