Chapter 18

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After being kicked out by his best friend for something he didn't even do, Louis found himself on the doorstep of someone he never thought he would see, much less seek out, ever again. He rapped his knuckles on the ominous door, standing pitifully on the porch with his suitcase at his feet. His heart pounded in his chest as he heard heavy footsteps get closer to the door. The door opened and Louis breathed out when he saw the face of his stepfather, who he hadn't seen for two years. Since his mother's funeral. "Hiya, dad," The boy said, waving at the man. The man grinned, tears coming to his eyes. "Louis. My boy. You've grown up. Come here and give your old man a hug."

Mark opened his arms to the boy, sobbing happily as he held his son for the first time in over two years. "Oh, my lovely boy. I've missed you so much." Louis smiled and held his dad tighter as they cried into each other's shoulders. "I've missed you too, dad. I'm sorry I never talked to you. I was just dealing with my own shit and I didn't want you or the girls to get involved," Louis said as he sobbed, pulling back from the hug to look at him. "Son, it's okay. You don't have to be upset. I'm not mad. I might have even done the same thing if I was in your position. The girls are inside if you want to see them."

Louis nodded and his dad turned to lead him inside but the boy stopped him. "Wait. I need to ask you something." The man nodded and shut the door, giving them some privacy on the porch. "Can I...Can I move in here?" He rushed out. His dad paused. "You want to move in?" Louis nodded. His dad's face broke into a huge grin. "Of course. You're family and family is always welcome here. Now, if you don't mind, can I ask why you want to stay here?" Louis shook his head. "Later. I don't want to put a damper on the day. I'm just excited to see the girls again. They're probably so grown up now." Mark smiled. "They are. Dan's twins are walking already."

Louis felt a few tears threaten to spill again but he pushed them down. "I can't believe I missed all of the big moments. I never should have left. I bet the girls hate me." Mark frowned and patted Louis on the shoulder. "They just miss you, kid. They don't hate you at all." Louis sighed and nodded, taking his dad's hand in his own. "Come on, son. Let's go inside and say hi to the girls." The man led his son into the house, walking him through the familiar hallway lined with pictures. The boy paused when he saw a framed photo of his sisters Phoebe and Daisy in what looked to be a school play. Both girls were dressed as dogs, their noses painted black with little white and brown dots all over their faces.

"I can burn you a copy of that play. I filmed the whole thing," Mark said, coming up behind Louis to see what he was staring at. "Oh, thanks. That would be nice." Mark patted the boy on the back before leading him into the kitchen where a beautiful lunch was set out on the counter. "I hope you don't mind, we were just about to have lunch. You're welcome to join us unless you ate on the road." Louis shook his head. "Oh no, I'm starved. I always loved your cooking." Mark grinned and clapped his hands together. "Wonderful, wonderful. I'll just call the girls down and then we can eat." Louis smiled at his dad as he walked out, leaving the boy to stand in silence.

The nineteen-year-old wandered around the kitchen, admiring how little the place had changed since he had last seen it. The teacups were still piled up haphazardly in the cabinet beside the microwave, the fridge still made that weird buzzing sound, and the same tacky bowl of plastic fruit sat at the back of the kitchen counter. Louis smiled at how awfully decorated it was. It definitely looked like a middle-aged straight man had designed it. He chuckled to himself as he thought of all the things Harry would say about how he could 'spruce it up', but then he bit his lip when he realized he probably wouldn't see or hear from Harry again.

The boy was brought out of his thoughts when he heard several pairs of feet stomping down the creaky, old staircase. "Where's the surprise, daddy?" Louis heard Phoebe scream from the bottom of the stairs. He smiled to himself, happy that Phoebe was still her loud and energetic self. "In the kitchen, darling," Mark called back, sounding exhausted. "Hold up, girls. I want you all to go in there together so the surprise won't be ruined. Let me go in first." Louis heard Mark's feet slowly make their way down the steps and then he came into the kitchen, an exhausted look on his face. "They're rowdy today, just warning you," He whispered to his son before going back to the doorway.

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