Chapter 9

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Harry left his room the next morning in just his boxers, ready to go eat breakfast with Liam, when he ran into something, someone, very solid in the hallway. The boy nearly toppled over from the impact but was steadied by a warm hand on his arm. "Sorry, little Harry, didn't see you there. Are you alright?" Harry's breath hitched at the sound of the familiar voice. He looked up and was immediately met with an angelic, dripping wet Louis. He was completely bare-chested with a towel wrapped around his waist. "O-oh, L-Louis. You're s-still here. I-I thought you w-went home last night." Louis shook his head at the stuttering young boy, "No, Li let me stay the night. I didn't feel like walking all the way back to my place."

Harry nodded at the older boy and played with the waistband of his brand new heart boxers. Louis seemed to realize just how few clothes the boy had on and he bit his lip as he scanned over his body. "Y-you look really good. I like your little boxers. Not little like you're little just little like the boxers are little." Harry blushed even harder at the way Louis was stumbling over his words. "Th-thanks. I got them a-" "Hey boys, what are you doing" Liam came into the hallway and interrupted the boys' conversation.

Louis gulped and backed away from the younger boy, knowing that Liam was still skeptical about his plans with Harry. "N-nothing. We were just, uh, talking." Liam nodded with a raised eyebrow before turning to his younger brother. "Harry, why aren't you wearing any clothes?" Harry flushed bright red and covered his midriff. "I-I was just leaving my room, I didn't know he was still h-here. I thought he left. So I went out in just this, and then w-we, ya know, crash, bang right into each other and he apologized, because he's really nice, not like a special nice, but just like he s-seems like a nice guy, and then, well, we just, uh started t-talking. Meaningless talking."

The boy was completely out of breath by the time he finished his whole spiel. Liam just stared at him with an amused look. "Geez, kid, that was a lot. I was just wondering, didn't need to tell me everything that has happened since you woke up. I would suggest putting on some pants, though. Those boxers leave very little to the imagination." Harry looked down and gasped when he saw that the shorts were practically see-through. He immediately clasped his hands in front of his crotch and whipped around, rushing back into his room before he let the true embarrassment of Louis seeing him half-naked sink in.

Harry sunk down to the floor on the other side of the door and covered his face with his hands, feeling like a complete idiot. "Fuck, I'm so stupid!" He banged his fists against his forehead and stomped his feet on the ground. It was a proper tantrum. "Harry? Are you alright in there? We were just joking around." Liam's voice came from the other side of the door. Harry bit his lip, wondering if he should answer or not. His decision was made for him when he heard Liam's footsteps fade away.

The boy finally got up off the floor and went to his closet, pulling out his new blue jumper with the swallows on the sleeves. He decided to pair it with some cute butter-yellow shorts that he hadn't worn yet. Harry walked out of his room with a bit of newfound confidence, ready to blow Louis away with how hot he looked. He walked, well, strutted, into the kitchen, swaying his hips as he grabbed a muffin from the counter. Louis's eyes roamed over him as he took a bite out of it, moaning at the taste. "This is delicious. Where did you get these, Li?"

Liam shrugged and gestured to the other boy at the table. Louis coughed before answering. "I got them from the bakery down the street. Figured I owe you guys something for having to deal with me." Harry giggled into his palm. "It's okay, Lou. I didn't mind at all." Liam looked between the two boys with a quirked eyebrow, sensing something developing between them. "Hey, uh, Harry?" Harry turned his attention to Liam."We're out of coffee. Do you think you could run down to the store and grab some up? I would but I applied for a job and the guy is supposed to call me back. I want to be here when he calls."

Harry shot the lad a thumbs up and ran back to his room to get his shoes and bag. He came back a few minutes later in a pair of white Keds, his small backpack slung on his shoulder. "Money?" The boy held his hands out greedily. Liam sighed and dug into his back pocket, pulling out a wad of bills. "Bring me exact change. And don't talk to strangers. I don't need you getting abducted under my watch. Be careful." He handed the boy the money and kissed his cheek, sending him out the door.

Liam shut the door behind Harry and then turned back to Louis, giving him a look. "I hope you know my whole story was a lie. I just needed to get Harry out so we could talk in private." He sat down across from the boy and crossed his arms. "I just have some things to say to you, and you will not interrupt me. Everything I say is non-negotiable, but I may be able to loosen up a little bit." Louis gulped as Liam's glare bared down on him. Liam had always been the scariest of Louis's friends, with his bulging muscles and stony face. Most of the time he was a teddy bear, but he sure could fuck someone up if prompted.

"I have sensed...something going on between you and Harry." Louis opened his mouth to protest but Liam cut him off with a wave of his hand. "No no, let me talk. I know your history with guys. I know that you like to fuck people and then never talk to them again. That is not going to happen with Harry. You will stay away from him. You will not say anything, and I mean anything, suggestive to him. And you absolutely cannot be alone with him, at any time. I know that he has a little crush on you, but you have to make him understand that nothing can happen between the two of you. He's already been through so much, I can't have his heart broken by my asshole of a best friend."

Louis's hands formed into fists at the sharpness of his best friend's words, but he knew that he was saying them with love. After all, most everything Liam did was from the heart. "I'm sorry I ever upset you, Li. I had no idea how protective you were of him. I promise I'll stop flirting with him, but I don't know how good I'll be at telling him no. I just don't want to hurt his feelings. Crushes at his age seem so much bigger than they really are. I feel like I'll break him just by rejecting him." Liam sighed and laid a hand on Louis's. "I know, but you can't lead him on. He doesn't deserve that. He's so vulnerable right now, and I don't know whether he's going to attach himself to every new person that comforts him or push everyone away. I'm trying to protect you just as much as I'm trying to protect Harry."

Louis nodded and leaned back in his chair, exhaling loudly. He knew that having to refuse Harry's looks, his flirting, was going to be hard. But he had to do it for Liam. For Harry. The boy seemed so fragile and he didn't want to break the poor thing's heart. He had lost his own mother two years ago, so he knew what the boy was going through. It had taken him over a year to get through the grieving process, and he still sometimes felt that ache of longing that simply ripped through his body and took everything out of him.

"How is he? Really?" Liam sighed and shook his head at Louis. "He tries to make it seem like he's okay, but I hear him crying at night. I don't want to upset him by bringing it up, but I hate seeing him like that." Louis nodded and gave Liam a sympathetic look. "I completely understand. If you ever need help with anything, just call me. I'm your man." Louis stood up and walked over, helping Liam to his feet. He pulled the boy into a tight hug, pressing his cheek to Liam's broad shoulder. Liam relaxed into the embrace and held tighter onto his best friend.

They pulled apart when they heard the sound of keys in the lock and then the front door opened. Harry walked in, two plastic bags in his arms, his face sweaty. "Jesus it's hot out there. Here's your coffee." He set one of the bags down on the table and hid the other bag behind his back. "Hey, Haz. What's, uh, what's in the bag?" Harry furrowed his brow in fake confusion. "I already told you, silly. It's coffee." Liam shook his head and walked over, trying to reach behind the boy. "No, I mean this bag behind your back." The younger boy squealed and wiggled away from Liam, dashing to the other side of the table. "Haz, hand the bag over."

The boy pouted but took the bag from behind his back and handed it to Liam. The older boy opened the bag and groaned when he saw what was inside it. "Candy? Really, Harry? Not even good candy, either. Just lollies and gummies. I told you to buy coffee and that's it, Harry." Liam threw the bag onto the ground and then slammed his hands on the counter, making the boy jump. "Harry, I know mum and Robin spoiled you, but I'm not made of fucking money. You can't just go spending my hard-earned cash any time you want! Jesus, Harry, you act so stupid sometimes!" The younger boy teared up at his brother's harsh words and ran out of the room, slamming his bedroom door. 

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