Chapter XVII - NSFW

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I repeat, NSFW.


Whoever said two bodies can't occupy the same space clearly has never been in love. Xie Lian and Hua Cheng smashed their bodies one against the other. At first, Xie Lian reached for Hua Cheng's lips kneeling over the couch. He stuck his fingers in between San Lang's hair, pulling as close as two tongues in one mouth can get. Hua Cheng then brought him to his embrace, adjusting the actor on his lap.

Xie Lian had his legs parted open and was running his fingers through the director's black hair. He wished he could brush all that guilt that just transpired away. Their tongues were caressing each other not so gently, but so seductively.

Hua Cheng could barely believe his eyes, or better, his mouth and hands. He was retributing the intensity he felt pouring out of Xie Lian and doubling it. His hands were traveling over the actor's back, waist, hips, thighs... but all that fabric in between them was starting to be a bother.

Xie Lian was feeling the heat spreading through his entire body. Suddenly, he was yanked on the sofa. Hua Cheng was on top of him now, but leaning slightly to the side, one hand finding its way below Xie Lian. He kissed Xie Lian's jawline, then neck, clavicle, and started opening his shirt, very slowly since he was using only one hand.

Xie Lian let out a delayed surprised gasp.

"Gege, should I stop?" Hua Cheng looked at him.

Both San Lang's eyes were showing as his hair became a mess, and that only made him even more handsome.

"No, please, keep going." Xie Lian was breathless because this felt so right, so sexy.

Hua Cheng finished unbuttoning and started planting kisses over Xie Lian's exposed chest. He inhaled his Gege's perfume deeply, rubbing his nose over the exposed skin and stopped at a nipple. Playing with his tongue, one of his arms was trapped but the other one was traveling over the actor's upper body contours.

Feeling so taken care of, Xie Lian could not help but lower his head and smell Hua Cheng's hair. He planted a kiss over his head and continued caressing his long braids.

Hua Cheng kissed his way back up, taking his time and brushing Xie Lian's nipple with his fingers now. "Gege, I want to feel every bit of you but are you comfortable?"

Xie Lian decided to show instead of answering. He turned on top of Hua Cheng and smiled. It was time for San Lang to be stripped too. He opened the buttons of that red shirt and stared at Hua Cheng's naked chest. His skin was smooth, his nipples were a slightly darker color and his abdomen was very defined.

"San Lang, how can you think yourself ugly as you said before?"

Hua Cheng sat on the couch and held Xie Lian close with a strong grip. "I'm nothing compared to you."

Xie Lian was a bit surprised with the intensity of that comment, but felt flattered. Their naked chests were touching as their lips were brought together again. Only slightly touching this time, feeling each other's softness and breathing deeply.

Hua Cheng then guided the actor's legs around his own waist, steadied Xie Lian and lifted him up. He started walking around the apartment without taking his lips off Xie Lian's and headed for the bed. He gently placed the actor onto the mattress and laid beside him.

"Oh, I'm on my director's bed," Xie Lian could not help but comment.

"I'm just a lowly admirer here, Gege, no director talk." He was rubbing his nose over Xie Lian's cheek while speaking, but his hand headed for the actor's lower abdomen. "And as that, I must say your body is a wonderland."

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