Chapter 6

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 The small, curly-haired brunette sat at the kitchen table in the early afternoon, finishing up the rest of his schoolwork for the week. Liam had gone to his room about half an hour ago and hadn't come back out yet, but Harry just assumed the older lad wanted to give him some space to do his homework. The boy finished typing the last sentence of his final essay on To Kill A Mockingbird, which he had read while he was in the hospital, and turned in the assignment.

Harry sighed in relief when the document went through, glad that he was finally ahead in school like he had been before the accident. The time he had spent in the hospital had left him floundering with nothing to do. He was bored out of his mind, but he wasn't allowed to get his school stuff to work on. His doctor wanted him to make a full recovery before he did any hard work that required him to use his brain, so he had to play a serious game of catch-up once he was released. The boy had just missed so much school and Niall wasn't any help at all. Niall might have been further behind than Harry was. He got held back for a reason.

Harry shut his computer and smiled, taking a sip of his iced tea. Now he had the whole rest of the week to himself to do what he wanted. He thought about asking Liam if they could have a cuddle night together with snacks and hot cocoa, so he got up and padded down the carpeted hallway to Liam's room. The small boy knocked on the door softly and waited for Liam to answer the door, but there was no reply. He knocked again, a little louder, but still heard nothing. The boy just shrugged, assuming Liam was taking a quick little cat nap, and opened the door to the older boy's bedroom.

"Hey, Li, I was wondering if yo- Oh my fucking God!" Harry slapped a hand over his eyes once he saw the reason Liam hadn't answered him. The older lad was laying down on the bed, his pants around his ankles, and his hand on his dick. "Harry, what the fuck? Get the fuck out! And shut the fucking door behind you!" Harry ran out of the room, his eyes still screwed shut, and slammed the door behind him. He knew he would never be able to get that disgusting image out of his brain. It was going to be permanently branded to the backs of his eyelids.

The door opened a minute later and out came Liam, pink-cheeked and glassy-eyed, his nose flaring in anger. "Harry, how many times have I told you to never come into my room without knocking? I could have had someone in there with me, which would have been way worse, but maybe a little bit less humiliating." Liam mumbled the last part under his breath. Harry just rolled his eyes at the boy and stomped down the hall to the kitchen. "I did knock, though. I guess you just didn't hear me." The boy grabbed his tea off the table, slurping it loudly through the straw.

Liam huffed and followed behind the boy. "Doesn't matter if I didn't answer. Just keep knocking until I open the door or call for me. Jesus, Harry, do you not have any fucking manners at all?" Liam walked around the kitchen, banging cabinets closed and slamming things onto the counter. Harry just shrunk back against the wall and watched Liam. "Look, Li, I'm sorry. Okay? I didn't know that you were going to be jacking off in there. I just thought you were taking a nap or something." Harry walked over to his older brother and laid a hand on his shoulder, who sighed and smiled.

The older lad pulled the smaller boy into his arms and hugged him, kissing his curls. "I'm sorry, kiddo. I didn't mean to be so rude to you. It's just school right now is stressing me out. Finals are coming up and I have so much shit to do and Zayn is on my ass because his car is in the shop and he needs a ride everywhere but I just don't have the fucking time. I really am sorry I yelled at you, it's just that was the first real alone time I've had in a while and I got upset. Forgive me?" Liam pulled back and held the boy in front of him at arm's length, his face pleading.

Harry nodded and hugged his older brother around the middle once again. "It's okay, Li. Whatever you need help with around here I'm totally up for it. I can clean, or cook, or even do your schoolwork for you." Liam snorted and shook his head at the boy. "It's ok, Harry. I promise. Now, why did you need me?" Harry looked up at the boy quizzically. "You obviously came into my room because you needed me for something. What is it?"

Liam released the boy from his hold and sat down at the table, reaching for an apple from the bowl in the center. "Oh, I was just wondering if you wanted to do a cuddle night like we used to do when we were younger but if you're too busy we don't have to. It was just an offer." Liam smiled at Harry brightly. "I would love to do that, H. It would give me a nice break from all of this shit I have to do. What movie do you want to watch?" Harry hummed and placed a hand on his hip. "I don't know. I'll have to look at what we have. Be back in a sec."

The small lad skipped out of the room and into the living room where he went over to the small cabinet under the tv. He looked through all of the DVDs and finally found the one he wanted. "Li-Li!" Liam ran into the room, scared that Harry had hurt himself, and sighed in relief when he saw the boy sitting in the middle of the floor with a movie gripped in his little hands. "I found the movie I wanted." Harry hopped up and ran over to Liam, putting the movie case into his hands. "I don't know how to work your tv so you're going to have to set up the movie. I'll get all the blankets and pillows and snacks."

The small boy was about to run out of the room but was stopped by a hand gripping his arm. "Whoa whoa whoa, slow down there, little guy. I have one more assignment that I have to do and then we can do cuddle night. Ok?" Harry visibly deflated but nodded, walking back into the kitchen. Liam sighed sadly at the look on Harry's face and went back to his bedroom to do his schoolwork, finishing it quickly so that he could spend more time with his favorite baby brother.

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