Chapter 57

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Liam dropped Harry off at Zayn's apartment around noon, telling him he loved him before speeding off to go fuck Niall over the kitchen counter. Harry readjusted his overnight bag on his shoulder before knocking, waiting a few moments before he heard footsteps coming toward him. The door opened to reveal a sweaty-looking Zayn, dressed in only boxers. "H, what are you doing here?" He asked breathlessly, his chest slightly heaving as a bead of sweat dripped down his chest from his collarbone. "Louis flew to America and I'm lonely. Can I spend the night?" Zayn squinted and looked back to where the living room was, scratching his head awkwardly. "Umm, I kind of have someone here right now." Harry's eyes widened and his face broke into a grin as he pushed past Zayn, strutting into the house. "Great, then you won't mind having another person here," He exclaimed as he walked into the living room. The boy gasped when he saw the reason Zayn didn't want him to come in.

There was a girl on his couch, and she was completely naked. A pillow was covering her bottom half but she was completely exposed up top. Harry's jaw dropped and the girl turned around, shrieking when she saw a very unfamiliar boy staring at her. "Who the hell are you?" She screamed as she scrambled to cover the rest of herself up, her cheeks flaming in both embarrassment and anger. Zayn rushed into the room when he heard the girl screaming and immediately tugged Harry away, making sure his eyes were shut. "I am so fucking sorry, Gi. That's Liam's little brother, Harry. His boyfriend is away right now and he wanted to hang out with me. I'll make sure to get him out." Zayn pushed Harry out of the room and into the kitchen, shutting the sliding door to the living room once they were out. "What the bloody hell was that all about, Harry?" He asked in annoyance.

Harry's cheeks flamed and he looked down at his feet, picking at his chipping nail polish on his thumb. "Huh?" Zayn pushed further, his annoyance toward Harry growing. "I told you I had a fucking guest and you still went in there. Where the fuck are your manners?" He pressed two hands against the boy's chest and shoved him, not hard enough to move him, but enough to make a point. "You just completely embarrassed my girlfriend, all because you can't fucking listen. When someone says they have company, that means you don't push past them and just waltz into their home like you own the place. God, did no one ever teach you proper etiquette? I swear, sometimes you can be so stupid, Harry." Zayn rolled his eyes and shoved the boy a little harder until his back pressed against the wall. Harry teared up, feeling like a puppy that had just been yelled at for doing something bad.

"I'm sorry, Zayn. I didn't-" Zayn cut him off by shoving him one more time. "Stop, none of that. I'm not gonna pity you with your whole hurt kitten act. You know what you did wrong, you accept that fact, and you get the fuck out of my apartment. Now." Harry wiped his tears and pulled his bag further up his shoulder, giving Zayn a cold glare. "Fuck you," He said with as much menace as he could muster, pushing Zayn out of the way as he moved toward the door. Zayn stumbled, not expecting the boy to be able to push with that much force, but he quickly regained his balance and watched as the boy opened the door. "Just so you know, I'm telling Liam you pushed me," Harry said coldly before slamming the door in Zayn's face, leaving the older boy just to scoff and roll his eyes. "Yeah, go tattle on me," He whispered, chuckling to himself as he made his way back into the living room where Gigi was laying on the couch, a blanket covering her.

Zayn came up behind the couch and peppered the girl's face with kisses, smiling when he heard her giggle. "You're back,'" She sighed as she sat up, her hair falling messily over her shoulders. Zayn nodded and gave the girl a deep kiss on the lips before jumping over the back of the couch, landing next to her. "So, that was your friend's little brother?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. Zayn nodded and kissed her again, not really caring for conversation. "Why were you yelling at him? I heard you from the kitchen." Zayn sighed and pulled her under his arm. "I told him I had company but he didn't listen to me and he came inside. He needs to learn to follow the rules like an adult. He's seventeen years old, for fuck's sake." Gigi frowned and sat up, pulling away from Zayn. "He didn't know. You probably made him feel bad." Zayn shook his head. "He's fine, Liam's yelled at him before, it's no different coming from me."

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