Chapter 39

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Louis woke up the next morning to the sound of someone vomiting in the bathroom. He knew it was Harry, so he stood up and walked into the small room, finding Harry kneeling in front of the toilet with his head halfway in the bowl. "Oh, Haz. Here, let me pull your hair back," He said soothingly, grabbing a chunk of Harry's hair and holding it away from his face. Harry dry heaved a few more times before sitting back on his heels, the look on his face absolutely miserable. "I want to kill Niall," He groaned, spit coating his chin. Louis chuckled and took a rag out from under the sink, wetting it so he could clean Harry's face. "I know, babes. Hangovers absolutely suck. But they do mean getting cuddles from your favorite boy." Harry smiled as he remembered the kissing from the previous night, sitting up straighter so Louis could clean the spit off of his chin. "Good, but first I need aspirin."

Louis nodded and stood up, grabbing the bottle from the cabinet and pulling out two tablets. "Here, let me get you some water," He said as he took a paper cup and filled it from the tap. Harry took both items from him and popped the pills in his mouth, taking a sip of water right after. "Thank you. Hopefully, that'll help my fucking headache. Jesus." Harry groaned and grabbed his head, screwing his eyes shut. Louis sat on the lip of the bathtub and watched as the boy brushed his teeth quickly and then swished some mouthwash, spitting it into the sink when he was done. The younger boy flipped the toilet lid down and sat on it, putting his head in his hands as he grumbled about his killer headache. "Shh, babes, you're fine. Why don't you go lie down on the couch and then I'll go make breakfast, yeah?" Harry nodded and stood up, hobbling out of the room to go lie on the couch. Louis made sure he got settled then went into the kitchen and got started on some eggs and bacon.

When Louis finished cooking the food, he put it on two plates and carried them into the living room. He set one plate down in front of Harry's face and then moved the boy's legs so that he could sit on the other end of the couch. "Thank you, Lou," Harry mumbled, picking up a forkful of eggs and eating them. At first, it seemed like he was going to throw up again, but then he swallowed the food and perked up a little. "These are awful but also amazing. They're so greasy," Harry said, sounding amazed. Louis chuckled and pulled Harry's legs into his lap. "That's what makes them good hangover food. You either get it all down and it soaks up whatever's left in you, or it makes you vomit everything that you ate or drank in the last twenty-four hours. It's a win-win situation."

Harry laughed and scarfed down the rest of his food, setting the empty plate on the table once he was done. Louis finished his food a few minutes later and took both plates into the kitchen, setting them in the sink before walking back into the living room. "D'you wanna watch something or do you wanna just cuddle or..." Louis trailed off, not knowing what else there was to do. Harry answered him by tugging him back down onto the couch and cuddling close to him. "Well, guess we're just cuddling then," Louis said, smiling to himself as Harry curled further into him, his hands fisting his t-shirt. "Louis?" Harry asked, looking up at him with wide eyes, his hands still gripping fistfuls of his shirt. "Yes, darling?"

Harry took a deep breath and then leaned forward, putting his lips close to Louis's ear. "Can you kiss me?" Louis inhaled deeply and before Harry could even prepare himself, he kissed his lips gently. Harry sighed into his mouth, letting Louis move him so that he was gripping his waist. "Is that what you wanted, darling?" Louis asked when he pulled away, licking his lips. Harry nodded as he tried to catch his breath. "Can...again, please?" Louis smirked and surged forward, nearly knocking Harry down with the force of his lips. Harry immediately melted into it and wrapped his arms around Louis's neck, tugging him closer until they were right against each other, their heaving chests touching.

Louis licked around Harry's lips and the boy opened his mouth obediently, allowing Louis's tongue to slide inside. The older boy's tongue ran all over Harry's mouth, tasting him until he felt there was nothing left to taste. Harry whined when the boy bit his lower lip, sucking it into his mouth dirtily. They both pulled away, even more breathless than before, and just stared into each other's eyes for a moment. "You're so pretty, Haz. Especially with your lips all swollen." The older boy traced his thumb over Harry's lips, allowing the boy to suck the tip of it into his mouth. His eyes widened in amazement when he saw the way Harry's cheeks hollowed perfectly, his tongue running over the digit. "Baby, you're killing me. Your mouth is fucking sinful, especially when you do that." Harry giggled and bit down on his thumb, making Louis's eyes widen, his dick hardening in his boxers.

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