Chapter XLIX

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"Ok, here is fine. Wudu, I must go now, otherwise I'll be late." Shi Qingxuan let go of the couch they were pushing around and started grabbing her things to leave. "Where are the car keys? By the way, start unboxing the files folders and organize them alphabetically until I'm back, please."

Shi Wudu exhaled and threw himself over the couch. "You had the keys."

The two Shi acting agents were setting up their office this week. They had the floor done last week and were supposed to finish bringing in the furniture, decoration, and painting for the next three days. Before the end of the week, they would be visited by a recruiting company representative. It was a big name in the field and he wanted to register them as catalog agents for more experienced actors, a big step for the newbie agents, who only had young actors in their care right now.

Therefore, it was a tiring and busy week for Shi Qingxuan, but she still said she would drive Xie Lian, her first and most beloved client, to the airport. Being casted for a MV was a great deal for a theater actor, it would give him visibility and reach very fast. Certainly, it could serve as a catalyst to new and more ambitious projects. Such a promising networking opportunity made Shi Qingxuan regret enormously that she was not able to join Xie Lian in his trip herself. Still, the whole situation would unfold beautifully, of course. Unless she could not find the keys to the car right now.

"Wudu, please, help me find the keys! They're not with me, I gave them to you to bring up the things that were in the trunk."

Shi Wudu groaned, rolling to the side on the couch and pretending to take a nap. Shi Qingxuan watched him with despise and continued to search.

Thinking about immature behavior, she could not help but remember Lang Qianqiu. Not because he was immature, just the opposite. He grew so much during the last season. Now, he had organized his goals, looked for other specialization courses, and even his talking had become more polite. Self-confidence was never a problem for him, on the contrary, he used to sound too sure of himself when given an opportunity to talk about his achievements, almost snobbish. So by becoming more humble, he also started to sound more professional. One thing was certain: he admired Xie Lian and Hua Cheng a lot, and profited greatly from their work together.

Shi Qingxuan looked at the clock and noticed she was already a few minutes late to her optimal leaving time. She went out the office to check the car, or the way up, even corridor floor; maybe it fell from Wudu's pocket. Still, she found nothing. She noticed a message from Xie Lian but ignored it for the moment.

She went back up again and slammed the door open. Shi Wudu sat on the couch, startled, he was clearly napping for real now.

"For crying out loud, Wudu, help me find the keys!! If Xie Lian misses this flight and it impacts his recording, it will impact the agency, and your fat ass will be on the line too!"

Shi Wudu stood up and yawned. "Fat ass was just mean, even though I could benefit from losing weight..."

He crouched to look below the furniture. Right then, the sun shone through the window and a metallic glow caught Shi Qingxuan's eye. It came from the couch, in between the seat pads. She reached and tried to pull the car keys, but it got stuck.

"Wudu, you huge fat ass! You were laying on top of it, my goodness! Help me pull it out, I think the keyring is..."

Shi Wudu grabbed the keys and pulled strongly, a noise of fabric ripping and metal falling to the floor following right after. "There you go."

"You ripped the seat cover! And..." She quickly grabbed the keys and the small hoop, now enlarged and opened up, fell without the keyring. It must have fallen below the couch. No time to check it though, she just exited threatening to undo their partnership if Shi Wudu did not find a way to sew that seat cover back as it was, or buy a fashionable enough couch blanket to cover it.

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