Chapter 60

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Liam and Niall had been making out on the mall bench when they heard shouts coming from a couple of stores down. They broke apart, wondering what was causing all of the commotion, and then someone was running out of Yankee Candle, yelling for someone to call nine-nine-nine. Liam stood up and looked at the small crowd that was forming around the store, wondering what had happened there. It was then that he noticed Harry was gone from where he had been sitting on the bench. He felt a sinking feeling in his abdomen and he grabbed onto Niall, silently praying that it wasn't who he thought it was that needed help. "Niall, please tell me Harry is just shopping around somewhere. Please tell me he's safe." Niall's heart dropped at the sound of Liam's terrified voice and he held his hand tight. The two made their way to the Yankee Candle, Niall pushing everyone out of the way so they could get to the front of the crowd. Once they got there, Liam looked down and immediately screwed his eyes shut at what he saw, hoping that this was just some sick, twisted nightmare his mind had created.

Harry was splayed out on the floor, his limbs stretched out in all directions as his head oozed blood. An employee was kneeling beside him, trying to get him to wake up, but he was fully unconscious, oblivious to the world. An apron was laying under his head for fuck knows what reason and another employee was running over with a small dish towel in his hands. Niall watched in complete shock, his feet unable to move as he saw the life literally pouring out of his best friend, his brother. Liam managed to come to his senses and his eyes snapped open, this time going into action as the big brother. "Move the fuck out of the way, that's my little brother!" The boy screamed, shoving the employee to the side as he ripped the towel out of the man's hands. He pulled Harry's head into his lap, not caring that his younger brother's blood was quickly covering him, and he wrapped the towel around his head, pressing it tight to the source of the blood.

Everyone in the crowd watched in silence as this muscular man had a full mental breakdown, crying and screaming and gently stroking the boy's face as if his loving touch could wake him up. Niall knelt beside his boyfriend and grabbed his hand, squeezing tight to let him know he was there. Liam let everything out, his face turning red and snot dripping out of his nose, not caring that people were staring at his display. "I can't lose him, Niall! I can't! He's all I have left!" Niall nodded and stroked over the man's cheek, his heart sinking lower and lower as he watched Liam lose it. "Please, Harry, please wake up! You have to wake up!" Liam sobbed as he ran his fingers over Harry's bloody cheek, his muscular hands spreading even more of the boy's blood all over his face. Niall sighed in relief when he heard sirens and soon two paramedics were rushing into the small store. They had to physically pry Liam off of Harry, the boy kicking and screaming as the bigger paramedic held him back.

Niall took Liam from the paramedic and held him close as Harry was loaded onto the stretcher. They followed close behind as the unconscious Harry was wheeled out of the building, both of them getting into the back of the ambulance before it sped off to the hospital. "What is the patient's name, sir?" One of the paramedics asked Liam softly, having dealt with hysterical family members like him many times before. "Umm, his name is H-Harry Styles. He's s-seventeen and th-this isn't his f-first head injury," Liam managed to say, hiccuping a few times. The paramedic nodded and then went back to work, checking Harry's vitals and trying to stabilize him. "Can you tell me about his previous head injury, sir?" She asked, looking back at Liam as she slipped an oxygen mask over Harry's head.

"H-He was in a car accident a c-couple months ago and he c-cracked his head against the window. H-He was in th-the hospital for a month." The woman nodded and checked Harry's pulse, frowning when she felt how weak it was. "Chet, his pulse is weak. How much longer till we get there?" She asked the other paramedic. "Not long, not long. He's going to need a transfusion, I can tell. This injury won't stop bleeding." The two shared nervous looks, which thankfully Liam didn't notice. That would have caused an even bigger freak-out, which none of them wanted to deal with at that moment. "May I ask what your relationship with the patient is, sir?" This question came from Chet, who was injecting something into Harry's arm. "I-I'm his brother, and th-this is his best friend." Chet nodded and the focus was back on Harry until they arrived outside of Doncaster Royal Infirmary.

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