Chapter 8

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The next morning, Harry was woken up by a loud banging at the front door, but he knew he could do nothing about it. Liam had forbidden him from ever answering the door since they didn't live in the best neighborhood. He sighed in relief when he heard Liam's door slam open, followed by the sound of his feet pounding down the hallway. Liam ripped the front door open in a huff, shouting, "What!" at the person on the other side.

"And good morning to you too, mate," The boy standing across from Liam said. "Louis. I didn't know you were coming over today. Sorry I'm in a pissy mood, you just woke me up." Louis nodded and waved his arm, asking if he could come in. "Oh, yeah, sure. Come on in." Louis stepped into the house and went straight to the living room, not hesitating to stretch out on the small couch."Your couch is shit, you know. Mine is way better." Liam rolled his eyes and pushed Louis's feet off the arm of the couch. "No shoes on the furniture. And why the fuck do you always come here if my couch is so shit?"

Louis shrugged at the boy and turned on the tv, switching it to cartoons. "Turn it down, my little brother is still sleeping." Liam gave the older boy a pointed look and snatched the remote out of his hands when he made no move to turn the volume down. The smaller lad groaned and crossed his arms on his chest, turning his full attention to the television. Both of the boys' heads snapped up when they heard Harry's door open, the sound of it clicking shut following close behind.

Harry came into the room in a t-shirt and sweats, his hands awkwardly playing with the hem of his shirt. He reached his hand up and waved shyly at the two boys on the couch. "H-hi." Louis's mouth dropped open as he looked the boy over. "Uh, Harry, this is my friend Louis. Louis, this is Harry. Now shut your fucking mouth, Lou, before I shut it for you." Louis quickly closed his mouth and coughed awkwardly. "It's nice to meet you, Harry." He held his hand out and the younger boy giggled adorably. Louis's cheeks flushed and he put his hand back down. "Nice to meet you too, Louis. I haven't heard much about you."

Louis looked over at Liam with a hurt look on his face. "You haven't been talking about me at all? Not even bragging about your best friend going to a recording studio and making a demo of his amazing song? What a shit friend you are." He stuck his tongue out at the boy. Liam retaliated by giving the older lad a quick smack to the crotch. Louis crumpled up and grabbed his crotch, groaning in pain. "That's what you get for being a dick," Liam said before standing up and going over to Harry. "C'mon, Haz. Let's go make you some breakfast, yeah?"

Harry followed behind Liam, looking back at Louis as he left the room. Louis caught his stare and sent him a flirty wink before looking back at the tv. The younger boy flushed and turned back around. He sat down at the kitchen table once he reached it, watching as Liam pulled things out of the fridge. "What would you like, kid? Pancakes, waffles, eggs. I have some really old bacon in the back here, but I don't think bacon really goes bad, does it?" Liam turned and looked at the pink-cheeked boy. "What are you all blushy about? Oh god, you don't fancy Lou, do you? Because he would make an absolute shit boyfriend. Plus, he's sort of taken."

The younger boy blushed harder and shook his head at his older brother. "N-no, not that. Just a bit warm." Liam furrowed his brows. "Are you sick? I think it's quite cool in here. Do you want me to turn the fan on?" Harry nodded. "Y-yeah, that would be good. Sorry I'm such a bother." Liam shook his head and ran a hand over Harry's unruly curls. "No, buddy. You're not a bother at all. I love doing stuff for you." He pecked the side of the boy's head before leaving the room, going to the hall closet to get out the fan.

In Liam's absence, Louis left the living room and made his own way into the kitchen. "Is Liam making you sum'n or is he leaving you to your own devices?" Harry stuttered his way through his answer. "H-he's getting th-the fan from the h-hall." Louis smirked. "Do I make you nervous, Harry?" The small boy gulped. "Hmm? Do I intimidate you?" Harry's eyes widened and he looked away. Louis tutted and sat down across from the boy. "How old are you, Harry? You look very young." He looked the boy over. "I'm, uh, s-sixteen." Harry had no idea why he was so flustered. He had talked to attractive boys before, though none of them were anything like Louis was.

Louis was...perfect. That's all there is to say. He had defined arm and chest muscles, a bit of stubble coating his sharp jawline, and the deepest collarbones known to man. Harry wanted to know what the boy's tan smelled like, tasted like, what it felt like under his hands. He wondered how Louis's rough hands would feel on his own, baby-smooth skin. The boy felt terribly young and innocent in's presence. He blushed at the things that were going through his head, never having felt anything like it before.

It was a minute before the boy realized that Louis had said something. "I'm sorry, what did you say?" He asked quietly, not wanting Louis to think he wasn't paying attention to him. "I asked if you had a boyfriend or girlfriend." Louis laughed, the most beautiful sound Harry's ears had ever heard. "Ooh. N-no, I'm not dating anyone. I only like b-boys, though." Harry looked up at him from underneath his eyelashes coyly. "That's good to know. So, uh, how many of Li's friends have you met so far?" Louis inquired. "Just Zayn. I don't think Liam has any other friends."

Louis shook his head at the boy. "Oh no, he has a lot of other friends. I guess he just doesn't trust them around you, with you being so innocent and all. I think he wants you to remain a baby forever." Harry nodded. "Yeah. Especially since my...accident, he's been really, umm, overprotective. I love him, though, and I know he's just trying to protect me. I just wish he would let up every now and then. You know, I'm not even allowed to answer the fucking door. Isn't that ridiculous?" Louis hummed and tapped the boy's small hand that was laying on the table.

"Should you be cursing like that, love?" Harry swallowed loudly at Louis's commanding voice. Before he could answer the older lad's question, Liam came back into the room. "Sorry it took me so long, little bro. The fan wasn't where I thought it would be and then I had to adjust one of the blades before I tested it out. It works fine now so- Oh hey, Lou. Do you want me to make you breakfast as well or-" Louis shook his head. "No, mate, I'm good. Still nursing a bit of a hangover and I already ate at home."

Liam nodded in understanding and set the fan in the corner of the room so it was facing Harry, plugging it in once it was situated. "There we go, Harry, now you have your fan. So, did you decide on what you want for breakfast?" Harry nodded and got up to get more coffee. "I want some pancakes." He turned to the boy at the table. "Louis, would you like some coffee?" Harry gestured to the pot in his hand. "Umm...yeah I could use a cup. As long as it's not a bother, of course." The younger boy grinned. "No, of course it's not a bother. Here you are." He set the cup down in front of Louis and then placed the sugar and milk down in the middle of the table.

Liam started on the pancakes, mixing the batter in one of his favorite mixing bowls. The boy loved to cook, always made everything from scratch. It was a bit of a hidden talent he had. He poured the mix onto the griddle, his favorite part of the kitchen, and smiled as he heard it sizzle. Bubbles formed on the top of the pancake and he flipped it with expert skill. Louis and Harry just sat back and watched the master at work, secretly sneaking glances at each other every now and then.

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