Chapter IX

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Xie Lian was unsure he would be able to leave the dressing room even if a week had passed. San Lang saw his weird moment alone and naked! What could be more embarrass... Wait, he was his director. He would see this scene repeatedly until the play was ready to be performed. Why was he feeling so embarrassed?

Thinking back, he was not embarrassed to be naked in front of the audience, because he could turn on his mental filter on what they would think of him, of his shapes and contours. Of course, he wanted the director to approve his work, so he cared about what the director would think. But the director being Hua Cheng, was this the problem? Was he worried if San Lang actually found him attractive?

All the wrong thoughts. It was late. He should go home and rest, it has been a long week. He dressed up and went to turn off the lights of the auditorium but found them already off. The back door to the parking lot was opened, though, the lights from the street entering the corridor.

He went out and saw Hua Cheng was standing there as if waiting. Probably for him?

Xie Lian started mumbling, "Director Hu... San Lang, I, I needed to check..."

"I think we could change the direction of the lighting, possibly make it move as you approach the bed and then fade, as to allude to your mind drifting away, after the scene with Lang Qianqiu."

Xie Lian stared at him. All his embarrassment seemed pointless now, as he realized Director Hua was still working. He was directing him, of course! He felt his chest untighten and paid close attention to what the director was saying.

"Also, we must make sure you wear something that doesn't restrain your movement or bind at your hair, things like that. There was another topic I needed to discuss with you and the stylist, but she left now. So let's resume from here on Monday, shall we?" He was serious and he spoke without looking Xie Lian directly in the eyes. "Would you like a ride? I thought your agent would drive you home, you leaving this late at night."

"Puqi, actually, Shi Qingxuan. I didn't tell her I was staying here until this hour, it was quite spontaneous. What way are you heading? Won't it be a bother?"

Xie Lian was feeling so silly for thinking San Lang thought of him in any other way. The mood inside the car was light as a feather, they were chatting lively. Hua Cheng asked about his previous works and Xie Lian was distracted by naming and explaining what other plays he had been in. San Lang did not seem to know any of them, so Xie Lian got a little excited detailing the plots, particularly when talking about his martial arts training for the last imperial season.

"Swords are such beautiful objects." Xie Lian was explaining, "They can mean salvation or oppression, decide if someone would live or die back in the days. I'm fascinated by them. Oh, we're here already. I'm sorry, you touched a very sensitive topic and I got too into it."

Hua Cheng smiled and felt his heart froze when he heard Xie Lian asking if he wanted to eat something before driving off. He thanked but passed, as he was too tired today. That was the biggest lie he had ever told.


"Oh, wow, Puqi! I didn't know you would have to strip on stage." Shi Qingxuan sat down with her fruit salad and filled her mouth with a big strawberry before continuing. "Are you okay with this? Should we revise your contract or something?"

Xie Lian laughed. "No, Puqi, it's fine. It's a scene with fading lights, it will be so fast that I think by the time people realize I'm naked, someone else will be doing their next scene." He drank from his smoothie and felt his cheeks turning red for what he was about to say. "San Lang saw me yesterday, as I was mentally preparing for that scene."

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