Chapter 36

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All five boys piled into Calum's car and then they were off, driving to some unknown location that was still a secret between Calum and Niall. Niall gave instructions from the passenger seat as they drove, though the other three argued that Michael should sit in the front since he was the tallest. Niall just argued back and said that he had to be in the front seat to give directions, which was totally not true. He just wanted to be shotgun. The ride was mostly silent, apart from Niall's quick snaps of, "Turn left. No, left you fucking dumbass," and, "I said to turn onto Churchill Road you wanker, not Church Street! Are you fucking deaf?" The bulging vein in Calum's forehead just got larger and larger with every shout from the bossy Irishman, which was very amusing for Harry to watch in the rearview mirror.

They finally arrived at their destination twenty minutes later, Calum deeply regretting ever choosing to be the designated driver for the night. He really wanted a drink after having to sit through that torture. Harry stopped in his tracks when he saw where they had parked. They were right outside a strip club, with tinted windows and neon signs, and a big, scary-looking bouncer sitting outside the door. "Here you go, Harry. This is your I.D. You're from Manchester and you're nineteen years old. Don't lose it because you may need to show it again at the bar. They like to double-card in case there's a possibility someone snuck in with a big group," Niall said as he handed Harry a plastic card.

Harry took the card from him and examined it, impressed by how real it looked. "Is this okay? Like, I've never been to a place like this before and I'm kind of nervous." Niall sighed and pulled the boy into his side, giving him a reassuring squeeze. "It's okay, Haz. Just stick close to Ash and act like a couple with him. You'll get in. Okay?" Harry nodded and walked over to Ashton, letting the boy sling an arm around his neck so he looked like a protective boyfriend. The five of them went up to the bouncer and got their cards checked, Harry's getting checked last. "You're in," The man droned out, barely even glancing at the I.D. He gave it back to the boy, who thanked him, and they all went inside.

When they walked in, they were met with pounding bass and flashing lights. A performer was up on the stage and every time he dropped down the pole or bent over, loud cheers came from the crowd that had formed at the front of the room. There were a few other small platforms around the room but they were empty at the moment, probably because it seemed like all of the dancers were wandering through the crowds, chatting with some of the men and letting them slip money into their skimpy clothing. Harry stared as a dancer took one man by the hand and led him back behind a curtain, getting a flash of an empty hallway before the curtain closed. "Ni, what's back there?" He shouted in the blonde's ear, pointing to the curtain. "That's where they do lap dances and private shows and shit."

"Private shows? Like that Little Mix song?" Niall chuckled and put an arm around the boy, leading him to the bar. "Yes, Harry. Exactly like that Little Mix song," He replied teasingly, gesturing for him to take a seat at one of the stools. The other boys followed them, though only Harry and Niall actually sat down. The others stayed standing. "What can I get you this evening?" The bartender asked as he came over to the group, licking his lips as he eyed Niall's outfit. "Well," Niall paused as he read the bartender's name tag. "Anton. I'll take a mojito, extra lime, on the rocks," He said flirtatiously, gesturing to himself. "And, my friend in the corduroys will have a gin and tonic, this handsome guy in the Bikini Kill t-shirt will take a rum and coke." He paused and laid a hand on Harry's shoulder. "And my darling best friend here will have a Sex on the Beach, since he's sexy as hell."

The bartender smiled at them and turned back around to mix their drinks, starting on Michael's first since it was the quickest. While they waited for their drinks, the boys all swiveled their stools around to watch the performer on the stage. It was a new guy. He was dressed in nothing but assless chaps, cowboy boots, and a cowboy hat. His chest was oiled up and he swung his hips around with ease. Harry watched in awe as he admired how the man owned the stage, using all of the space to his advantage. He swirled and squatted and thrust right in time with the music, drawing the crowd in with his perfectly choreographed moves. He finally ended his dance with a tip of his hat before walking off the stage to let the next person on.

"You like him, Harry?" Niall shouted in his ear, trying to be heard over the loud music. Harry just shrugged. "I thought he was really good but I don't know if he was my thing. He's still hot, though." Niall hummed and scooted a little closer to him so he didn't have to speak as loud. The bartender set all of their drinks in front of them and Niall thanked him graciously, sending him a wink. The bartender sent him a wink back, sliding a slip of paper across the table. The blonde took the paper and opened it, smirking as he read it. He subtly nodded to Anton and tucked the note into his pocket. "What does it say?" Harry asked, trying to grab the note from him. "No, that's none of your business, Haz. My private life is not for you."

Harry whined but turned back around, taking a sip of his drink. He swished it around his mouth a little, enjoying the taste. "Niall," He whispered, nudging the boy's knee. "What babes?" Harry leaned closer. "I think I like sex on the beach," He giggled out, slapping a hand over his mouth. Niall chuckled and patted the boy's thigh. "Of course you do, Haz. Sex on the beach is great, minus all the crabs and the sand and the seaweed." Harry gasped and slapped Niall's shoulder. "No, Niall!" He shouted, completely shocked. "I meant the drink, silly, not actual sex on the beach. God, Niall." The older boy shook his head at the boy and leaned back against the bar, sipping his mojito as he watched the stage.

A voice came over the sound system again to announce the next dancer. "And now, coming to the stage is the man we all know and love! He's only been here a few weeks and he's already stolen the heart and cock of every man who has seen him perform! Please welcome, the brawn with no brains, Zeus!" Harry watched as a man in a toga strutted onto the stage and spun around the pole with practiced ease. His eyes widened when the man dropped off the pole and he ripped off the toga, revealing a silver, sparkly g-string. "He's hot," Niall said in Harry's ear. Harry shrugged. "Again, he's good but he's not my type." Niall sighed loudly. "But you can't even see his fucking face because of how bright the lights are."

"I know, but he's too buff. I like my guys softer, and shorter, too." Harry finished off his drink and laid it on the counter before looking back at the stage. The man was making his way down the stairs and into the crowd, chatting and flirting with the patrons. "Ooh, fuck, he's coming here, Harry. Shh, I'm gonna flirt with him. Shh," He whisper-shouted, slapping Harry's arm. "Okay, okay, I get it." The man paused first at a guy near them, his back to their seats, and then he sauntered over to them, his face still in the shadows as he came up behind Niall. "Hey, doll. I like your jersey. That's my team," He whispered seductively into the boy's ear before he moved around so that he was facing them. Harry's heart stopped and he choked on his spit when the man's face came into view.


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