Chapter I

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"Annnd cut! We're done, folks. Xie Lian, someone is here to see you." The director approached Xie Lian and touched his shoulder. "Don't drink any alcohol tonight and be sure to rest well. Tomorrow's the big day! Break a leg!" He smiled a bit before making a turn on his heels and screaming, "I need someone with a car to take me home!"

Xie Lian laughed at the director's honest desires. The last rehearsal was finally over and his heart was beating fast with anticipation. Xie Lian looked back and saw his friend - and agent - Shi Qingxuan peeking from behind the curtains at the side of the stage.

"Oh, come here and give me a hug or you'll look like a silly fangirl!" Xie Lian opened his arms to greet her.

While hugging, Shi Qingxuan commented, "I find it funny that, after all this time, the director still doesn't know who I am." Actor and agent parted and she looked at the auditorium in front of them. All the chairs were empty under the dim light coming from the stage. "This is so big, Puqi. How come you can keep calm right now? I'd be pulling all hairs out of my head!" Shi Qingxuan always tended to exagerate, but she truly had an anxiety issue.

Although she was Xie Lian's colleague from the acting major, she would panic when in stage so easily, even in their last year. She was better off being an agent, and she had just found a partner to open an acting agency as soon as they graduated. Xie Lian was her first client, but also her best friend.

"Well, who said I haven't pulled out all my hairs? This is just a wig, you know." Xie Lian and Shi Qingxuan faced each other for a second, and then she slapped his arm lightly. He continued, "I still can't believe we're done rehearsing and will finally start performing! I'm so excited."

Shi Qingxuan could see Xie Lian's eyes glowing as he was talking and looking at the empty crowd.

"Preparing these imperial plays take such a long time. Everything needs to be fitting to the time period when the play was written, and the language and movements need to be so 'proper'... Ahh!" Xie Lian threw his hands in the air, but then reached for Shi Qingxuan's hand. "I dare say I can even woo a princess from a distant land right now and win hear heart over just by my good manners." Xie Lian laughed and kissed her hand while bowing.

"Oh, but you wouldn't even try, would you?" Shi Qingxuan teased back and shook her hand off Xie Lian's grip. "Not if there was a handsome gentleman sitting at the corner, wearing a crimson robe and transpiring nobility and richness, and which, just by chance, happened to blink at you when your eyes met." She winked at him and smiled.

Xie Lian quickly covered her mouth with one hand and hugged her shoulders. "You like to think you know me better than I know myself, but I can't agree to that image out loud, even if it sounds interesting, at least not yet."

Shi Qingxuan waited for Xie Lian to change out of his costume. A few moments ago, he went into the dressing room looking like an imperial warrior who had just fought a fierce battle, blood splashed on his face and a loose hair bun hanging from his head. Now, he came back with glasses on top of his head, brown pants and a white buttoned shirt covered by a coat and his messy hair, both hanging over his shoulders. He looked casual and handsome.

"Wow, your hair is so long. I'm assuming you'll cut it after this play is over...?" They started walking to the car.

"I guess so. It's a lot of work keeping it as long as it is. Besides, I'm hoping you surprising me here today is to bring me good news and say that I'll definitively need to cut it as soon as this season is over...?" He trailed off, imitating his friend's voice tone and waiting for her response.

Xie Lian's artistic side| Colors of the Heart ~ Hualian AUWhere stories live. Discover now