Chapter 17

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Louis moaned quietly in his sleep, thrusting his hips up to find friction. His tight jeans made him feel constricted, his cock throbbing underneath the fabric, but the friction was incredible. He groaned loudly, gasping a little as he started to leak. His dream just kept getting hotter and hotter, with images of a certain curly-haired boy writhing underneath him racing through his mind. A white fog filled his vision, making him whine sadly, and the scene began to change. All of a sudden, the fog cleared and Louis saw that he had changed positions.

Louis was now on the bottom, with Harry on top of him, teasing him oh-so-perfectly. The younger boy ran his fingers over the boy's chest, which was bare in his dream, and he trailed a fingertip slowly over his skin, just above the waistband of his too-tight jeans. "Oh, fuck, Haz. Mmm, yeah, right there, baby." Louis gasped again as he watched Harry tug at his zipper, a playful look on his face. The younger boy pulled down his pants, leaving him in just his boxers, and Louis sighed in relief. Harry licked his lips and looked right at Louis's bulge that was obvious in his almost-sheer boxers. "Suck me, baby?"

Next to the sleeping, aroused boy, Harry lay fast asleep. He was dreaming of a picnic, a lovely picnic, with a faceless figure. The man he was with had no identifying features, but Harry thought he was terribly fit. His arm muscles were defined, his torso was toned, and he had a slight tummy that poked out adorably. The mystery man was sprawled out in front of Harry, sensually feeding the boy strawberries. Harry moaned in delight at the taste, accidentally licking one of the man's calloused fingers. The man chuckled, pulling his hand back and going for another strawberry, dipping it in whipped cream before holding it up to Harry's plump, cherry-red lips.

Both boys jerked awake, shooting up out of their sleeping positions when they heard the door burst open, banging loudly into the wall. "What the fuck is going on in here?" Liam screamed when he saw his brother and his best friend lying in bed together. Louis's head pounded as light filled his vision, his stomach turning from all of the booze he had drank. "Louis! You fucking cunt! Get the fuck out of my brother's bed!" Liam stomped over and grabbed a handful of Louis's t-shirt, throwing him out of the bed. "Get up!" He screamed into the boy's ear.

Louis's eyes widened in fear as he stood up, tripping over his feet as he rushed to get out of the bedroom. Harry stayed in his bed, his covers pulled up to his nose, his eyes wide and terrified. He had never seen his brother so angry before. Liam looked at the boy, fury still burning behind his eyes. "You stay there. We will talk when I'm done with him," He said, voice much softer, before stomping out of the room to find Louis. The smaller lad was standing in the middle of the kitchen when Liam stormed in, his jaw set, his hands formed into fists at his sides. Louis visibly paled when he saw the bigger boy, cowering back in fear.

"You! I told you to stay the fuck away from him! I fucking told you, multiple times, and you didn't fucking listen! What are you, deaf? Did you not hear me the first fucking time I told you? How dare you fucking ruin his innocence his like that! He's still a child! He doesn't need you ruining his life! Look at yourself!" Liam gestured to the obvious bulge in the older boy's trousers. "You're a fucking pervert! Why the fuck are you hard right now? You two were fucking asleep!" Louis blushed furiously and put his hands over his crotch, shifting from one foot to the other nervously. "I-I'm sorry," He practically whispered, his voice trembling.

"Fucking bullshit! You knew my fucking rules and if you were truly sorry you wouldn't have gone and slept with my little brother in the first place! So you can go take that fucking pathetic apology and shove it up your god damn ass!" Liam slammed his fist down on the counter, rattling the teacups stacked next to the kettle. Louis took a step back, seriously scared that Liam was going to hit him. "I really am sorry, Li. I was drunk and I just came in and he took care of me. Nothing happened, I swear. He's a good kid, he wouldn't do something like that behind your back, and neither would I. We just watched a movie together and fell asleep by accident."

Liam rolled his eyes as he saw tears leak out of the smaller boy's eyes. "Oh, cut the bullshit, Louis. We both know you had other intentions when you went into his room. I know how you get when you're buzzed." Louis opened his mouth to protest but Liam cut him off. "Just get out." The smaller lad's jaw dropped. "What?" Liam waved his hand toward the living room. "Just take your shit and get out of here. I want all of your stuff out. Now." Louis's mouth opened and closed like a fish. "Go on. I don't want to see your face for a long time. And if I ever see you near my little brother again, you are a dead man. I mean it."

The older lad nodded obediently, terrified by Liam's low, threatening tone. He ran into the living room and threw all of his clothes and belongings into his suitcase, closing it up before dragging it out of the room. Liam watched from the doorway, his arms crossed, his eyes judging. "Text me the address of where you're staying and I'll get Zee to drop off the rest of your stuff. I don't even want to look at you right now. You're fucking disgusting. Are you happy?" Louis ducked his head. "Huh? Are you happy that you slept with my brother and now you're getting kicked out? Hmm? Was it worth it? Was it all fucking worth it just to get in my little brother's pants?"

Louis shook his head, his eyes red-rimmed and bloodshot. "I didn't do anything. You need to believe me. I care about Harry. A lot. I would never want to hurt him like that. You fucking know that. You're just mad at yourself for fucking up and you're taking it out on me. A guy slept in your brother's room, right under your nose, and you know you could have stopped it. I did nothing. So you can go fuck yourself." Louis flipped off the younger lad before storming out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

Liam bit his lip, trying to hold back his tears, but the dam finally broke when the realization of what he had just done hit him. He broke down into sobs, collapsing in on himself and dropping to the ground. His cries were so loud they covered up the sound of Harry's bare feet walking toward him. "Li?' He said quietly, looking around the kitchen. His body visibly sagged when he saw that Louis was nowhere in sight. "Li-Li? Are you okay?" Liam shook his head as he cried harder. He looked up at the young boy, his nose runny and his eyes glossy. "He's gone. I kicked him out. I told him I never want to see his face again." Harry's eyes widened and he sank down to the floor next to the older boy. He curled himself into Liam's side, allowing himself to be held as he cried at the loss of the one boy who really understood him.

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