Chapter 27

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A week after Louis, Harry, and Liam had all made up, Liam invited the boy over to hang out for the first time. Louis was anxious about it, but he was so excited to finally be normal with his friends again. Even if that meant having to deal with Harry's insufferable giant boyfriend. Louis hated Luke, and not just because he was jealous of him. Luke seemed too mature for the boy, like maybe he was making him move too fast. Louis wouldn't be surprised if Harry wasn't a virgin anymore. He seemed to have definitely gotten a lot less innocent since meeting the Australian. Louis was just glad that he and Liam both shared a hatred for the boy. At least they both agreed on that.

Louis arrived at his best friend's apartment around mid-day, a little bit later than Liam had told him, but Louis had always been one for being fashionably late. As Louis would always say, "In the words of the great Julie Andrews, 'A princess is never late, everyone else is simply early'. Therefore, you bitches are early." And then he would flick a non-existent lock of hair over his shoulder and flutter his eyelashes flirtatiously at whoever he was talking to. Harry, sadly, had never gotten to see the Julie Andrews bit, so he was in for a treat that day. Louis made his way up the stairs slowly, trying not to get too sweaty before seeing the younger boy. It's not like Louis wanted to impress him, he just wanted to look extra good for a very beautiful young boy with impeccable taste.

Louis burst through the door of the apartment once he reached the top of the stairs, Liam having left it unlocked for him. "Good day, lads! 'M here! Your favorite Yorkshire lad is here! I find it quite rude that no one has come to greet me!" Louis sighed and dropped his posh accent, plopping down into one of the chairs at the kitchen table. The first person to come into the kitchen after hearing Louis's all-call was Harry, his disgusting Australian in tow. "Hi, Louis. Sorry we weren't in here, but I had to show Luke something in my room." Louis grimaced as he imagined what the two of them were doing in there. He was right about this Luke guy destroying Harry's wonderful innocence. He could only imagine all of the things they did together when there was no one there to supervise.

Liam came in a moment later, his outfit pressed perfectly and his smile obnoxiously cheery. "Good day, Louis. I am feeling amazing today, aren't you?" Louis shook his head but Liam ignored him, going to set the teapot. "I mean, it is really beautiful outside, innit? The sun is shining, the birds are chirping. What more could I ask for than a beautiful day spent with my best friends and my amazing little brother?" Louis looked to Harry and raised his eyebrows, silently asking him why Liam was acting like he was on Lithium. Harry came over and leaned into Louis's ear, whispering, "Niall and I made up and he's started coming back over here. Liam gets to see him on a regular basis now." Louis nodded and thanked the boy, who smiled sweetly back at him before rushing back over to Luke's side.

Louis swallowed down bile as he watched the two boys giggle with each other, never breaking eye contact. He wanted that with Harry. Luke didn't deserve his love, Louis did. Before Louis could do anything about it, though, the door opened again and Zayn came in, two six-packs in his hands. "Vas happenin' boys. I brought beer," He said tauntingly, waving the beer in front of Louis's face. The boy snatched the pack of cans out of his hands and took one off, opening it and chugging down almost half of it. "Hey, mate, slow down. There's plenty to go around, don't worry. I won't steal it from you, I promise." Zayn took the can out of Louis's hands and set it down in front of him.

"There we go, lad. Much better. Now, what's goin' on around here? What's everyone been up to. The other three boys in the room shrugged but Liam walked over and wrapped his arms around Zayn, going on and on about what a lovely day it was. "You know, I am so happy that we are spending this time together. I mean, look at us. We're all getting along. I mean, I'm not even pissed at Luke right now and I'm always mad at him for something. This is amazing. I love the little family that we've made here." Louis groaned at how sappy Liam was acting. "Just shut the fuck up, Liam. We get it. The guy that you're totally in love with is back in your life and you're just so fucking cheery. Give us a fucking break."

Liam's jaw dropped at Louis's outburst and a look of hurt shock crossed his face. Louis had never said anything like that to Liam unprompted. He was always so good at holding back if he was upset if it meant not ruining another person's happiness. He was selfless. "Lou, what is your problem?" Louis just huffed, crossing his arms and turning away from the larger boy. "Nuffin'," He replied, sounding like a child. Liam sighed and grabbed onto Louis's arm, making him yelp. "Follow me." Louis trudged after Liam, following him into his bedroom where he shut the door. "Now you stay there and tell me what the fuck your problem is. We were all getting on just fine and then you just ruined it. Tell me why you said all that shit."

Louis rolled his eyes and tapped his foot on the floor, staying silent under Liam's threatening stare. "I'm waiting," Liam said, becoming more impatient by the second. "Fine. I'm just...I'm still upset about losing Harry, even though it was just for a little bit. I know you feel very differently toward Niall than I do toward Harry, but it still sucked being away from him. He's just special. You know?" Louis looked up at Liam hopefully. "Of course I know. He's the most special of them all. I know that you adore him. We all do. But, try to refrain from snapping at or around him, okay? He's still so sensitive." Louis nodded and pulled the boy into a hug giving him a sloppy kiss on the forehead. Liam grimaced and wiped off the boy's slobber, giving him a quick swat to the bum. "Euch! Gross!"

Louis giggled and skipped out of the room, his mood changing completely within seconds, just like it always seemed to do. Liam followed him out, not able to keep the grin from creeping onto his face. Louis always seemed to cheer him up greatly, especially when he was acting like his pure, unadulterated self. "I'm back boys, and I'm badder than ever. Pass me my beer, Zayn." The raven-haired boy held his hand out and passed the beer over to the older lad, watching him with wide eyes as he chugged the rest of it before crushing the can in his fist. "Ah. Refreshing." Louis dropped the can to the floor and then belched loudly, bursting into a fit of giggles once he finished. "Wow, that was amazing."

Liam rolled his eyes and moved away from the boy, trying to get out of the way of his putrid stench. "Nasty, Louis. Have some manners, will you?" The boy just stuck his tongue out and grabbed a second beer, popping the tab open right in front of Liam's face. "You're just sad that you found out you can't drink anymore. It's not my fault you got fucked up kidneys." The room fell silent right after the words left the boy's mouth, Louis the only person who was continuing on normally like nothing had happened. Liam gulped and looked at the other people in the room as he bit his lip. "Li? What does he mean?" Liam shrugged at his brother, trying to seem nonchalant about the fact that Louis had just exposed his biggest secret.

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