Chapter IV

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Xie Lian gave up on sleeping around 4:30 am. He was in bed before midnight, but felt too excited from the previous and for the next performances, and he couldn't stop thinking about his "work meeting" the night before.

There was something about Director Hua's elegance that was really enveloping, Xie Lian noticed. They went for a quick Italian meal, after all there were still two big performances to come.

"You surely shouldn't spend this champagne on me only." Hua Cheng said, when Xie Lian ordered two glasses to the waiter.

"Nonsense, you are the one who came to celebrate with me, and you're also the one who gave it to me." Xie Lian replied at first, but then he realized he was probably being indelicate.

"Save it, we'll need other meetings to discuss things, we can have it then. Besides, you probably won't drink much since you have to perform tomorrow, so it'd be waste." Hua Cheng said, calling the waiter back and ordering two tonics instead. "So, how do you like imperial plays?" He smiled.

Xie Lian was taking his time to analyze the man in front of him. His features were so unique, rough but at the same time refined. His skin was desperately in need of a little bit of sun, but that highlighted the redness of his lips. He also noticed a widow's peak framing that forehead, which was actually quite charming. Maybe this man was dangerous, looking up closely.

"I think it's a lot of work. Don't get me wrong, I'm very passionate and I work very hard. But is very out of the ordinary, so it involves a lot of extra effort in mannerisms and even facial expressions." Xie Lian stretched his neck to one side and then the other, making snapping noises. "It pays the effort since everyone is so happy to look at the production afterwards."

"Yes, people are so easily distracted by all the wrong reasons." Hua Cheng raised his brows and almost rolled his eyes. "Well, for your next work, you'll be given much more freedom, I can assure you that."

Xie Lian was pleased. "That's great to hear! Actually, when would we start reading?"

"Hm, this time I will be working with a different approach. I'd like to go straight into rehearsing." Hua Cheng said and watched for the reaction it would cause.

"Oh, really?"

"Yes, I want to preserve the organic element that is only there the first time you read the script. So everyone will practice their lines alone and we'll go straight to the stage."

The food arrived. It was delicious, Hua Cheng was the one who suggested this dish. Just remembering it would make Xie Lian mouthwater even now. What he could not really not understand was something Hua Cheng said at the end of the night.

He insisted on driving Xie Lian home. In the car, he said, "Gege, thanks for keeping me company."

Director Hua was a fairly known personality. Why would he thank someone for keeping him company? Surely, he could have many fascinating people to hang around with if he wanted. Why was he at the play of a university actor instead? That's ok, the play was being anticipated in local newspapers for a few months while they were rehearsing, but Xie Lian could still not understand Director Hua's interest on him.

Nevermind. Xie Lian would take this opportunity to work hard and, maybe, make his dad feel proud for once in his life.

Before driving off, Hua Cheng opened the car window and said, "You know, Director Hua is too formal, why don't you call me San Lang?"

That felt oddly intimate and... perhaps even cozy? He was surprised with how soft that made him feel, even though they have known each other for such a short time.


At 9:00 am, there was a knock on the front door. It was Saturday and someone always came to deliver eggs, but it was still early for them. Xie Lian was practicing in the front room, so he quickly went to get it. His eyes narrowed when he looked at the person standing outside his door.

"What are you doing here?" Xie Lian whispered furiously.

"Hi. I... I needed to see you." Jun Wu answered with a week smile.

"Shh, my parents are sleeping. They must not hear you." Xie Lian closed the door and walked a few steps on the sidewalk. His house was small so anything could be heard easily from anywhere. "Jun Wu, we've been through this so many times. Don't come here anymore, please."

Jun Wu frowned, he looked sad. "I know, I know we did, Dianxia, but you see..." It's been a while they haven't spoken. They met each other just as Xie Lian was casted for the imperial play, so calling him "Dianxia" became a habit for Jun Wu. "When I saw you yesterday, I felt it again. I can't let go that easily. It wasn't our fault what happened, maybe if you approached him differently about it..."

Now Xie Lian was angry. "There's no approaching someone differently if he is having a heart attack, Jun Wu. And we were not working anyway, I'm not sure what I want, I'm not sure who I am. I've said this so many times..."

"But if you would give me one more chance to show you, if you would just be a little patient. We had our good moments." Jun Wu reached for a strain of Xie Lian's hair, which was hanging loose from the bun, but Xie Lian stopped his hand.

"Don't touch me. Things happened and I changed my view on us, I changed my priorities and I don't need to explain more to you. I already did! Sooo many times." Xie Lian threw the hand he was holding in the air and turned to enter the house. "I've been gentle but I won't be anymore. Find someone else." Then he stopped at the front door and said in a loud voice for his parents inside to listen. "Thanks anyway! See you, Yizhen!"

Jun Wu knew Quan Yizhen was the son of a neighbor and a friend of Xie Lian's mother, who would bring her eggs. He turned back with a fuzzy look and was holding that hand Xie Lian touched as if it was precious. He could not understand why Xie Lian had to resist him so badly, he must still be in shock after his father went to the hospital and made the wrong associations in his head.

Jun Wu would wait, that's all. He would wait until his chance would come to show Xie Lian they truly belonged together. Maybe he needed to consider involving someone else to stand up for him.

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