Chapter XX

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Hua Cheng went to sleep late but arrived early. He would need to find some time for buying a new cellphone, so it was better to clear his agenda for today as soon as possible. He was going over the list of sales, checking advert reports and answering emails confirming the extra staff hired for the day of the premiere. He thought by becoming famous, he would get rid of the boring details and bureaucracy. For the next production, he would definitely save a higher budget just for someone to deal with the non-art related stuff. Such a bother.

It was before work shift for the remaining staff yet, so he was alarmed when someone knocked on his door.

"It's open."

Mu Qing and Feng Xin stepped in. They wore serious and unfriendly facial expressions and placed a file on top of his table.

"Gentlemen, I'd say what do I own the honor, but this doesn't seem to be an honor at all." Hua Cheng smiled looking back at them, a totally fake smile.

Mu Qing was too immersed in the detective/cop role. "Drop the act, we know of your plan."

"My plan?" Hua Cheng reached for the file. "And what would that be?"

Mu Qing elbowed Feng Xin, who cleaned his throat and said, "You're not being honest with Lian." To that, Hua Cheng stopped smiling and looked at Feng Xin.

Mu Qing closed the door, but did not realize it opened up a crack. "We know what dirty deeds you have pushed under the carpet by silencing that actress from the interrupted play."

Hua Cheng raised his brows and spread the papers on top of the table, carefully examining all the sheets. "Oh, and why did I do that?"

Mu Qing replied how the director mistreated the actress, how the male protagonist knew about it all and how Hua Cheng forbid him from ever saying anything about the subject ever again. Feng Xin felt a tension building in his chest and finally externalized their concern for their friend, that the director would use Lian as he wished and then just silence him away. He said they were here to honor their childhood friend and protect him from the director's wicked tricks.

Hua Cheng heard their explanation while looking at the papers, but hearing that last part, he laughed out loud. "I thought you only looked like idiots but you just proved I can be wrong sometimes. You are total imbeciles not only from your looks but from your talk as well!"

Mu Qing and Feng Xin exchanged a look. Mu Qing then, as the good lawyer he was, added "So you deny what happened?"

"I don't deny Yushi Huang was frightened and I don't deny someone was bid to a silent contract. But I don't have to tell you any more than that. You should be happy that I'm being so kind as not to quick you out without even saying a word." He stood up from his chair and started walking towards the door "I'll be agreeable as to gently ask you to leave because I know you're friends of Gege and..."

"Gege here and Gege there." Feng Xin snorted. "Did you actually look at all the papers? Can you deny this too?"

He raised the school transcript and shoved it at Hua Cheng's chest, then backed away and crossed his arms. Mu Qing felt slightly proud of his partner.

Hua Cheng read the name of the school and his face went blank.

"That's right, we know you lied to your 'Gege' when you said you never saw him performing before." Mu Qing continued his interrogatory. "Afterall, how come you never knew about him or even saw the adverts to his plays if you went to the same school and then same uni campus as us?"

Hua Cheng remained silent, the corner of his mouth just below the eye hidden by his hair going up. He was standing up close to the door, but he then moved back to his chair and sat, crossing his arms behind his head.

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