Chapter XIX :TW

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Trigger warning: angst, intolerant parents.





It was Monday afternoon. Xie Lian had reviewed his stage dynamics with Lan Qiangqiu already, and set the final adjustments to his costumes with the stylist. "I think if you put it in a pony tail for acts 1 and 3, where you have more sober scenes, it would be fitting. And you let it loose on the naked scene, which is quite reflexive and sensible. So you just take your time letting the hair slide and fall over your shoulders. How do you feel about this?"

Xie Lian scratched his head and smiled. "It seems fine. You know, when I first met San Lang, I thought he was going to ask me to cut my hair for this play."

The stylist stared at him, amused. "I find it cute you have nicknames for yourselves." She noticed Xie Lian looked away, so she added, "No, I mean, I'm actually relieved you two got along well. It is very hard to work when there's tension between the main actors and the director. It makes life so much harder for the staff."

Xie Lian coughed twice and said, "Ah, I see. Yes, I'm happy he's quite the professional too." He said it while turning and hiding his blushing cheeks. "Hm, is this all we needed to revise for now? I'm afraid I'll need to go home a bit earlier today."

"Oh, yes! You are good to go. See ya!" With that, she left and Xie Lian exhaled. Only a few seconds after, he heard her saying from the corridor "Oh! Right!", and her head showed on the side of the door. "Actually, Director Hua asked to see you after we were done. Don't forget to check on him before you go, 'kay?"

He definitely could not avoid the warmth climbing through his neck from hearing this. After finishing packing a few of his things, which he was slowly bringing back home from the set now that rehearsals were almost over, he peered at San Lang's office.

Although he didn't see anyone, a voice ringed "Come in, Gege, and close the door."

Xie Lian and Hua Cheng stared at each other inside the office.

A main actor surely had lots to discuss with his director, especially at the week of the debut, so it was fine entering his director's office and closing the door. Right?

Also, it was okay for a director to check all the finest details concerning his main protagonist's performance, even if it included checking inside this one's mouth, correct?

"Is everything running smoothly in Gege's day?"

"Hm, yes. I was actually thinking about going home a bit earlier. I haven't been there since Saturday."

"That's fine. I'll still hang around a bit longer. See you tomorrow then."

Hua Cheng reached for the door. Xie Lian dragged his feet, slowly making his way out. Before the director opened it, they looked at each other's faces again. Xie Lian wanted them to act normal at work, but when he followed San Lang's gaze dropping to his lips, he lunched towards him.

They kissed briefly but with a full-body hug. San Lang's arms seemed to have been made to accommodate Xie Lian is his embrace.

Hua Cheng inhaled deeply when his Gege pulled his lips away from him.

"I'll be going now. See you tomorrow, San Lang."

"Take care, Gege."

The actor left and with him went the light in Hua Chen's day. As soon as Gege was gone, the director felt overwhelmed with all the finest details that needed to be finished before the premiere on Friday. He stayed in the office until late and also had to take home some files and boxes. Right at the entrance to his apartment, his cellphone fell to the ground and shattered not only the screen but its entire soul.

Xie Lian's artistic side| Colors of the Heart ~ Hualian AUWhere stories live. Discover now