Chapter LI

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Suddenly, Feng Xin felt a shiver down the sides of his neck. "Mu Qing, does this has anything to do with our regrettable investigation from before?" Silence from the other side of the line, Feng Xin grew impatient. "Mu Qing?"

"Forget it. I may be wrong. I gotta go, bye!"

He hung up. Feng Xin breathed in sharply, realizing he held his breath while waiting for an answer. If Hua Cheng's arrest was by far connected to them, Lian would never forgive them. A voice interrupted his train of disaster.

"Mr. Feng Xin, did you finish the model? Can we proceed with the simulation?"

Feng Xin rushed back to the office and was forced to drop the subject for now.


In a different part of the city, and some time after, Mu Qing's hands became sweaty in front of the precinct. So many reporters and paparazzi were standing at the gateway that it was hard to approach the place. Mu Qing cussed low when trying to pass through, and ended up having to push a few people to make way.

"Stop pushing!"

"Excuse me!"

"That's rude!"

Mu Qing was almost inside when he heard another comment from a distance. "Wait. Which channel do you represent?"

He looked back but did not see where the voice came from.

Someone then shouted "Are you Hua Cheng's lawyer?"

Mu Qing did not turn again to answer that. He entered the precinct, his heart racing. This was crazy! The media was always fast, but how come there were so many people here already? Was Hua Cheng really that famous?

An annoyed policeman stared at Mu Qing from behind a small counter. If Feng Xin was there, he would certainly be amused with the resemblant looks of the two people standing there.

"Can I help?" The question was honest but the policeman's tone was rough.

"Good evening, I'm here to see director..." No, that was not right. Mu Qing may not like the guy, but there was no denying: this was a golden professional opportunity. He cleaned his throat. "I'm here to see my client, Hua Cheng."

Mu Qing followed the policeman through a corridor and waited in a room without windows. A few moments after, a man in a bright red coat and long black hair entered, his hands cuffed.

"Mu Qing."

"Hua Cheng."

"Did you talk to Xie..."

"He's not picking up."

Hua Cheng inhaled, closing his lids. "Good, I guess he's still flying then."

The two men stood in front of each other just like yesterday, although the circumstances could not have been more strikingly different. That seemed so far away now.

When meeting clients, Mu Qing used to be very upfront and chatty. He would proceed with his interrogation, elaborate an action plan according to the client's preferred outcome, and take his leave. He knew he was good and he usually won his cases with a smart and efficient argumentation. Well, at least in the few cases he got until now. He just graduated, after all. However, this situation was far from ordinary. Starting by the fact that he did not fully trust his client.

Hua Cheng sat and watched Mu Qing standing. "So, don't you know how to proceed? I called you 'cause I thought you were good."

The audacity of such a question, Mu Qing almost felt a vein popping in his own forehead. "Why don't you start by telling me the truth?"

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