Chapter 10

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Liam felt horrible. Harry hadn't talked to him for two days and Liam knew it was all his fault. He finally broke down when he tried to ask Harry what he wanted for dinner and the boy just left the room. The older lad followed his younger brother out of the room and into his bedroom, where he watched as Harry fiddled with the toys on his desk. "I'm tired of this." Harry whipped around at the sound of Liam's voice, not realizing that he was in there. "I-I...You can't be in here. You always tell me to stay out of your room, so I can tell you to leave my room."

Liam shook his head and came closer to the boy. "Haz, I'm sorry I yelled at you. Money really is tight for me right now and I really need this new job that I applied for." Harry furrowed his brow. "Mum and dad left you money. A lot of money. Where did all that go?" Liam sighed and walked over to Harry's desk. "It all got put into a trust fund that can't be opened until I'm twenty-one. Same was done with your money, I assume." Harry nodded. "Sorry. I thought that the only reason I didn't get the money was that I'm not an adult yet. Didn't know that the money was put away."

"It's okay, you didn't know. I've been used to this kind of life for a while, but I know you were pampered. You just have to be a little more wary when you're spending my money. I can splurge every now and then, but I have to be warned." Liam laid a hand on Harry's shoulder and squeezed. Harry smiled sadly and wrapped his arms around Liam's middle, smiling when the older boy hugged him back. "I love you, little bro," Liam said into the boy's hair. "I love you too, Li," Harry said, voice slightly muffled by Liam's tank top. "How about we go watch a movie and have us a cuddle? I'll let you eat crisps in my bed."

Harry smiled giddily and nodded, skipping out of the room and into the kitchen where he pulled a bag of crisps out of a cabinet. "Ice cream?" Liam almost shook his head but then saw the pleading look on the boy's face. "Yeah, grab us some ice cream. What do you wanna watch?" Harry shrugged and handed the carton to the older boy. "Can I go look?" Liam nodded and pushed the boy out of the room before gathering up some spoons. No bowls, though. They could just eat out of the carton.

Once Liam got all of the snacks they needed, he made his way to his bedroom and set everything down on his desk. Harry came skipping back into the room a few minutes later with a movie clasped in his hands. "Edward Scissorhands? I always thought that was too scary for you, Haz." Harry pouted and shook his head. "It's not scary, Li. It's romantic. Edward is so cute." Liam snorted and shook his head at the boy. "Only you would call Edward Scissorhands cute." Harry blushed and turned away, crawling into the right side of the bed. "No. That's my side. You go on the left side." The younger lad rolled his eyes and scooted over, jostling the food at the end of the bed.

Liam put the movie in and hit play before going to his side of the bed, sliding in next to Harry. The opening credits started and Harry snuggled under the covers, accidentally kicking Liam in the shin. "Stop, Harry." Liam put a hand on his arm to keep him from moving. "Sorry. But can you grab me the ice cream?" The older boy sighed but nodded, grabbing the carton and a spoon. The curly boy held his hands out and Liam placed the ice cream in them, making the boy grin. "T'ank you. Yummy." Harry opened the container, setting the top between his legs, and dug his spoon in, scooping up a large spoonful.

Liam watched carefully as the boy ate the treat, making sure he didn't get anything on his nice sheets. The younger boy paid no attention to his older brother and kept his eyes on the tv, a bright smile on his face. "I wanna be an Avon consultant. The outfits are pretty." Liam smiled and tucked a lock of hair behind the small boy's ear before it dropped into his spoonful of ice cream. "I think you would look very pretty, but I don't know how successful you would be as a consultant for a company that has barely had any business since the 90s."

Harry rolled his eyes and licked his spoon clean, tossing it onto the bedside table once he was done. He closed the carton and passed it back to Liam, who took it and set it on the floor next to the bed. "Make sure you clean up that spoon when we're done. I don't want ants." Harry stuck his tongue out at the boy and crawled out from under the covers, grabbing the Maltesers from the end of the bed. "You need to restock these. Louis ate almost all of them when he was here. Why was he so hungry, anyway?" Liam snorted, trying to cover it up with a cough. "What's so funny?"

Liam tried to keep a straight face but his eyes kept crinkling and his mouth kept turning up at the corners, betraying him. "C'mon, Li." Harry directed his attention away from the tv and focused it all on Liam. "It was nothing, Harry. Lou just eats a lot, I guess." Harry crinkled his nose, not liking the answer. "But what smelled so funny? After I went to bed I kept smelling this weird smell. What was it?" The older boy cleared his throat and sniffled, not wanting to explain to Harry. "It was something that's a little too old for you, Haz. Okay?" The boy shook his head. "No. Wanna know."

The older boy finally gave in to his younger brother's pleas. "Fine. He was smoking weed. I told him not to do it here but he's been doing it since I moved in, so he refused to stop. Just, don't do what he does. I don't need you ruining your pure, sixteen-year-old lungs." Harry furrowed his brows. "Why not?" He asked innocently. Liam sighed. "It's not good when your body is still developing. It's a lot safer when you're older, but it can have some bad effects on you when you're younger. Please just tell me you won't smoke anything until you're eighteen." Harry nodded and crawled back under the covers, digging his hand into the bag of Maltesers and pulling out a handful.

"Come here and give me a cuddle, love. We got too serious too fast and I need to lighten this room up a bit." Liam opened his arms to the boy and he grinned, scooching over to him and allowing himself to be cuddled. The older lad held him tight, just like he always did, and Harry felt safe. He always felt like that when being held by the ones he loved. "I love you, kiddo. Even though you're growing up on me way too fast." Harry giggled and shifted in Liam's arms, turning his head to watch the movie. "I love you too. Sorry I'm growing up." Liam smiled and pressed a kiss to the top of the boy's head, leaning back against his headboard to watch the rest of the movie.

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