Chapter 13

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On the way home from the mall, Louis couldn't keep his eyes off of the younger boy walking next to him. Louis couldn't help it. The boy was fascinating to him, and he told the funniest stories. The older lad had already heard a hilarious anecdote about Niall getting his dick stuck between the seats in his car during a failed attempt of doing a round of doggy style in the backseat. Harry told the story well, using wonderful hand movements to make it really come to life. Louis laughed from start to finish, even when Harry was retelling how the boy ended up in the emergency room with severe carpet burn all over his dick.

"What about you, Louis? Any funny stories about Li-Li or Zayn?" Harry asked, looking up at the boy with his bottom lip between his teeth. Louis stared at the boy's lip for a second too long before clearing his throat. "Uh, maybe one or two. Would you like to hear the story of Liam's chlamydia scare or the one about Zayn streaking at the zoo?" Harry giggled at the names of both. "I want to hear the one about Zayn," He squealed while clapping his hands gleefully. Louis smiled, looping his arm through the boy's arm and starting his story.

"So, about a year ago, Li and Zayn and I were all hanging out at Zayn's place. It was just the three of us and we were all a bit, ya know, tipsy. So, our stupid, drunken selves decided to play a little round of truth or dare. Now, mind you, it should be known that letting me play truth or dare is one of the worst decisions you could make in your lifetime, especially if I'm drunk. I will come up with dares that will no doubt get you arrested if you get caught." Louis was about to continue on with his story but Harry stopped right in the middle of the sidewalk.

"Haz?" The older boy asked, putting his hand on his arm. Harry pointed at the building across the street. "Can we go there? I haven't seen it before and it looks really good." Louis sighed and nodded at the boy, grabbing onto his hand tight before crossing the street. Harry's heart leaped when Louis's skin touched his, a warmth spreading all the way from his fingertips to his toes. "After you, darling," Louis said as he opened the door to the small cafe, making Harry blush. The boy stepped into the air-conditioned restaurant, Louis following right behind.

Harry grinned as he looked around the place. There was various cat paraphernalia all over the walls and a couple of cats roamed around the small room. "Louis, look! Kitties!" Harry screeched as he pointed at the cats. A few customers turned to see who caused all of the commotion and frowned at the boy. Louis gave the boy a fond look and brushed a hand over his arm. "I see, Haz. Try to keep your voice down, though. Don't want to scare all the cats away." Harry nodded, not exactly listening to the older lad, and got down on all fours to look at a cat that had sauntered over to them.

"Hi, kitty kitty. Come here." The fluffy orange cat slinked over to Harry and sniffed at his finger. Harry waited patiently while the cat decided whether or not he was okay. The boy cheered when the cat realized that he was okay and rubbed against his palm. While Harry was on the floor with the cat, Louis stood above and watched him, a soft smile on his face as he heard the boy giggle. His laugh was like the tinkling of chimes, a beautiful symphony to Louis's ears. The older lad chuckled as he saw another cat come over and rub up against Harry's side, making the smaller boy squeal with glee.

Louis's happiness was rudely interrupted, though, when a waitress walked over to the two of them. "Hello. Party of one?" The woman asked with a polite smile. Louis shook his head and held up two fingers, gesturing to the boy on the ground. "Ah. Party of two, this way." Louis held his hand out and pulled Harry up, who whined when he had to walk away from the cats. The older boy shushed him and tugged him forward, following the waitress to a table at the back. Louis sat down on one bench and Harry sat across the table from him, right next to a large cat tree. A white cat was sitting at the top of the tree, head held up like a snooty rich person.

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