Chapter 35

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When the boys got home from their shopping trip with all of their arms full of shopping bags, Liam was sitting at the kitchen table sipping a cup of coffee, still in his work clothes. "Hey, lads. Where were you guys?" He asked as they all came in the door in a flurry of crinkling shopping bags and loud chatter. "We went shopping around town. It was great," Harry replied, setting his bags down next to Liam before hugging the boy from behind, pecking the top of his head. Liam nodded and leaned slightly to the side, looking over what Harry had gotten. His heart stopped when he saw a pile of lacy, stringy things inside a bright blue shopping bag.

Harry's cheeks reddened when he saw what Liam was staring at beside him and he grabbed the bag off of the floor, holding it close to his chest so Liam couldn't see any more of what he had bought. "Oooh, is Harry embarrassed about buying lingerie?" Niall teased from where he was at the counter, eating a huge dill pickle over the jar. Harry just shook his head and held the bag closer. "Don't worry, Liam, only half of the stuff he bought has the word daddy on it." Liam spluttered and coughed as he nearly choked on his coffee, some of it dripping onto his shirt. "Niall!" Harry shouted, his chest starting to turn beet red right along with his face. Niall just held his hands up and shrugged at the younger boy.

"I was just telling him not to worry. I mean, come on, his face said it all. He needed a bit of reassurance." Harry sighed in defeat and shook his head at the blonde before going to put the bag in his room. He pulled all of the underwear out and put it in his top drawer with his other things, and then took out his new bralette. It was small, with no padding or anything like that. It was just thin, lacy fabric that formed two triangles where boobs were meant to go. Harry knew that bras were mainly for people with breasts, but he just wanted to try it out and see how he felt about it. Maybe he would even love it and want to buy more.

Once he finished putting all of his things away he came back into the kitchen and found three of the boys at the table, while Liam was backing Niall into a wall with one of his shopping bags in his hands. Harry just chuckled and shook his head, moving a little closer so he could hear what they were saying. "Come on, Ni. Just give me a little fashion show before I go to work," Liam whined, holding the bag up a little higher. "Liam, I swear to fucking god I will slap you." Liam just pouted more. "Please," He whispered. "Liam, I fucking love you, but I am not letting you see my ass in those. That is for me and me only. And sometimes Harry." Niall shot a wink to the younger boy, who came over and pulled Liam away by the hand.

"Li, we've talked about this. If Niall wants you, he'll let you know," Harry said pointedly to the older boy. Liam just sighed and handed the bag back to Niall. "Thank you, Liam. Now, don't you have to get to work?" Niall asked, looking at the clock on the wall. Lima glanced at his watch and cursed, rushing off to his room. He came back out with his duffel bag a moment later and grabbed a paper bag from the fridge, shoving that into his duffel. "Shit. Okay, Harry, I'm gonna be home late, so don't wait up for me, okay? There's food in the fridge for you guys and I have to keep my cell off at work, so if you need anything, just go out and get it or something. Love you guys." Harry nodded and kissed the boy on the cheek, waving to him as he walked out the door.

"Well, boys, now that he's gone, we can get Harry ready for tonight," Niall said once the door closed, clapping his hands together. Harry flinched at the loud noise. "Right," Calum said from behind Harry before grabbing the boy's hand and some of his bags. "Let's go." He led the boy back into his room and kept the door open for all of the guys. Calum dropped the younger boy's hand and immediately went to the boy's closet, digging through all of his dresses and sweaters. "Niall, I think it would be best if you took over. You're more of a fashion expert than I am." Niall nodded and took Calum's place, rifling through all of Harry's clothes. "God, Harry, do you not have anything sexy? Jesus."

Niall groaned as he flipped through the clothes, not finding anything good enough for Harry to go out in. "This fucking sucks, Haz. All of your clothes are- Now hold on a fucking second. You little shit." Niall turned around with something behind his back. "You fucking kept this from me. I've never seen this thing in my life and you're just chill with keeping it in the back of your closet? You fucking cunt. Go fucking put this on right now." Niall handed the clothing hanger to Harry and he took it, going into the bathroom to change.

When Harry came out, all of the boys' jaws dropped open and their faces said everything. They didn't need to say a word. "Whoa, that's- fuck Harry, you look fucking hot," Calum managed to say, his chest tightening a little as his breath quickened. Ashton and Michael just stared at him, their eyes never moving from his curvy waist. "Wow, Harry. I did fucking amazing, didn't I, lads? Lads?" Niall turned to look at the awestruck boys when he didn't get an answer. "See, Harry. You look hot as hell and everyone knows it. I think you even made Mikey over there cum in his trousers. Now come on, we all have to get dressed. There are places to be, things to see, hot guys to fuck in public bathrooms."

The boys all separated to get dressed in their new clothes while Harry waited for them in the kitchen, fiddling with a loose edge on the table. Ashton came back in first, dressed up in high-waisted, light brown corduroys with a white t-shirt. Harry complimented his outfit and rubbed a hand over his waist, trying to feel how soft the corduroy was. "Oooh, what's going on in here? Harry, are you feeling Ashton up?" Michael called as he waltzed into the room, dressed in his basic ripped black jeans and a punk band t-shirt, his hair styled extra spiky. "No, I wasn't feeling him up. I was just touching his pants to see how soft they were," Harry replied, trying to defend himself. Michael just snorted and shook his head.

Calum came in next dressed in a black tank top, an unbuttoned black shirt, and his favorite pair of red leather pants, a chain around his neck just to look slightly kinky. "Lookin' sexy, Cal," Harry hummed, running his eyes over the bulge in Calum's tight pants. "Thanks, doll," He replied, blowing the boy a kiss and sitting down at the table. "Careful, Cal. He already felt up Ashton, you might be next," Michael warned, his tone extremely serious. Calum just waved him off with a laugh. Niall came in last with his booty shorts and favorite cropped jersey, his pulling face on. "I am so ready to get fucked tonight!" He yelled, placing his hands on his hips as he strutted around the room in his new favorite Adidas shoes.

"Wow, we all look fucking hot. We are totally ready to leave. Haz, go get your stuff, we're leaving," Niall called as he walked to the door, opening it for the other boys. Harry simply obliged, grabbing his purse and jacket from the hook before taking one last look at himself in the mirror. He felt confident in his outfit. The pale blue, shimmery dress clung to his almost non-existent curves and accentuated his waist perfectly, the low cut of it exposed his deep collar bones, and the shortness of it left little to the imagination. He took a deep breath before walking out the door and closing it behind him, making sure it locked. Then he went down the stairs and met the other boys at the front door of the lobby, all of them walking out of the building together into the warmth of the August night.

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