Chapter 34

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Harry was startled out of his book late Saturday afternoon, his foot propped up on a pillow at the end of his bed, by several loud knocks on his front door. He stood up and grabbed his crutches from beside his bed, hopping out of his room to the kitchen. "I'm coming, I'm coming!" He shouted as he slowly made his way to the door, opening it to find Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Niall. "Harry! Babes, it's good to see ya! You look fucking hot in those shorts, ya know?" Harry flinched at Niall's loud voice, him being too tired for anything but quiet voices and coffee. "Jesus, Niall, do you have any volume other than loud?" Harry asked, opening the door wider so the boys could come in. Niall smirked and then leaned into Harry's ear.

"Course I do, Haz!" He screamed into the younger boy's ear. "My other volume is louder!" Harry winced and covered his ears, ducking down to squat on the floor to avoid the loud noise. "Oh, shit, Haz. I forgot about your whole thing with hating loud noises. My bad. You need help getting up?" Niall asked as he reached his hand out, but the boy shook his head. "No, I'm okay. You just startled me." Harry stood back up and gave Niall a reassuring smile, pecking him sweetly on the cheek. "You're good, Ni. I'm fine, I promise." Niall smiled and returned the gesture, this time kissing him lightly on the lips. "Eww, gross. Get a fucking room," Calum groaned from where he was standing at the counter.

Harry giggled and hopped over to the boy, kissing him on the lips as well. Calum gagged and wiped his mouth off, glaring at the younger boy. "Fucking disgusting. You have cooties, I know it. Anyone who kisses Niall has to have cooties. He's fucking gross." Ashton chuckled and pulled Harry into a good, long hug, making sure to give him a sweet peck on the lips as well. When he pulled away, he turned to Calum and said, "See, Cal. He doesn't have cooties. Maybe you're just being homophobic." Calum grimaced and shook his head. "Course I'm not being homophobic. Believe me, my body count definitely includes all genders and you know as well as I do that my sexuality is as fluid as it can be. Just don't like Niall, is all."

Harry snorted and shook his head at Calum, wrapping an arm around him. "I know, Cal, I know. Niall is pretty gross. I mean, he's slept over here a lot, and when he leaves you can see the trail of disaster he's left in his wake. He's like an Irish tornado." Calum laughed and nodded, pulling Harry close to his side. "Yeah, he's pretty fucking terrible. I gave him a ride the other day, and somehow, in the thirty minutes that he was in my car, he managed to spill a soft drink, drip ketchup on my nice, leather seats, and leave scuff marks all over my dashboard with his stupid little boots he wears all the time."

From behind them, both boys heard Niall say, "Hey!" Calum laughed and turned to face the boy. "Sorry, but it's true. You fucking destroyed my car. I had to take it to a professional cleaner to get those ketchup stains out and get rid of the stickiness all over my floor." Niall huffed, crossing his arms and stamping his foot on the floor. "It wasn't that bad. Anyway, your car was absolute trash. I've been chauffeured around in way better rides than that." Calum just rolled his eyes and strolled into the living room, plopping down onto the couch. The other boys followed him in, Ashton taking a seat next to Calum, Harry sitting in between them, Niall in the armchair, and Michael on the floor in front of Harry's legs.

"So, boys, what should we do today? I know Haz's foot is feeling better and he doesn't have to use his crutches that much, so maybe we could go out? I was thinking we could drive around town a little bit." The boys all nodded at him. "Yeah, that sounds good. But what do you want to do later tonight?" Ashton and Michael just shrugged at him but Niall perked up from his spot, a great idea forming in his fucked-up brain. "I know exactly what we can do. Cal, come here." The boy groaned but followed Niall's order, standing up and coming over to where Niall was seated. The blonde whispered something into his ear and then they both leaned back, sharing a look. Calum turned back and went back to his seat, a smug look on his face. "Well, what's the plan?" Harry asked, looking between the two boys. Niall just shook his head at Calum, telling him to keep his mouth shut.

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