Chapter XXXIV

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Hua Cheng opened the bathroom door and stepped out. The cold water that washed his face made dormant again the memories he rarely used to stir up. Nowadays he seldom thought about his parents. Neither of how he felt they left him alone, nor how he learned to take care of himself the hard way. He preferred clinging on to when Gege became his savior and how that gave his life a new meaning. He found a mission and a love, and these would suffice for choosing paths and assuming control of his life.

That was what he did. That was the part of his story he was happy with, although still embarrassed to tell Gege in detail. Still, deep inside, long nights of doubt, fear and uncertainty wetted his pillow uncountable times. A single mention of a nickname elicited a chain reaction in his brain, affecting his heart, touching his soul. How did Xie Lian's mom nail it straight away? This must be a mom's thing.

Hua Cheng always chose red out of all other colors. Red was intense and it was visceral. It reached deep inside, where blood was red and passions were boiling. Red was delicious, all red fruits must have tasted amazing in young Hong Hong-er's mind, even though he only ever tried bad apples. Still, the other fruits he used to see at the shops, without having enough money to buy them, looked delicious. For such an array of meanings, Hua Cheng always chose red.

Later, red stained his clothes and his vision when those kids attacked him at school, but it was through a red filter that he found his savior, or that his Gege found him. So, if red already had any particular meaning, by then it became an identity in Hua Cheng's life. It became comfortable, safe, his sense of beauty, and on top of all, it became a standard for him.

All of the reasoning behind that choice and the memories connected to it quieted down and got buried in his heart. Only Gege remained on the surface, and this part was running on full power. Xie Lian like a white canvas allowed red to be used for painting a new pattern over him and Hua Cheng was enjoying every second of it, but this week everything was shaken.

Two more steps and Hua Cheng was back in the living room, his mind still spinning. Xie Lian stood up as soon as their gazes met. "San Lang, is everything all right?"

"Yes, yes. I'm sorry Mrs. Xie, that I ran out like that. It's just..."

Xie Lian's mom reached forward and hugged him. Hua Cheng stopped breathing. "There is absolutely nothing to be sorry about, dear." Still holding him, she continued "And you don't have to explain anything. Forgive me for being too talkative." She let him go and watched his face. "I'm just really happy for you to keep Lian company. You seem like a decent person."

Hua Cheng did not move since she lunched for him, so she went around the sofa and headed for the bedroom. "Now, I'll leave you two to play." She startled herself for saying it and covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh, that's something your father would not approve of me saying."

She gave a small laugh and waved bye as Xie Lian hid his face in his hands. He then turned up and looked at Hua Cheng. Maybe it was the angle, but it almost seemed like a tear just rolled from under his bangs.

Hua Cheng gave up. That woman made him uncomfortable at first, stirring up his feelings and memories, but she managed to really push herself in. Now she officially gained a spot among the director's soft side. It would count as a plus for being with Gege, he guessed. Well, if Gege still wanted him, after all the commotion. Hua Cheng looked at Xie Lian and smiled faintly. "Don't worry."

"She is over-the-top sometimes." Xie Lian stood up. "Come here, let's talk in my room."

They stepped inside the small chamber at the end of the corridor, but Xie Lian came back to turn off the living room lights, so everything was covered in darkness for a moment. Hua Cheng felt his chest heavy, confusion blurring his thinking. When the lights lit up again, it did not enlighten his mind.

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