Chapter 23

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After Liam left for work early the next morning, Harry ran around the apartment in just his towel like a madman, trying to make sure everything looked perfect for Luke. He made sure to put away all of Liam's t-shirts and boxers that he had strewn around the apartment (dirty boy) and he also set the coffee pot so there would be hot coffee when the boy arrived. Of course, Harry had no idea what Luke took in his coffee, so he brought out everything. Soy milk, whole milk, sugar, whipped cream, whatever he could find in the fridge. Once he set it all out on the table, his hair was fully dry, so he ran back to his room to get dressed, since Luke would be there in less than half an hour.

Harry opened the door to his closet and just stood there, wondering what would look good. He had nothing good to wear, or, at least, in his mind, he had nothing to wear. In reality, his closet was full of clothes that would be perfect. He stepped forward and flipped through his ridiculous amount of button-ups, trying to pick a good color to accentuate his newly sunkissed skin, He finally decided on a white button-up that he figured he could tie up into a crop top. Then he moved onto bottoms, which he kept in his dresser. His first choice was a pair of light blue shorts with flowers embroidered onto the back pockets. But then, he found the perfect thing.

A few weeks ago, Liam and Harry had watched Clueless together at the movie theater after they had seen an ad for it. The cinema was doing a throwback week where they were only showing movies from previous years, by decade. On the day they had gone, the theme was 90s movies. Harry picked Clueless because he and Niall had watched it a few years prior, both falling in love with Josh. Since he and Liam had watched the movie, Harry had been obsessed with Clueless-esque clothes. The blazers, the shoes, the knee-high socks. But the main thing he loved, though, was the yellow plaid skirt Cher wore in the first scene of the movie. Right after the two boys got home from the movie, Harry had gone online and immediately bought a skirt just like Cher's.

Harry pulled the yellow skirt out of the closet and just admired it, holding it up to his waist. It was perfect. He opened the top drawer of his dresser and pulled out a pair of simple, white cotton panties. The boy never liked wearing boxers under skirts. He dropped his towel to the ground and slid the thin cotton underwear up his legs, admiring the feel of them against his freshly shaven thighs. The panties wrapped his little bum perfectly and his cock strained against the white fabric, the tiny pink bow at the top making it look like a little present. Then he pulled the skirt up and buttoned it, turning it so the button was at the side. Finally, he slipped the shirt on and did the buttons up partway, tying the bottom at his waist.

The boy walked over to his full-length mirror and examined himself, proud of the outfit he had put together. The skirt hugged his hips tightly, making him look curvy in all the right places, and it brushed against his silky thighs whenever he moved. His nipples were perky, making them slightly visible through the shirt, and they rubbed against the soft material in a heavenly way. It looked perfect. He looked himself over one more time before grabbing a pair of frilly socks off the top of his dresser, sitting on the edge of the bed to slide them all the way up his ankles and to his knees. His Mary Janes stuck out of their box under his bed and he pulled them out, slipping them onto his feet and clasping them tight so they wouldn't come off.

Harry left his room and went to the kitchen, straightening up everything on the table so it looked perfect for Luke. As soon as he had sat down in his seat, a knock sounded a the door and he hopped up, fixing his clothes as he went to answer it. He opened the door and there he stood. Hot coffee shop Luke, with a small bunch of daisies clutched in his hands. "Hey," Harry breathed out, looking the boy over. He was in simple jeans and a t-shirt with the name of some band he had never heard of. His hair laid flat, not styled in any way, and a pair of sunglasses sat on the top of his head. 'Whoa,' The boy thought to himself. 'He looks hot.'

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