Chapter XIII

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"Oh, Puqi, how come you didn't tell me kissing felt so good before?" Xie Lian was repeating the same thoughts over and over even more than 48 h after discovering the softness of San Lang's lips.

"Stop it, Puqi." Shi Qingxuan said while sitting at the campus cafeteria. "Let me enjoy this last week on campus without feeling like a spinster. Well, tell me something first. Have you two talked to each other after what happened?" She started out in an annoyed tone, but as soon as she glanced to the side, she could not help but smile.

Xie Lian was turning the straw in his juice and glaring at the liquid. He was clearly not listening to her, his mind had already drifted away. She had to poke him to wake him up from daydreaming.

"Not actually. We just saw each other on set and he winked at me. He's really busy with final adjustments and supervision. He watched my rehearsal but that was all. I actually am busy too and I gotta go." He stood up and came closer to give his friend a kiss on the cheek, but she held his chin.

"I'm happy for you as long as you are happy. But remember that, to me, your happiness is more important than any San Lang, and it cannot depend on San Lang. I'm supporting him, while he is someone who's pulling out the best in you. The true you. Don't forget that." She kissed him back and then added, "Also, don't get yourself fired, my career is rising because of you, cute potato. Take care, Puqi."

She wasn't sure Xie Lian even paid attention to what she said. He had stars in the place of his eyes. He went away floating instead of walking and she wondered if he really meant what he said. That he now thought he was strong enough to stand out for who he was. She had a secret trick, in case things got complicated, but she didn't want to get involved more than playing a supportive role. So she was standing by for now.


Far away from there, Feng Xin entered Mu Qing's office only to find him sitting behind a dark wooden table. Mu Qing glanced at his friend and smiled, inviting him to sit in front of him.

Damn, he looked so fine, Feng Xin thought but only said, "Don't your clients get too carried away by how good this place looks and then run away when they see your face?"

Mu Qing grimaced while they shook hands. "Let's get down to business, I have a meeting shortly."

He told Feng Xin how he actually managed to talk to the previous agent from both protagonists and things looked worse than before. In the meantime, Feng Xin stood up and prepared himself a capsule-coffee.

"The actor was fired by Hua Cheng without any previous warning and forced to sign a confidentiality agreement. His agent was actually really accessible and explained me all of this without any roundabouts. He said he was always expecting someone to approach him because of this incident for a long time, but no journalist ever did it. It just highlights to us that Hua Cheng can be very unpredictable, even in an important project, and thus, he is a threat."

"Don't you have mint chocolate to go with this coffee? What kind of office is this? I'd surely doubt your skills just from missing this small and essential detail" Feng Xin sat again and blew at his hot coffee.

Mu Qing rolled his eyes. "Shut up, this is important. You still haven't even heard how the talk with the actress' agent went."

Feng Xin just drank from his cup of coffee and looked at Mu Qing, but his partner said nothing. "Are you waiting for a praise to go on or a compliment for all your effort? I wouldn't expect less from a newbie attorney." He burnt his tongue, to what Mu Qing laughed as punishment, but Feng Xin continued to tease. "If I as an engineer was able to get this information, then you would be the worst lawyer ever."

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