Chapter LVIII

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"Dear passengers, we will shortly start landing procedures."

Xie Lian opened his eyes. He had been deep asleep inside the plane since after they served dinner. Shi Qingxuan said she would pick him up at the airport regardless of San Lang's situation, that was good. He really wished to see San Lang as soon as possible. Xie Lian was tired of being told second, third hand what was going on. He wanted to be there himself!

As opposed to the last flight with Jun Wu, this time, Xie Lian did not feel he was being watched from inside the plane, even though he was.

"Cabin crew, prepare for landing."

Xie Lian exhaled.


Hua Cheng inhaled.

The guard came to show him to his lawyer and the director moved nonchalantly, appearing very calm and poised.

Time perception is deeply affected by how much one is paying attention to it and, unfortunately, he had been forced to pay a lot of attention for the past two-something days. Pay attention to anything really, even a fly on the wall. Hua Cheng started hoping for something to happen, be it for better or for worse, just really anything to change his situation. Being stuck in the godforsaken cell felt like an eternity.

He exited into the main hall of the precinct and met Mu Qing.

"What's with the smug face?" The lawyer asked.

"I'm just feeling fine," Hua Cheng answered looking around them. The other people in the precinct stopped what they were doing to stare at the director. Hm, whatever, the director was already considering how the situation had gone out of hand in terms of public attention, and he was trying to think of a way to turn it in his favor as soon as he was out. Ideas had been fermenting in his mind and he could barely wait to give Yin Yu tons of things to do.

"Fine, hm... I wouldn't be so sure." Mu Qing put on his sunglasses.

Hua Cheng raised his brows. "Don't trust your own work?"

Mu Qing rolled his eyes and sighed. "Yeah, I do. Too much, that's the problem." The lawyer thought about the folder, but Hua Cheng did not know about that. Yet.

Before Mu Qing could agonize more about it, Hua Cheng interrupted his thoughts asking, "Did you do anything about the paper I gave you?"

Mu Qing looked annoyed. "Why couldn't you just say his name? Why the mystery involving He X..."

Hua Cheng shushed Mu Qing, "He likes to keep a low profile, gotta keep his disguise," he then looked around and Mu Qing noticed how everyone was still watching them.

Mu Qing knew what was waiting for them outside on the streets, so he did not bother asking more questions. "Let's go, just follow me and pretend you're really busy." He started walking but slightly turned his head to say, "It's not as if you weren't busy anyway, going to your own trial and all."

If that was supposed to be funny, Hua Cheng did not laugh. He started following Mu Qing right when he saw someone moving behind them at the corner of his vision. At the same time, another man moved in front of Mu Qing and at their sides too. Body guards? Really? Ok, the media is scary, but was that really necessary? Or did they think Hua Cheng was as vicious as to need escorting?

When they stepped out of the precinct, all became clear to the director. A wave of flashes, microphones and voices engulfed them. Reporters blocked their way until the car and they moved slowly, a dangerously claustrophobic sensation creeping in, even though they were in an open space.

Hua Cheng was unworried a moment ago. After all, he knew the truth and he trusted his story. However, amidst the chaos, he heard a familiar voice louder than the noises. It said, "God forgive! You needed to be stopped." The director looked around but did not find the wicked journalist who said that last time. He heard it again, "You're twisted, Hua Cheng... the world needed to know who you truly are." The voice was louder because it was playing directly inside his head.

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