Chapter 29

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"Oh, fuck, Luke! Ah, baby, baby!" Harry moaned out as Luke pushed his hips against the younger boy's. Their clothed erections rubbing together. "Oh fuck, please, baby, let me put it in you. I'm so ready for you." Harry gasped as Luke gripped onto his hips tightly, rubbing harder and faster against him. "Ngh, Luke," He sighed as he grabbed the back of the older boy's neck, pulling him down into a slow, bruising kiss. "F-fuck, come on, Harry. Let me...just...fuck, let me fuck you. I'm so ready to fuck you. Been waiting so long." Luke thrust against Harry's hips even harder, his hands going to undo his button. He was stopped by the boy's small, shaky hands, grabbing hold of his wrists. "N-no. Not yet, Luke. 'M not ready yet," He whimpered out, Luke's hips still creating divine friction on his throbbing cock.

Luke sighed and took his hands away from Harry's button, the boy giving him an apologetic smile, and moved his hands back to where they were on the bed. "I'm sorry, Luke. I'm just not ready to go that far yet. B-but, please keep d-doing that, ah!" Harry spoke between moans, crying out loudly as Luke latched onto his sweet spot. Luke's palm rubbed over Harry's legs, his thighs quivering under the touch, his skirt slowly riding up. "Mmm, Luke. Your h-hands are so g-good," He whimpered as Luke's calloused hand gripped onto his meaty flesh. His hand made its way further and further up Harry's leg until it rested just under his skirt, his fingers tracing circles on his thigh. Harry's breathing stuttered when he felt Luke's hand come a bit too close to his crotch.

"N-no, Luke. Not now." The older boy groaned and sat up on his heels, looking down at the boy beneath him in annoyance. "Seriously, Harry? Come on, just let me touch you a little bit. How are you supposed to cum if I can't touch you?" Harry thought for a moment but then shook his head. "No. I'm not ready yet," He said firmly. Luke just rolled his eyes and leaned down over the boy again, nibbling at his ear. "Come on, Harry. I bet I can make you feel so good. Please?" He spoke seductively, expertly grinding his hips on Harry's in a teasing manner. Harry stayed strong, though. "No, Luke, I'm not ready to go that far yet. Why don't you just leave? That might be better." Harry sat up and tugged his skirt back down so it was around mid-thigh, adjusting his shirt so that it looked less wrinkled.

Luke huffed and laid a hand on the boy's arm, stopping him from getting up. "Why do I have to leave? I didn't do anything." Harry pulled Luke's hand off of him and got off the bed, pulling his socks back on. "Fine. Be like that. Enjoy dealing with your boner on your own." Luke stood up from the bed and left Harry's room, walking out the front door without saying anything else to him. Harry sighed and finished fixing his outfit, then went into the kitchen to get a snack. Luke had been doing that for a while; trying to convince Harry to have sex with him, Harry saying no, and then Luke leave leaving in a huff. It was almost like a routine for them. Harry almost wanted to break up with him, but then he always came back an hour later with donuts and said that he had only left to get them. The boy never knew if it was a lie or not.

Right on schedule, Luke came back an hour later, bursting into the apartment cheerfully with a dozen donuts. Harry smiled and kissed him sweetly, whispering a small thank you into his ear. Luke just blushed and shrugged, setting the box on the table and getting two coffee cups from the cabinet. "So, uh, when's Liam getting home?" Harry swallowed a bite of donut before answering. "I don't know. He said he might go to Zayn's place and hang out with him and Lou later, but I don't know if he's going to come back here and change or just go straight there. Why are you asking?" He asked before getting up to help Luke with the coffee pot. "I just like to know so he won't walk in on us like he tends to do," Luke said as he poured Harry's cup for him, pouring his own after. "I don't really want to do any other stuff today. I was thinking we could just chill on the couch and watch a movie or sum'n."

Luke hummed quietly to himself as he grabbed the milk from the fridge, making sure to get oat milk for Harry, and set both cartons on the counter. "That sounds good. I hope I didn't make you mad earlier." Harry just shook his head at the boy. "N-no, you're fine. I'm just...not ready to take that step yet. Maybe soon." Luke smiled at the younger boy and kissed his mop of unruly curls, pulling him close to his side. "I know, baby. Whenever you're ready, I'm ready. I see you, uh, fixed your little problem." He gestured down to the boy's skirt where his bulge was gone. "Oh." Harry's cheeks brightened. "I didn't, uh, I-I didn't, you know, t-touch it. I-It went away on its o-own." He stuttered his way through, obviously embarrassed.

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