Chapter LVI : TW

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Trigger warning: abusive behavior.




Hua Cheng was back in the cell, edging the limit of his impatience. He knew this whole mess was a set up for him, but the comments Heaven's Eye made about Xie Lian left the director feeling terribly uneasy. More than anything, he hated the feeling of being powerless and these people came for him seeking to make him feel just like it: resourceless, desperate, inoffensive.

However, there was something they overlooked. Hua Cheng came from a completely resourceless background. He never felt more desperate as when his parents passed away and he was left in a foreign country all on his own. Then, whilst trying to build his career, he was taken as inoffensive, incapable of thriving in the aristocratic world of the arts, and had to work on his connections and fame from scratch.

He kicked the iron bars once more since that actually felt really good earlier. Of one thing Hua Cheng was certain: if anybody laid a finger on his Gege, consequences would be fearsome. He kicked it again, and again, until a guard yelled at him to stop it.

Somewhat more energized, he threw himself on top of the bed and closed his eyes. Yet, right now, the only thing he could do was pray that Xie Lian would be safe.


Mu Qing was trying to find his way out of the precinct. They put him and Hua Cheng in a different room that day and, he would not admit it, but he was slightly lost. He was walking along a poorly lit corridor when someone pulled him into an even darker room and shut the door behind them.

"I don't have much, but you can take my money," was all Mu Qing said as he tried to regain his balance after the sudden pull.

"What are you thinking? That this is a robbery? You're in a precinct, for crying out loud."

Mu Qing felt embarrassed. Yes, he thought he was getting robbed and that made absolutely no sense, but he was caught very off guard. He could not see who was talking to him and that made him uneasy. "Who on Earth acts like a robber inside a precinct then?"

"I thought you'd know how to defend yourself a bit better considering you're a lawyer."

Mu Qing tried to see the man's face, but still without success. "What does that even mean? Do you usually go after lawyers?"

"A few, yes, when they're dishonest and protect the bad guys."

Shit, this was not a good time. Mu Qing wanted to go back to his office fast and prepare his argumentation for tomorrow as he discussed with Hua Cheng. The time wasted with an attack like this would put off his preparation. He was moving around the room trying to find something to defend himself if needed, but he could not find a single damn useful thing. He tripped and almost fell, kicking a metal bucket or something and making a loud racket.

"Shhh, Jesus, stop the commotion, someone will hear us."

Mu Qing yelled, "I want them to hear us! Help!"

"Shut up, you idiot! If I wanted to kill you, I'd have done so by now." The man finally stepped closer and Mu Qing saw his face.

He had no clue who that person was. "What do you want? Who the hell are you?"


Xie Lian could not move, and it took him a moment to understand the reason. He felt weak, he was so tired after all. Just opening his eyes was painful and required a lot of effort. Besides, his body seemed to have doubled its normal weight. There was also the fact that Jun Wu was on top of him, holding him down on the couch and kissing him by force.

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