Chapter 42

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Louis came over every day for the next few weeks while the younger boy was still grounded, and Harry couldn't have appreciated it more. The older boy would bring snacks, things that his sister baked, and one time he even brought cookies that he had baked himself. The two of them eventually had to throw the cookies out because they were burnt to a crisp and they physically could not be eaten, but the gesture was nice anyway. Harry was thoroughly enjoying life as Louis Tomlinson's boyfriend. He was spoiled so much and every day ended with a barely-clothed "cuddle" in Harry's bed before Louis snuck out the window so Liam wouldn't know he was there. Harry's bedroom was close to the fire escape which was a blessing since Louis refused to scale a four-story building.

The boys were currently trying to finish up Harry's chores for the day so that they could cuddle for a bit before Liam came home, but they were struggling with getting the top to the shower drain off. Louis figured it had to come off somehow because otherwise, they would have to dig something in it to get all the hair out. The older boy wanted to use chopsticks but they deemed that too complicated. Then Harry came up with the idea of using one of his crochet hooks to get out the hair. Louis said okay to it and Harry came back a few moments later with an array of hooks in his hands. The metal ones ended up being the most efficient and they managed to get the shower drain clean with only twenty minutes to spare before Liam got home.

As Harry was getting up from the floor of the shower, he put his hand on the handle of the shower valve, turning the water on. Both boys shrieked when they felt the water touch them and Harry tried to turn it off, but he kept slipping on the floor and fell on top of Louis. The older boy chuckled and helped Harry to his feet, though both of them went down again, Louis landing on top of Harry. "Hi," Louis giggled out, kissing Harry as the water streamed on them from above. Harry smiled and kissed the older boy back, pulling him down so he could deepen the kiss. Louis's hands made their way under the boy's wet t-shirt and he grabbed at his doughy hips, squeezing them tight. "This is like kissing in the rain, but way colder. Jesus, Haz, couldn't you have turned it onto the hottest setting when you turned it on," Louis chastised the younger boy, placing another bruising kiss on his lips.

Harry just sighed in content as Louis warmed him up with his lips, his kisses hotter than anything he had ever felt. He didn't feel the coolness of the water on his skin, only the touch of Louis's calloused hands on his hips. "Lou," He moaned when the older boy bit down on his jugular, causing a small bruise to form. Harry didn't mind the marks, he had learned to artfully cover them up with scarves and makeup and anything he could find. The only problem was if Liam saw ones that Harry hadn't remembered to cover, or the makeup rubbed off. There had been too many close calls where Harry had to make up crazy lies about mosquito bites and curling irons and falling neck first onto his dresser. It was becoming exhausting.

"Lou, I'm getting c-cold. Can we g-get out?" The younger boy asked right as Louis was about to lift his shirt off. The older boy nodded and slowly helped Harry to his feet, turning off the freezing water so they could get out and dry off. Just as Louis was handing Harry his towel, they heard the front door open, and then Liam's heavy footsteps were in the kitchen, coming down the hall. "Harry, Louis, I'm home!" Liam called as he unbuttoned his work shirt. He stopped right before the bathroom and slipped his shirt off his shoulders, peeking into Harry's empty bedroom. "Haz? Where are you guys?" Louis looked at Harry and then stepped out of the bathroom, Harry following close behind him.

Liam came out of Harry's room and started to walk down the hallway again, stopping when he saw the two dripping wet boys in front of him. "Hey, lads. Uh, why are you all wet?" He asked as he looked the two of them up and down, his brows furrowing. "We, uh, we were, uhm, cleaning the sh-shower drain," Harry replied, looking down at his feet the whole time."Uh-huh," Liam said, still staring at them. "So, did you two not understand that you don't have to have the shower on when you're cleaning the drain orr..." Harry swallowed and Louis decided to answer. "Well, Harry was g-getting up and he accidentally turned the shower on, and th-then it got, you know, slippery, so we had trouble getting out."

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